What is the point of the disc if the day one update is the same size as what the bluray can hold? does this game even play without the update or is it missing key content?
Why is my download saying 95.6gb then on Xbox?
Maple Valley with all the trees in 2D is not looking very hot to say the least.
Usually I am not a "trees not looking good" guy but there are so many in this track and it is a little distracting.
No rain on Monza and Mugello?I was hoping for a weather on all tracks. I though that was the reason we not getting many new tracks this time cause they worked on a weather for the rest, really disappointed by this.
Two questions:
At what time will the early access go live?
Has anybody received their Forza 7 Ultimate key from cdkeys?
Im getting a little excited if you cant tell.
Anyone know when the FM7 OT will be going up?
When its just right....
We've some image tweaks to complete, I'm actually doing the bbcode at work because it's more interesting what I'm paid to do.
But its basically done
Awesome work as always Frontier. My ultimate edition unlocks in 4 hrs, can't wait to start playing!
Yeah we were almost ready for the Aussie launch this time, till the image issue reared its head, but it gives me some more time to build out the text and that's what's really important right?
Not Zorbies awesome images...
But Damn they are good this time...
Wow, that was a horrifying crash. Glad to see that guy able to walk away from it.
I never knew that truck racing was a thing, so thanks for the links. It makes me feel like there's probably at least one person out there that's stoked for the truck racing in the game and that makes me a little happy (as silly as that sounds). I initially thought it was just like some "fun" thing they put in the game.
Review embargo is up now?
Jesus fucking christ, don't pause your download on the Windows Store whatever you do. I downloaded 50GB overnight then paused it and turned off my PC when I went to work this morning, came home and restarted it and it reset to fucking 0GB...can't wait to not play this game at launch.
I guess that's karma coming back at me after saying I had no problems downloading Forza Horizon 3 and I hadn't had any issues with the Windows Store...cunts.
So Im downloading now and the game is 67Gb, is there the massive day one patch on top of this or when the game is done will it download the patch?
Xbox one BTW
So Im downloading now and the game is 67Gb, is there the massive day one patch on top of this or when the game is done will it download the patch?
Xbox one BTW
You already got the game G ROM?
The day one patch seems to only be for disc versions of the game and not the digital ones.
I had 67gb on my preload copy.
Id have to check other cars but I think they might finally be busting out the Forzavista model in photo mode, I dont think would have had that level of detail in FM6 on-track photo mode.
Thrustmaster TX