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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

jett said:

Lol. That proves nothing. You've been trolling Forza/forza fans in this entire thread, but never said anything about GT fans. How surprising. Stop telling lessons about hypocrisy when you're an hypocrite yourself.


Interfectum said:
The car in front is the lowest poly car I've ever seen in a next gen racer

Can anyone beat that?

I think you know quite well there is nothing particularly low-poly about that car. there is certainly an aliasing issue (more prominent than prologue), but there are no sharp corners around the bonnet, wheelwells, or the lights.

by the same logic, are you saying that the two cars in the background in this shot are "low poly?"


Because it is a simple fact that they are not.

I still think there is something up with captures like these. for example, if you look at the indicators in the cockpit view, they are perfectly legible in game, yet in these captures you can't read them at all.


m0dus said:
I think you know quite well there is nothing particularly low-poly about that car. there is certainly an aliasing issue (more prominent than prologue), but there are no sharp corners around the bonnet, wheelwells, or the lights.

by the same logic, are you saying that the two cars in the background in this shot are "low poly?"


Because it is a simple fact that they are not.

I still think there is something up with captures like these. for example, if you look at the indicators in the cockpit view, they are perfectly legible in game, yet in these captures you can't read them at all.
Oh god, as if the whole LOD discussion was going bad enough... :lol


being that these two both release closer to each other more so than GT5...

I think these two should be compared to each other, more so than Forza 3 and GT5...

Forza 3 vs SuperCar Challenge


anyone played both?


commedieu said:
Sorry trying to finish something up at work:

What I meant was that Turn10/Che was posting the photomode shots as if they were representative of what we are seeing now. Which they clearly aren't. Thats why I said its no wonder they didn't post any. And sure, gaf may have known. But the turn10 forums/the rest of the world were in a rush to compare the Creativity trailer to GT5p. So maybe you missed that phenomenon.

Its a shallow excuse to not show the game even in a work in progress form. Shift did it, Gran turismo did it(remember the low resolution rear view mirror images), Race Pro did it, SuperCar GT did it. Sure it would have been crucified, but Turn10 brought it upon themselves with the boasting about the game. Pretty much no one would have said peep about F3 before then, because gamers & more importantly GT fans have lived through Forza as a series. Its a good game. Nothing can be taken away from it. There was a ton of chest beating, a ton of people creaming over how amazing the photomode looked, but when the questions of direct feed anything came up.. turn10 hid.

It wasn't ingame. It was pre-rendered. Meaning not real gameplay.

They did a bunch of direct feed gameplay videos showing races. We saw these before the demo. As far as the trailer, I'm assuming you mean the community at play drifting thing, right? That was released along with stuff showing replay footage and very close to that time we had off-screen gameplay footage from a number of sources. None of it was being hidden at all.


DuckRacer said:
The thing is, I made my car roll over in the demo with sim damage on (rollover caused by a 110 mph impact on the first major curve by the edge of the cliff), and I was able to go and overtake some opponents that passed by because of my crash. I've tried this with multiple cars too and get similar results every time, so I doubt it was a one-time glitch. I really like the rest of the game (and currently have it pre-ordered at Amazon), but this left a bad taste in my mouth.

I rolled my car in Forza 3 and the most I could do was roll backwards at 1mph. The car was just broken.

Did you check the damage to see what was broken on your car?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)

i sure hope gt5's backgrounds are a huge improvement over this. blech


commedieu said:
What I meant was that Turn10/Che was posting the photomode shots as if they were representative of what we are seeing now. Which they clearly aren't. Thats why I said its no wonder they didn't post any. And sure, gaf may have known. But the turn10 forums/the rest of the world were in a rush to compare the Creativity trailer to GT5p. So maybe you missed that phenomenon.

It wasn't ingame. It was pre-rendered. Meaning not real gameplay.
As far as I can remember the only people who ever talked about the Creativity trailer as if it actually represented FM3 were the GT fanboys. That trailer was so embarrassingly bad and so clearly pre-rendered I don't think any of the Forza fanboys had anything positive to say about it compared to the actual gameplay/replay trailer that released around the same time.


commedieu said:
Sorry trying to finish something up at work:

What I meant was that Turn10/Che was posting the photomode shots as if they were representative of what we are seeing now. Which they clearly aren't. Thats why I said its no wonder they didn't post any. And sure, gaf may have known. But the turn10 forums/the rest of the world were in a rush to compare the Creativity trailer to GT5p. So maybe you missed that phenomenon.

Its a shallow excuse to not show the game even in a work in progress form. Shift did it, Gran turismo did it(remember the low resolution rear view mirror images), Race Pro did it, SuperCar GT did it. Sure it would have been crucified, but Turn10 brought it upon themselves with the boasting about the game. Pretty much no one would have said peep about F3 before then, because gamers & more importantly GT fans have lived through Forza as a series. Its a good game. Nothing can be taken away from it. There was a ton of chest beating, a ton of people creaming over how amazing the photomode looked, but when the questions of direct feed anything came up.. turn10 hid.

It wasn't ingame. It was pre-rendered. Meaning not real gameplay.

Post of the thread.

Basically Turn 10 got caught out after claiming Forza 3 trumped GT5 in every department when they couldn't even trump 2007's GT5P in the graphics department.


Interfectum said:
Post of the thread.

Basically Turn 10 got caught out after claiming Forza 3 trumped GT5 in every department when they couldn't even trump 2007's GT5P in the graphics department.

You're not even trying any more. Pathetic.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Afrikan said:
Forza 3 vs SuperCar Challenge

anyone played both?

Beta multiplayer demo on PSN. Supercar has pretty rain effects (but no where near PGR4's), but it's single-type-car racing, which means it's subpar to the sims. It also doesn't "feel" like Forza/GT. It feels subpar to them (can't say for PC sims).

I'd say it isn't even in the same league, but it is a good driving game.
bishoptl said:
I'm renewing my Live Gold tomorrow so I can download the FM3 demo.


Dude, it's not even the same model in game than in the menu. You shouldn't. It's not like there's a game underneath.


Banstick Emeritus
Nobody will answer this for me - can I import my old FM2 liveries over to FM3?

I've got the sweetest Faith No More "King For a Day" skin that frankly, I don't want to give up.

If this isn't the thread for serious discussion, I'll move on


bishoptl said:
Nobody will answer this for me - can I import my old FM2 liveries over to FM3?

Unfortunately, no. :( Can't remember where I saw that, though.

And god damn, both of these games are gorgeous! :D


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
bishoptl said:
Nobody will answer this for me - can I import my old FM2 liveries over to FM3?

Turn 10 hasn't said, but if it's like FM1->2, probably not. Livery/save system will probably be changed up. (FM3 lets you have more "layers" on it now compared to 2, IIRC?)

I'm sure if you prod che to pop his head into this thread, he'd probably be able to answer you.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
bishoptl said:
Nobody will answer this for me - can I import my old FM2 liveries over to FM3?

I've got the sweetest Faith No More "King For a Day" skin that frankly, I don't want to give up.

If this isn't the thread for serious discussion, I'll move on

Sorry Bish, you can't import FM2 liveries to FM3. It was a feature we looked at early on in development but had to leave behind for various reasons.
+Aliken+ said:
Hold that thought.
Now I tired GT5 at the gamescom and I hate that wheel (or maybe it isn't the wheel)...
I just remember driving and taking my hands of the wheel, well the thing just went mad and I was going in a straight line.

Now I don't drive supercars on a daily basis however I doubt that this would happen in real life.

at HIGH SPEEDS DO NOT EVER LET GO OF THE STEERING WHEEL... EVER! road surfaces arent usually perfectly flat also tiny objects on said roads can = disater so yeah in real life its not a good idea


chespace said:
Sorry Bish, you can't import FM2 liveries to FM3. It was a feature we looked at early on in development but had to leave behind for various reasons.

Why is this the only comment you can respond to? Especially after your efforts the last couple weeks?
bishoptl said:
I'm renewing my Live Gold tomorrow so I can download the FM3 demo.


i just made another account on my 360 and dloaded it and then switched back to my real one and played it:lol

yes that indeed does work


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Haunted said:
Good times for racing fans.
Yes, I quoted them all.

thank you for the repost. gtp = best car lighting. forza 3 = best environments. i'll enjoy both for their respective strengths.
oh, and their gameplay as well



Anyone want my GT3 lugnuts?
no you can't have them you bastards :lol

Slayer-33 was such a GT fanboy back in the day.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
SarBear said:
Why is this the only comment you can respond to? Especially after your efforts the last couple weeks?

Because I have the magic. ;)

Probably because he knows he'd set the thread on fire for bagging GT5 as a Turn 10 developer. "ZOMG POLYPHONY CAN'T DEFEND THEMSELVES AND BAG TURN 10! GT FAN SQUAD ASSEMBLE! MROWWWWW"

op_ivy said:
thank you for the repost. gtp = best car lighting. forza 3 = best environments. i'll enjoy both for their respective strengths.

Now imaging if both were combined by their powers:

Gran Motorsport on the Playbox 3.
Forza Turismo on the X-station 360.

Mmm... yessssss...


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
TheSeks said:
Now imaging if both were combined by their powers:

Gran Motorsport on the Playbox 3.
Forza Turismo on the X-station 360.

Mmm... yessssss...

gaf would still fight about which is better with screenshots poorly photoshoped to highlight game ruining flaws that would never otherwise be noted unless it was to detract from the other sides game. "game developer x lied, clearly the lug nuts are only 5 sided when they should be 6! that model ford uses hex lug nuts. HEX!"


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
SarBear said:
Why is this the only comment you can respond to? Especially after your efforts the last couple weeks?

Because I'm at TGS and busy as fuck?

Also, I like Bish.


BeeDog said:
The Eiger track in GT5:p, how different is it from the GT:HD version (mostly graphically speaking)?

I remember it being mostly the same, maybe someone that still has it downloaded can correct me. :p Stuff I remember being different is the blinding light at the end of the tunnel being toned down and different textures on the wall there.


chespace said:
Because I'm at TGS and busy as fuck?

Also, I like Bish.
Just wanted to say that I loved the demo and you guys should be damn proud of your selves of what you accomplished in two years :)


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
See said:
Just wanted to say that I loved the demo and you guys should be damn proud of your selves of what you accomplished in two years :)

Thanks. I can't wait to see what our community creates via tuning files, photos, liveries, replays, layer groups on the storefront.
chespace said:
Thanks. I can't wait to see what our community creates via tuning files, photos, liveries, replays, layer groups on the storefront.

Great demo. You guys got the driving down well. Amazing work on the AI, btw. The tire flex modeling really shows up when you're pushing a car too hard and look how much speed you're scrubbing by going in too deep. All other games let you get away with that with minimal speed penalties, which is just plain wrong.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
chespace said:
Thanks. I can't wait to see what our community creates via tuning files, photos, liveries, replays, layer groups on the storefront.

Just two wishes: From here on out (namely, if you guys are ramping up for Forza 4 already), I really wish the auction house/garage would carry over to the sequels. Have the car livery transfer be a one-time thing, and maybe make it locked (or let the user improve the car with more "layers" at their disposal). I dunno about the auction house... maybe let users bid on the cars, but they transfer like the livery as a one-time thing. This would let people like Bish (and I) keep our livery cars in the sequels (I have a kickass Eclipse with the Ikaruga logo/art on it that I would like to keep from 2, but can't. WOE.)


Also good job not going with my "magic" ego inflate. Kick me while I'm down, why don't you? :(

op_ivy said:
gaf would still fight about which is better with screenshots poorly photoshoped to highlight game ruining flaws that would never otherwise be noted unless it was to detract from the other sides game. "game developer x lied, clearly the lug nuts are only 5 sided when they should be 6! that model ford uses hex lug nuts. HEX!"

I think that would be GAF Gearheads, not the people (like me) that just want to drive cars.

Edit: OH GOD WORST TYPO EVER. How the hell can I hit "A" instead of "U" *smacks self*


Having played the demo I think it's safe to say that the photomode pictures we have seen in these forums look nothing like what I am seeing on my TV screen.
I know the photomode has a few extra bells and whistles but I think I have had the wool pulled over my eyes.
The dashboard view looks terrible,the lighting is awful and I actually think forza 2 looks better.
After the total dissappoinment of ODST I am so glad that I have returned to PC gaming and will now be using my 360,games and accessories sale to get myself a NVIDEA GTX300.
Goodbye cruel xbox live world with your "party chat has ruined the xboxlive community banter and your MSpoints moonbucks that make me buy more than I really need when I want to purchase something."


chespace said:
Because I'm at TGS and busy as fuck?

Also, I like Bish.

Let me reposition my question since you don't get it.

You were boasting so much about your product, about the capabilities, but since the demo has hit you have been completely silent on the subject. Only choosing to post on matters other than valid points and questions regarding the finer points of the demo.

Surely if you had five minutes now you could have addressed just a few points.

But, I'll digress, if you don't feel like using a few minutes to discuss some of the matters, issues, and observations pointed out since you're more than entitled to your choice.

Just a far cry from the obsessive-compulsive posting I was used to seeing pre-demo.
Barso said:
Having played the demo I think it's safe to say that the photomode pictures we have seen in these forums look nothing like what I am seeing on my TV screen.
I know the photomode has a few extra bells and whistles but I think I have had the wool pulled over my eyes.
The dashboard view looks terrible,the lighting is awful and I actually think forza 2 looks better.




Also better than gt5, why even bother with this thread when the king has been here for so long ?


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
SarBear said:
Let me reposition my question since you don't get it.

You were boasting so much about your product, about the capabilities, but since the demo has hit you have been completely silent on the subject. Only choosing to post on matters other than valid points and questions regarding the finer points of the demo.

Surely if you had five minutes now you could have addressed just a few points.

But, I'll digress, if you don't feel like using a few minutes to discuss some of the matters, issues, and observations pointed out since you're more than entitled to your choice.

Just a far cry from the obsessive-compulsive posting I was used to seeing pre-demo.

I guess you don't get it either. My schedule this week has not allowed me to be 'obsessive-compulsive' with my posting habits. I have some time this morning to look in on some of the chatter and I saw Bish's question so I answered it.

I have not looked through this entire thread, and judging by responses like yours, I probably won't want to either. Seems like flamebaiting is the norm here so I should probably just refrain. :lol

Also, if people think the game looks bad, okay. And...?


aka andydumi
chubigans said:
hah googles

I think you wanted to post this:


And CrushDance, that was epic. Another junior on my ignore list, this thread helps weed them out. This is pretty much what happened with that post.
chespace said:
I guess you don't get it either. My schedule this week has not allowed me to be 'obsessive-compulsive' with my posting habits. I have some time this morning to look in on some of the chatter and I saw Bish's question so I answered it.

I have not looked through this entire thread, and judging by responses like yours, I probably won't want to either. Seems like flamebaiting is the norm here so I should probably just refrain. :lol

Also, if people think the game looks bad, okay. And...?
Why did you say that the only thing different about photomode was the AA/extra effects?
Unless the demo has some sort of weird LOD glitch, during gameplay/replay the cars appear to look a lot less detailed than the vast majority of the shots you were posting in the FM3 thread.


To be honest I found GT5 rubbish.
So much missing and the only thing Kazunori is interested in is jetsetting around the world racing his own REAL cars and getting free trips at sony's expense.
Why do you think he rides the GT bandwagon for so long!
People are expecting GT5 to be leaps ahead of prologue but all I could see in prologue was slowdown,screen tear and an arsehole trying to be to ambitious with a console that he thought would be more powerful than what he got just like hideo kojima.


chespace said:
I guess you don't get it either. My schedule this week has not allowed me to be 'obsessive-compulsive' with my posting habits. I have some time this morning to look in on some of the chatter and I saw Bish's question so I answered it.

I have not looked through this entire thread, and judging by responses like yours, I probably won't want to either. Seems like flamebaiting is the norm here so I should probably just refrain. :lol

Also, if people think the game looks bad, okay. And...?

I don't believe I'm "flamebaiting" you at all. My point is NOT to point out what the game looks like, my point....well, you're supposed to be a professional so you should be able to derive to what my point is within my posting.

Again, as the flagbearer for Turn10, I would only assume you would be able to direct your postings in the best efforts towards your product. People just have a lot of questions, and bullshitting here with me seems to be your focus. Quite a task in your busy moments.

I'm going to watch Kingpin, I'll holla at you.
Barso said:
To be honest I found GT5 rubbish.
So much missing and the only thing Kazunori is interested in is jetsetting around the world racing his own REAL cars and getting free trips at sony's expense.
Why do you think he rides the GT bandwagon for so long!
People are expecting GT5 to be leaps ahead of prologue but all I could see in prologue was slowdown,screen tear and an arsehole trying to be to ambitious with a console that he thought would be more powerful than what he got just like hideo kojima.
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