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Forza 3 vs Gran Turismo 5 Comparison Thread of John, Chapter 11, Verse 35

akachan ningen said:
You're gonna have to show me that comment because I don't see it anywhere on this page.

As for your question, that's kinda the point of this thread. If you don't want to read people's perceived faults with the game that is the topic of the thread, then why even click on it in the first place? How does it impact you? Why do you even care?

Try the last page.

The point of the thread is to compare two games, it impacts me because i'm buying one shortly and will be playing a lot of the other. I'm interesting in peoples impressions of the driving models and comparative features, not people who really don't care deliberately trying to stir up a ruckus.


AKS said:
I played the Forza 3 demo yesterday. This isn't even a debate worth having. GT5 Prologue looks considerably better, let alone whatever GT5 will look like by the time that is completed in March 2010. Forza 3 will have the advantage in the area of online and customizability and that's about it. I was disappointed with Forza 3's visuals. They look very cartoony after spending so much time playing GT5 Prologue. Forza 3 will probably end up being a great racing title, but please stop with the graphics comparisons. There's no battle to be won for Forza 3 here unless it's for 2nd place with another game.

For the love of god please refrain from the "My opinion is fact, just stop debating"-rhetoric, it only makes you look like an idiot.

Anyway, again, as a long time Gran Turismo fan (Hundreds of hours in each title) I have to highly disagree with your opinions. Both games have their strong points, but for me the high-detail look of Forza 3 is what makes the visuals overall more complete and interesting (But of course that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the look of GT, I f.ex. love the lighting-work PD does, always have). But the high detail plus the asymmetric texture and geometry work of Forza 3 is something that makes me "prefer" it over what I've seen from GT5. I do however agree that some of the fantasy tracks of Forza 3 has a more "soft" look on them. But that shouldn't be an issue in the real-world tracks (Just like in Forza 2).


cakefoo said:
Realtime replay (offscreen):

so good.

The city courses in GT5 look excellent. Can't wait to see more. Hopefully Seattle will be back. That was a fantastic track.
TheHeretic said:
Try the last page.

The point of the thread is to compare two games, it impacts me because i'm buying one shortly and will be playing a lot of the other. I'm interesting in peoples impressions of the driving models and comparative features, not people who really don't care deliberately trying to stir up a ruckus.

Whenever someone posts negative impressions in thread like this, honest though they may be, they're going to cause a ruckus no matter what. And I don't know how you expect to get a comparison of features and driving models when GT5 isn't out yet and doesn't even have a demo available. Everyone's talking about graphics because that's just about all we can talk about at this point.
bj00rn_ said:
But the high detail plus the asymmetric texture and geometry work of Forza 3 is something that makes me "prefer" it over what I've seen from GT5. I do however agree that some of the fantasy tracks of Forza 3 has a more "soft" look on them. But that shouldn't be an issue in the real-world tracks (Just like in Forza 2).
Wtf does this even mean?:lol :lol :lol
Keep on stretchin...


akachan ningen said:
What makes that video even more baffling is that I've seen a FM3 video where a car flips side over side three times. So it's obviously not preventing that, it's just preventing a car from staying on its roof, which is retarded.

Forza doesn't prevent a car from staying on its roof. If you don't use the triggers to flip it over, it will definitely stay on the roof. The car in that video was being controlled by the user to try and flip it back over.
schennmu said:
Took these during a replay yesterday. Is this a joke from the devs?????


Ahh yes the world famous cardboard cutout fan section.


Excellent idea for a thread, here's my beef(s)

I have GT4, Forza 1 and 2 and had GT5 Prologue.
GT and Forza are both awesome games

I actively dislike the shitty engine droning in GT and the same damn tire squeel sample since GT3, it's such a small thing but it makes me feel like I'm playing the same damn game each time I play a new one, it's very repetitive and annoying.

That being said, GT4 had absoloutely lovely menu music and I loved the layout of the menu too, the mess was nice with the whole map thing, I felt like I was going from event to event, not just selecting a menu option, I also found the music very un-intrusive and relaxing - you can play GT4 all weekend long and just chill while working on the car and doing stuff, Forza has angst rocker punk rubbish in the menus (although F3 menu is sounding a bit better in the demo)

Forza 1 and 2 specifically have some fantastic physics in the tire squeel noise, engine roar and controller rumble, you really do feel like you have a wheel in your hand and a pedal at your feet, I can totally feel when I'm slipping out because it's just conveyed so well through those things, GT is lacking this feeling a bit.

Back to GT though, I actually DO like the long, dragged out session of owning my first car and loving it, upgrading it and bonding with it, it's like my first real life car, there's something to be said about it that weird attachment.
Forza throws cars at you like I'm some kind of cheap whore, it's good for the gamers who want to try everything but basically it means my first 5 cars I don't bond with and ignore later on, my MX5 in GT4 totally became a tough little beastie that I respected.

Overall both games are great and I'm buying both, if I was to throw a slightly nasty one in to the mix, to be honest I think the GT fans are a bit overly optomistic, GT hasn't delivered much lately, their last full game came out before the FIRST Forza game for goodness sakes.
Furthermore GT fans seem to wildly believe every claim that PD make and I find Forza is very often dismissed by GT fans who have never, ever even played Forza or simply refuse to think it's good (I know 2 of these people, anecdotal but true)
It's as if Forza is 'incapable' of being a good game in their eyes, yet from where I sit, frankly the physics feel better in Forza to me, it's just the charm of GT which keeps me coming back.

Before anyone throws some kind of chip at me for the record, I loved my Xbox 1 more than my PS2 and I love my PS3 far far more than the Xbox 360 I reluctantly purchased for Forza 3 and ME2. I'm not a 'fanboy' of either game, I tire of Forza being dismissed as inferior but I'm most certainly purchasing both games without question.
god help PD if they still include that SAME OLD tire squeel sound though, it's like a magical brown note for my brain and makes me tired (not joking or exaggerating, it actually really makes me tired) I really hope they damn well change it.
In conclusion I give my post an 81.275 or 1 star.
EDIT: I don't intend for this post to start some kind of war, despite this ..well being a debate thread, just like to hear if anyone has some similar thoughts, thanks guys and girls.

One other quick edit: I do have to give the GT series specific credit for the lighting and colours, while Forza may be more detailed in the backgrounds I find, the colour of GT is kind of slightly plain but in an awesome way - it looks closer to what real life does, not over saturated, the lighting and shading of the cars, the colour of the sky, grass and gravel in GT is really really nice though, very realistic looking.

K' Dash

Valru said:
this pic says it all about SHIFT for me i felt like i was playing underground 1 after this :lol

SHIFT is no where near the level of gameplay or graphics that GT5 or Forza3 achieve.
both systems have a great sim racer out within the next 6 months so fucking enjoy them:D

/exit thread

max everything 4xaa 1680x1050

Man, the game is pure bullshit, even the control options aren't properly tagged, if you put the car to oversteer all the way, it will UNDERSTEER, wtf is that? how do you fuck up that much??? I'll admit the game is fun at first but later in tier 3 with the most powerfull cars it's unplayable at best.

How in Gods name did it get 9's and 8's all over the place? fucking review sites fuck'em all, even Edge gave and 8, the game doesn't even deserve a 5 sonly for being shipped with broken controls.
Cat in the Hat said:
Ahh yes the world famous cardboard cutout fan section.

Why don't they leave this crap out? It does not exactly make the game prettier :lol

K' Dash said:
Man, the game is pure bullshit, even the control options aren't properly tagged, if you put the car to oversteer all the way, it will UNDERSTEER, wtf is that? how do you fuck up that much??? I'll admit the game is fun at first but later in tier 3 with the most powerfull cars it's unplayable at best.

How in Gods name did it get 9's and 8's all over the place? fucking review sites fuck'em all, even Edge gave and 8, the game doesn't even deserve a 5 sonly for being shipped with broken controls.

Shift is in desperate need of a patch to fix the bugs and the physics.

Cockpit and damage (also engine sound from time to time) wipe the floor with GT and Forza though. The game is very good, it's just unfinished (Fuck you EA)


ShapeGSX said:
Forza doesn't prevent a car from staying on its roof. If you don't use the triggers to flip it over, it will definitely stay on the roof. The car in that video was being controlled by the user to try and flip it back over.
Hasn't this been posted at least a few times by now? :lol


K' Dash said:
Man, the game is pure bullshit, even the control options aren't properly tagged, if you put the car to oversteer all the way, it will UNDERSTEER, wtf is that? how do you fuck up that much??? I'll admit the game is fun at first but later in tier 3 with the most powerfull cars it's unplayable at best.

How in Gods name did it get 9's and 8's all over the place? fucking review sites fuck'em all, even Edge gave and 8, the game doesn't even deserve a 5 sonly for being shipped with broken controls.
I was playing the demo on pc. I think I was driving a Dodge Viper, but I could barely drive the thing. I was thinking, "how could this game get such great reviews?... wait do I suck at this game?!" Thanks for putting my mind at ease :lol

Doc Evils

McLovin said:
I was playing the demo on pc. I think I was driving a Dodge Viper, but I could barely drive the thing. I was thinking, "how could this game get such great reviews?... wait do I suck at this game?!" Thanks for putting my mind at ease :lol

Some of the cars definitely have messed up physics.


I'm having a blast with Shift on the 360. No problems with handling, no complaints about the AI. Just fast, furious racing that reveals both GT and Forza to be very sedate driving games by comparison.

I've played the Forza 3 demo and GT5 Prologue back to back these past few days, in between long stints with Shift. And I can say with confidence that Shift will hold me over just fine until GT5 releases... whenever.

I love the godly car models and lighting in GT5P. I think some of the tracks (London) look incredible. The driving itself is pretty tame and samey though - the same as I've played in all of the GT titles to date. Hopefully this next title will show some evolution. I'm expecting a monster game.

But Forza's fallen off my list completely. I played F2 quite extensively, and spent many an hour creating lovely liveries for my cars. But in the end, the game became a grind.

Still, with the promise of being the "definitive" racer, with all-new graphics and features, I pre-ordered F3 with hopes that it would be THE racer for me in 2009/10.

That all went out the window with the demo, which I found disappointing graphically (hello, cartoony cars that look only moderately better than Forza 2) and after the adrenaline-pumping action of Shift, pretty much bored me from a driving perspective.

The fact that I cannot import my F2 liveries into F3 seems a major oversight, and I don't buy there are technical reasons why it couldn't be done. So, scratch one from the list--I'm jamming with Shift for now and will check out GT5 when and if it ever comes.
Well fuck me, I didnt realize I could get another free month of XBL Gold by registering another account on Xbox Live. (How many times can you do this?:lol :lol )

Demo is being downloaded, in the meantime, FM2 will be played so I can a better appreciation of the graphics/handling improvements in FM3.
You know, for fans of a genre which has such a focus on making things realistic and putting so much effort in EVERY aspect of the game. It seems like all you sad folk care about are graphics graphics graphics.

Either bickering about and defending graphics, or going on an ego-trip and rejoicing because one game might have better graphics. Aside from like two people, none of you really give a shit about the games.

*goes to play Outrun*
FM3 demo thoughts:
+AI (on Hard anyway) is very aggressive rather than predictable and yielding
+Engine sounds are meaty and visceral, no annoying squealing sound when braking
+Cockpit view is surprisingly good.
+ Environments are good
+It's fucking fun to race. Races feel fast, loose, and unpredictable. Anything could happen in a split second. FM3 feels alot more "edge of your seat" than GT5:p in that regard.

+Menus are nice and clean, much better looking than they were in FM2.
+Pre race view of the track is cool, let's you appreciate the detail you wouldnt notice at 100 mph.
+In game IQ is much better than direct feeds suggest. Aliasing was not a problem for me.

-Music is worse than FM2s, especially when racing.
-Lighting in the cockpit appears to be flat and uninteresting, at least on this particular course
-In-game car models are a step up from FM2, but not close to what we were told to expect
-More confusingly, the pre-race intro cinematic uses a high LOD car, but the replays dont? WTF?
-Environment lighting failed to impress.


xenorevlis said:
Has this been posted yet?


I almost assumed someone here made it but a Ctrl+F scan of the last few pages didn't yield any results... so yeah, looks interesting fellas. Continue the endless seesaw :p

Oh yeah, almost forgot, direct link to 720p mp4:


Got to say the tire squeeling is just awful in GT5. I just don't understand why PD insist on keeping it. Also there're quite bit of pop ups in Forza. Entire mountain popped in and at one point (around 6:50) you can see 2 layers of pop-ins.
No, but the menu music was kick ass with some really sick track selections.
FM3s music, (especially the music they use when racing) seems pretty forgettable, custom soundtracks for me.


chubigans said:
Is it me or is the crowd bigger than it should be? Or maybe the Porsche is really really really small. o_O
Eh, they look slightly larger compared to the car, but they seem to be standing almost level with the bottom of the fence line, so it makes them look so much taller.


y'all should be ashamed
KillerAJD said:
Eh, they look slightly larger compared to the car, but they seem to be standing almost level with the bottom of the fence line, so it makes them look so much taller.
Ah, that's what it is.


theignoramus said:
No, but the menu music was kick ass with some really sick track selections.
FM3s music, (especially the music they use when racing) seems pretty forgettable, custom soundtracks for me.

I hated FM2's music. I turned it off. I doubt that we have heard all of FM3's music in the demo.


Junior Member
PetriP-TNT said:
So, what's with Forza3's rear-view mirrors (as mentioned in the GT5 thread)?

It was just a typical potshot at the game that's not founded on reality.

The rear and side view mirrors in Forza reflect what you actually see on track. The ones in GT render a totally different world that has a lower poly count and basic texturing with basic lighting. The cars shown are done in the same manner as well.

The one in Forza has a long draw distance as well. It also shows the fancy multitexturing on the track. ie. tire marks reflecting sunlight.


It updates at 60fps as well...note how far down the track you can see.

As you can see in GT it's not really the track you are racing on...just a low poly representation of it with worse lighting and texturing. You also can't see any kicked up dust or smoke from your car in it.


So "what's up" with it is exactly "what's up" with Forza this whole thread...I would not trust the great majority of knocks against Forza in this thread.


cgcg said:
Got to say the tire squeeling is just awful in GT5. I just don't understand why PD insist on keeping it. Also there're quite bit of pop ups in Forza. Entire mountain popped in and at one point (around 6:50) you can see 2 layers of pop-ins.

Happens if you have demo on a disc. Doesn't happen when it's in the hard drive.
Iknos said:
It was just a typical potshot at the game that's not founded on reality.

The rear and side view mirrors in Forza reflect what you actually see on track. The ones in GT render a totally different world that has a lower poly count and basic texturing with basic lighting. The cars shown are done in the same manner as well.

The one in Forza has a long draw distance as well. It also shows the fancy multitexturing on the track. ie. tire marks reflecting sunlight.

***snip img***

It updates at 60fps as well...note how far down the track you can see.

As you can see in GT it's not really the track you are racing on...just a low poly representation of it with worse lighting and texturing. You also can't see any kicked up dust or smoke from your car in it.

***snip img***

So "what's up" with it is exactly "what's up" with Forza this whole thread...I would not trust the great majority of knocks against Forza in this thread.

Link to the post please?
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