So watching the Forza collision physics, I'm thinking... why are people so fussed over one teams implementation versus the other?
They're both very incomplete, and even though they're both moving in the right direction, they're no Burnout Paradise.
The irony is that Burnout Paradise doesn't do physics; it does canned animations. The crashes are precomputed, and the same damage played out if the damage input is similar enough. Yet it still has the best looking crashes around, because it gets 90% of what we expect from a crash (i.e. massive crushing, glass shattering, wheels tearing off, et al).
No matter how accurate the spinning and flipping of a chassis is, if those elements aren't there, it's all going to look very fake/incomplete to us.
So I dunno where the Forza guys get off stroking their cocks over this kinda issue like its a be all and end all.
My take: Good that they're pushing it in this direction... but they (both Turn10 and PD) need to sort out with the licensing guys how to get 'full blown'* damage in there... even if it means adding a mode with only some of the cars (i.e. with the manufacuters that allow full blown damage) available.
*apperance wise... the hardware probably isn't there to do everything these games do and compute accurate full blown physics based destruction.