Off toipc but here goes..
I swear, I think Codies stalks this thread because they've basically gone out and said pretty much what we've been wanting from FM:
Regarding Grid 2-
Helios, are you stealing our thoughts?
That's amazing! Hopefully the driving model is a bit better (IMO) because I just didn't gel with the first one, it seemed a tad arcadey.
They had a great car selection, though, so fingers crossed.
It's still one thing [total race day immersion/and racing circuit and experience as a character] that FM4 missed the mark on. I have only noticed until recently, however, that the stands 'clear' when you are hotlapping or test driving, compared to the filled stands on race day...
I have yet to figure out if there are noticeable differences in the presentation or not.
Also, those with iPhones, I found a great little app for colour sampling called COLORWISE.
It helped a lot with matching colours and I managed to fix up the shades of pink on my still on-going WIP Magnus porsche. Worth checking out IMO.
Aussie Store:
US Store:
Also, who's looking forward to watching the Boomers vs "The Dream Team" tonight?