Thanks for the tip, I'll keep my eyes peeled.The head to heads can earn quite a bit especially the yellow icon drivers that sometimes pop up. If you can beat them you can earn around 50k.
Thanks for the tip, I'll keep my eyes peeled.The head to heads can earn quite a bit especially the yellow icon drivers that sometimes pop up. If you can beat them you can earn around 50k.
Is there anyway to enter D,C,B races online? people just vote A and S1 all the time whenever i join..
Is there anyway to enter D,C,B races online? people just vote A and S1 all the time whenever i join..
Do online free roams and you can set up an event in whatever race or class you want.Is there anyway to enter D,C,B races online? people just vote A and S1 all the time whenever i join..
Damn I've only played 10 minutes and so far force feedback has been great, it's a world away from F5 and approaches the strength I'm used to on PC.
There's none of the disconnected lightness on RWD cars either, they feel solid, snappy and satisfying.
Yeah RWD is much better in Horizon 2. I really struggled with RWD in Forza 5, I just couldn't hold onto the car through corners.
I don't think anyone expected that. For me, it's because it looks ugly compared with Forza Horizon 1 and other late last-gen open world racers like NFS: Most Wanted. I know gameplay is more important than graphics but I just found it depressing to play the game when it looks so bad. It simply isn't up to standards for the Xbox 360.Just received my X360 version (yay to preorders in Brazil!), and DAMN, this game is awesome! *¬*
I really don't understand all the bashing it received. What do people expected from the Xbox 360 version? To be exactly like the Bone version? Gimme a break...
I've read about it here several times, but am I the only one who never witnessed the AI cheating going through any checkpoint? I just finished the 1st tournment, and started the second, played from start to the end with AI setted to Professional, and always kept an eye to AI cars because of what I've read here sometimes and never ever they did cheated the checkpoints, neither on those off-road races. I hope it never happens though!
HUGE PROBLEM: I was driving against one of my rivals and after I beat the time and the game should have given me credits it crashed with that buzz sound. After I loaded up the game again everything was fine except for one thing: I lost ALL my 67 cars except for the BMW that I chose at the beginning of the game. I had a lot of fun with this game, but this... I think I won't be able to go back and purchase every single car and upgrade them again....
Edit1: I've lost all my perks, too....
Edit2: Championship races are no longer on the map. This makes my save file unplayable....It's sad, but I'm done with this game :/
The Riverbed Cross-Country Race at Saint-Martin is the best example of AI not following checkpoints.
At a point, the route follows the road a bit and some of the AI just follow the road instead of go through the checkpoint!
Look at the racers on the right...don't look like they would be going through the checkpoint, does it?
HUGE PROBLEM: I was driving against one of my rivals and after I beat the time and the game should have given me credits it crashed with that buzz sound. After I loaded up the game again everything was fine except for one thing: I lost ALL my 67 cars except for the BMW that I chose at the beginning of the game. I had a lot of fun with this game, but this... I think I won't be able to go back and purchase every single car and upgrade them again....
Edit1: I've lost all my perks, too....
Edit2: Championship races are no longer on the map. This makes my save file unplayable....It's sad, but I'm done with this game :/
Yeah, I wasnt saying people were lying since I heard it from several different players. Just never witnessed that, and I hope it never happens on my playthrugh!
But yeah, on that picture theyre clearly going away from the checkpoints!
HUGE PROBLEM: I was driving against one of my rivals and after I beat the time and the game should have given me credits it crashed with that buzz sound. After I loaded up the game again everything was fine except for one thing: I lost ALL my 67 cars except for the BMW that I chose at the beginning of the game. I had a lot of fun with this game, but this... I think I won't be able to go back and purchase every single car and upgrade them again....
Edit1: I've lost all my perks, too....
Edit2: Championship races are no longer on the map. This makes my save file unplayable....It's sad, but I'm done with this game :/
Does the AI not get punished for missing the checkpoints?
X_X My one does the buzz crash sometimes. But nothing is lost thank god.
I don't think anyone expected that. For me, it's because it looks ugly compared with Forza Horizon 1 and other late last-gen open world racers like NFS: Most Wanted. I know gameplay is more important than graphics but I just found it depressing to play the game when it looks so bad. It simply isn't up to standards for the Xbox 360.
Are you using paddles now? I find field driving with the shifter a lot easier than auto or paddles.Although it was said driving supercars across fields was dumb (which it is a little) I definatley didn't find it easy without assists. Really wanna try it with the shifter now for extra frustration.
Just splurged and abought myself the Lambo Huracan. Sweet mother of jesus, its so awesome. Feels like I'm driving the batmobile across majestic fields of wheat and flowers. Feels good man.
There's only one Lambo worth driving in Horizon and that's the Urus.
Are you using paddles now? I find field driving with the shifter a lot easier than auto or paddles.
There's only one Lambo worth driving in Horizon and that's the Urus.
There's only one Lambo worth driving in Horizon and that's the Urus.
I got a B race once, but I've never seen C or D show up in the voting and I've put in at least 10 hours into online road trips so far. Unfortunate, because some of my favorite highlights have been from A and B level. Often much more competitive, even with a crash, due to lower acceleration / speed.
Tempted to buy an F40 as I've almost 2m credits from Forza Rewards.
Before I do is the game going to gift me one at some point? I'll pick up something else if so.
*Achievement pop*
10 points?!?!?! Aww...
hehThere's only one Lambo worth driving in Horizon and that's the Urus.
car gifts are random with the spin-the-wheel-of-fortune thingy.Tempted to buy an F40 as I've almost 2m credits from Forza Rewards.
Before I do is the game going to gift me one at some point? I'll pick up something else if so.
If it gifts you one you can choose to get half of its value in CR instead. But this reminds me: I think the F50 is the best designed supercar ever. It could easily be a car from today but it's 20 years old. The F40 looks much older because it's more edgy.
p3tran said:car gifts are random with the spin-the-wheel-of-fortune thingy.
the good thing is that I havent received as gift a car that I already had in my garage. at least not yet.
so go ahead and buy dat old fiery lady
Although it was said driving supercars across fields was dumb (which it is a little) I definatley didn't find it easy without assists. Really wanna try it with the shifter now for extra frustration.
Past level 200 and I'm still loving everything about this game. It's fun just picking a car and a direction and off you go. My only two gripes with the game are as follows:
1. AI during off road races is bullshit. I've seen them miss checkpoints without penalty and I find it unfair that they always know where to go and seemingly aren't affected by the terrain. Maybe this is patchable, I don't know.
2. Starting grid. Why 8th place? 12 cars and you put me in 8th, every time. This has bothered me with the Forza series for awhile now. If the events really are part of a series and I won the first race, shouldn't I be in the front of the pack at the second race? I feel so ripped off after winning a tough race only to be dumped back in 8th.
The off road races wouldn't be so bad if I could start at a better position. There could be some strategy with the order of races I choose to do. Circuit race first to get a better position for the off road/street races.
Sorry for the long post.
TLDR: Offroad race AI can be shit. Starting grid needs to be revamped in newer Forzas.
I would say those are pretty minor things compared to all the fun I've had with this game. I don't think I'll be playing anything else, besides some Project Spark, until Sunset Overdrive comes out. Even then I see myself coming back to this game often.
Dead on man. The first one NEEDS to be patched as it is the first time I have ever been incredibly frustrated at a Forza game. The Cross Country races are so full of obvious bullshit AI that I am not sure how nobody noticed.
The only cars that give me a headache off-road are muscle cars.
I don't think it looks bad at all. It is just as impressive from a technical standpoint as the first game. But the problem is that now we have more open areas, so the details must go everywhere, not just on the roadside. And the design of the map doesn't help either, because on the first game we didn't have many high lands where you could see up to the horizon without obstructions. On the first game we had that canyon high area, but there was a desert below it. On the mountains we usually had the vistas blocked by other mountains, tunnels, trees or guardrails. The map was designed within the X360 limitations in mind, which doesn't seems the case with the second game. So now we have more visible pop-ups and bland areas, but I think it's a matter of design, not that Sumo did a worse job here...
I'm really happy with this game, and glad it did came out on the X360.
I've ended up just driving around exploring than I really expected, now that I've finished most of the single-player. The "orb search" itch is strong.
Having finished it now (and I play on higher difficulties), this isn't something I ran into to the degree you're describing. Maintaining your grip with a clear line between checkpoints is the most important part of offroading, because any times your wheels are spinning (or you're sliding sideways), you're just throwing away engine power.
The problem is not MY car, its the unnatural grip that the AI has. I have seen them come in at extreme angles and then suddenly grip and fly straight forward like a rocket. Something that should not be possible, especially in an S class RWD Modern Muscle Car. And it is not all the cars, there are just some that you can watch and see how unnatural they move. I am surprised more people haven't seen it, but maybe its some weird drivatar glitch? Because it is SUPER obvious that the game is cheating. And I usually play on Pro? (The one above Highly Skilled).
I'm fucked then, can barely get an AWD Focus in a decent position. With no aids or driving lines I find myself totally off line. Even putting my foot down off-road I'm spinning. Maybe it's a shit setup.
Nope. Its been known for a while. Big problem on the cross country races if you play on higher difficulties.
Can you grab some videos?
The F50 and Enzo never sat right with me, they looked busy and overly designed until seeing them in the flesh. Both were stunning.
Thats your problem.
I have a heavy foot and tend to slam down the accelerator, and that gets you nothing but trouble in the cross country events. I have to constantly talk to myself (easy on the gas, easy on the gas.....).
I haven't yet had the chance to see an F50 in person, but spent some time around an Enzo, (in Nero/black no less), several years back, and while I've seen more than my fair share of supercars, the Enzo trumps them all in terms of presence and intimidation. Part of that is its sheer size, but the design has held up a lot better after more than a decade (!) than I thought it would.
I was a bit bummed that the Enzo Bucket List wasn't more along the lines of TTR's WRC hooliganism, but that needn't stop some talented soul from going out and recreating it in the game...