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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

Slayer-33 said:
And by the looks of it being great too.

Demo tonight.

If the GT 5 delay is for the better then so be it.
demo tonight?

epic win.

as for GT5, I wonder if it'll be in development long enough to run head-long into the first wave of DX11-based racing sims on PC. I imagine they'd make the long GT5 development cycle look...unwise.


So GT5 hits Japan in March...any indication of a world-wide release? Or can we assume that US release is at the beginning of Summer?


some sexy yumyums (apologies if links don't work):



My new fav livery editor pic: AUDI LIGHTNING VAGINA GO



Slayer-33 said:
haven't seen the xanavi nissan one but the other two are pretty old baby jebus :p

one month to go baby J.

Why was I not informed of the Audi Lightning Vagina Livery?(tm) then?


Red Blaster said:
You've failed, Kazunori Yamauchi. Che is my hero now.


I'll be playing the crap out of Forza 3 like I was going to any way, but with an extra level of appreciation for Team 10, and slight resentment towards Polyphony. It's like they want to hand the sim crown over to Team 10. Sure...as is...GT is the much bigger and more popular franchise, but will it always be that way? I'm not so sure.

Grats Team 10 on making two full next gen games in the time it took Polyphony to make one.

Rad Agast

Lion Heart said:
Forza is the best looking racing game this year bar none. Can't wait.

I think NFS Shift deserves a mention in this thread right now. People who are PS3 only should support the car racing devs and pick it up this year. (I still can't find a copy at my local game store, I might have to order it online this weekend).
nib95 said:

I'll be playing the crap out of Forza 3 like I was going to any way, but with an extra level of appreciation for Team 10, and slight resentment towards Polyphony. It's like they want to hand the sim crown over to Team 10. Sure...as is...GT is the much bigger and more popular franchise, but will it always be that way? I'm not so sure.

Grats Team 10 on making two full next gen games in the time it took Polyphony to make one.

Turn 10, say it with me now, Turn 10.
Turn 10


I call dibs on the successor to this topic...

"Official Forza 4 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of Holy Shit we're still waiting on Kaz?"


RJNavarrete said:
blurry mirror pics*

People were shitting on GT5:p's mirrors? :lol :lol :lol

It could be that because its in photomode the blur toggle is blurring stuff in the background, I dunno.
RJNavarrete said:
People were shitting on GT5:p's mirrors? :lol :lol :lol

See, now you can say that but it can all be diffused by saying "Well, true, but, um, I'm playing this game in three hours."

Sure, FM3 is lagging behind what we've seen of GT5 in many easily discernible ways, but there will have been two Forza releases before even the year of GT5's release starts.

I think it's now a hugely valid factor in these comparisons. Yes, visually from what we've seen GT5 completely completely eclipses FM3's visuals. But from a feature set perspective, Forza has now iterated through two versions, a huge evolution of the multiplayer and the customizability aspects of the game, none of which we've seen much of in what's to come for GT5.

So yes, in screenshot wars, GT5 will come out on top, but the thread title is Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5, not Media of Forza 3 vs Media of Gran Turismo 5. By the time the sun rises today, everyone who wants to have played Forza 3 will be able to. GT5 may be impressive in its media, multitudes of degrees more impressive, but we're not just comparing media when we compare games, of course.


BenjaminBirdie said:
See, now you can say that but it can all be diffused by saying "Well, true, but, um, I'm playing this game in three hours."

Sure, FM3 is lagging behind what we've seen of GT5 in many easily discernible ways, but there will have been two Forza releases before even the year of GT5's release starts.

I think it's now a hugely valid factor in these comparisons. Yes, visually from what we've seen GT5 completely completely eclipses FM3's visuals. But from a feature set perspective, Forza has now iterated through two versions, a huge evolution of the multiplayer and the customizability aspects of the game, none of which we've seen much of in what's to come for GT5.

So yes, in screenshot wars, GT5 will come out on top, but the thread title is Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5, not Media of Forza 3 vs Media of Gran Turismo 5. By the time the sun rises today, everyone who wants to have played Forza 3 will be able to. GT5 may be impressive in its media, multitudes of degrees more impressive, but we're not just comparing media when we compare games, of course.
Im not seeing this huge evolution your talking about. Racing, the most important part of this game hasn't evolved much at all from forza 2.


jett said:
Seems like Forza 3 wins.

Kazunori Yamauchi is incapable of caring about anything other than how pretty the cars look. Fucking piece of shit campaign mode in GT5 is the exact same fucking thing as it was in GT1, 2, 3 and 4, where's the goddamn evolution. I grew tired of randomly clicking around some crap world map five years ago in GT4.

well, this is some turnaround.

is this all for gt5 from tgs ? i honestly expected some heavy blow, like weather or night racing, or customization or a proper career mode.
And 20 locations doesn't sound like a lot - i remember gt4 having a shitton of different tracks, but maybe it's just because back then we had lower standards,can't be bothered to check the numbers right now.

Seems like Kaz is only interested in endlessly refining the same GT over and over.

Even being more of a forza supporter since fm2 (but long time GT lover) this is disappointing.

oh, wait, i was being too polite, i forgot i was posting in this thread:

well, new great vid and pics, demo hitting in a few hours and gt5 coming out in 2010 with no major new feature announced (and NOT looking 'orders of magnitude' better by any means; currently *replays* are the only thing where fm3 may be lagging behind. Replays).
Looks like Fm3's brightest day yet : )
evolution said:
Im not seeing this huge evolution your talking about. Racing, the most important part of this game hasn't evolved much at all from forza 2.

How is having completely open and available tuner setups and Halo-style multiplayer not part of the racing experience? The new storefront adds a new layer of transparency and focus to who makes the best tuner setups so someone like myself who doesn't know the first thing about tuning can pick one up and enhance their racing experience.

And it's not like Forza's racing physics were suffering in any way that I personally ever noticed, but of course I'm a fairly mid-skill-level racing game player.

All of that contributes to "racing".


BenjaminBirdie said:
How is having completely open and available tuner setups and Halo-style multiplayer not part of the racing experience? The new storefront adds a new layer of transparency and focus to who makes the best tuner setups so someone like myself who doesn't know the first thing about tuning can pick one up and enhance their racing experience.

And it's not like Forza's racing physics were suffering in any way that I personally ever noticed, but of course I'm a fairly mid-skill-level racing game player.

All of that contributes to "racing".

don't forget the dynamic career mode, all the improvements to the physics. Heck, clutch and fanatec wheel support alone are making a huge difference for those willing to buy one.
Fm3 really seems to have stepped up from 2 in every possible way.


BenjaminBirdie said:
How is having completely open and available tuner setups and Halo-style multiplayer not part of the racing experience? The new storefront adds a new layer of transparency and focus to who makes the best tuner setups so someone like myself who doesn't know the first thing about tuning can pick one up and enhance their racing experience.

And it's not like Forza's racing physics were suffering in any way that I personally ever noticed, but of course I'm a fairly mid-skill-level racing game player.

All of that contributes to "racing".
It doesn't matter how easy it is to use different setups. You could always share set-ups just not through the game. How has turn10 enhanced the racing experience? They added cockpit mode thats pretty much all they've shown. What does pitting look like now, adding in night racing, weather? Why am i still racing alongside 7 other cars when i can race 15 online in prologue. Its not just about what GT has and doesn't have. Even PGR4 evolved from it seque more than forza has
evolution said:
It doesn't matter how easy it is to use different setups. You could always share set-ups just not through the game. How has turn10 enhanced the racing experience? They added cockpit mode thats pretty much all they've shown. What does pitting look like now, adding in night racing, weather? Why am i still racing alongside 7 other cars when i can race 15 online in prologue. Its not just about what GT has and doesn't have. Even PGR4 evolved from it seque more than forza has

Why are you denying all those other aspects of the racing experience in the game? Ease of access to tuning setups and quality tuners directly impacts my racing experience, as does multiplayer, which I will do more of since there's a Halo-type hopper set up, adding to more variety and more opportunity to race at my skill level, the career mode is improved, which directly impacts how I will experience different cars and challenges.

All of this contributes to the racing experience. Those are huge evolutions in that experience.
evolution said:
It doesn't matter how easy it is to use different setups. You could always share set-ups just not through the game. How has turn10 enhanced the racing experience? They added cockpit mode thats pretty much all they've shown. What does pitting look like now, adding in night racing, weather? Why am i still racing alongside 7 other cars when i can race 15 online in prologue. Its not just about what GT has and doesn't have. Even PGR4 evolved from it seque more than forza has

Tire flex and chassis flex are huge additions for driving.


evolution said:
It doesn't matter how easy it is to use different setups. You could always share set-ups just not through the game. How has turn10 enhanced the racing experience? They added cockpit mode thats pretty much all they've shown. What does pitting look like now, adding in night racing, weather? Why am i still racing alongside 7 other cars when i can race 15 online in prologue. Its not just about what GT has and doesn't have. Even PGR4 evolved from it seque more than forza has

Tire flex. Chassis flex. Rollovers.
Am I totally off when I say that if Polyphony simply released a version of GT where all the PS3 polygons and effects were used to render one single car, on a grey, empty road and the physics were set down to a Ridge Racer equivalent most of the people buying it would be really happy. So they simple could boast that the PS3 has the most advanced car rendering ability in the world and is "tha best!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"

I simply feel that there are a hell of a lot more randoms in the GT thread on Neogaf that simply don't know nothing about cars and racing and just want a tech-spec game to boast about. (There are of course die hard car enthusiasts there too, but you get my drift). I know a few people who really love racing games, myself included, and we play all the main racing games, no matter what platform they are on.

I guess this thread will serve the purpose for those who simply use the game as an argument in a console war, but the real racing fans should know better, and randoms that don't know better can GTFO and play arcade racers :)
Thanks, dudes. I admit I know jack shit about racing physics and all that sort of stuff, but I still stand behind the idea that that's not the only thing that contributes to a game's fundamental racing experience.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Thanks, dudes. I admit I know jack shit about racing physics and all that sort of stuff, but I still stand behind the idea that that's not the only thing that contributes to a game's fundamental racing experience.
True, but for these people, that's about all they can argue about.

Well, that and which game has the best bullshot mode.

Anyway, why are people calling GT5s TGS announcement a delay? If I remember correctly the person who called the title as a 2009 one (In the aftermath of E3) was Wollan, not SCE themselves!

Well, at least it means one thing, it means i can dedicate proper gaming time to both games I suppose, yey.


I've never played a Forza game. Can someone tell me how does the single-player campaign work, compared to GT?
jett said:
I've never played a Forza game. Can someone tell me how does the single-player campaign work, compared to GT?

They overhauled it in Forza3. Look up some videos for it. It seems to be well done but reviews will tell the story.

Forza 2 career was boring.


jett said:
I've never played a Forza game. Can someone tell me how does the single-player campaign work, compared to GT?
Forza 1 and 2 are GT-style, Forza 3 uses a new calendar-based system though.

Some blurb on the official site:
Play Your Way with All-New Game Modes
"Forza Motorsport 3" is an epic racing game featuring more content and more ways to play than any racing title today. An innovative single-player season mode puts you through a completely personalized racing calendar that includes more than 200 different events, including Circuit, Oval, Drag, Drift and Timed Events. No two calendars are the same; they react to the cars you love and the races you enjoy most. In addition, the online multiplayer mode* gains an all-new game rules editor. This gives players a never-ending variety of ways to play with friends. Whether you're a speedster, dragster, drifter, painter, tuner or just a lover of cars, "Forza Motorsport 3" is the definitive racing game for you.

Also, look at the videos on the 8/23 update in here, they show the beginning of the career mode.


Not having GT out this holiday sucks for Sony but the way I look at it, it just gives me more time to cuddle up with forza 3 this winter.
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