Mobius and pet octopus
Not getting my friend revoked of access, for example? not a restart of my stats? there are many elements to take in consideration before wiping all the progress.
I'm honestly not sure if there are other options. You can't just take back the stuff you got since they could be in your collection book, recycled for xp, and used up in a variety of manners.
The friend code you get from purchasing the pack right? So wouldn't refunding require forfeiture of everything you got from the pack, including the friend code?
It sounds like losing access does mean that friend can buy access again and continue from where they were, although I wouldn't assume that is the case and get confirmation.
Steam doesn't even allow you to refund DLC once it's consumed btw. Like if you buy a bundle like this on steam you won't even have the option to refund once you consume it.