Having also played both games, visually I feel there's no comparison. GT5 is just better looking hands down.
As far as features, GT5 is on top too and I don't think that can really be argued (weather, course marker (rudimentary as it is), B-spec, the in-depth photo mode (photo locations), the online aspect (which to be fair isn't working very well at the moment but assuming it clears up the work is there), rally, nascar.
Having said that, GT5 isn't an easy game to love for the more casual audience. It's a pretty hardcore experience. It also has its issues like it's a pain to install (which I know is a one-time experience) and the anti-aliasing isn't the best.
Forza has the livery editor, which I think is amazing, casual friendly features like rewind.
As for the standard cars, I don't mind personally. I think they look quite decent with the PS3 shaders and lighting. But next to the premium cars it is a big contrast and I can understand how that's off-putting to some but at the same time I don't believe it should affect the score. 200 premium cars and 800 normal cars that still look good is pretty fantastic package deal if you love cars.
Do people remember that Forza is a GT clone? Forza was created on Xbox1 as a direct competition to GT because the GT series was selling so well and MS wanted a piece of the pie.
Given the scope and gameplay of GT5, I really don't see how any sane minded reviewer could give Forza 9.3+ and GT 8.5... But I think the sales will be in GT5's favor so that's would be one small victory for Sony.
Anyway. enjoy what you like! I just felt like writing down my 2 cents because I feel GT5 is being pretty unfairly reviewed in the media compared to Forza comparing quantity and quality.
Shaneus said:
The fact that we're continuing this debate after GT5 has been released says a lot.
I think that more has to do with the console "war" more than anything...