Should be a good turn out today. I'm in Halo now, but will switch over soon.
Have your maple syrup ready!
Should be a good turn out today. I'm in Halo now, but will switch over soon.
Thanks to everyone who came out today! Had an absolute blast racing around with everyone. hopefully we can get a couple more folks in for next week.
Oh come on, that's it? What happened? How'd it go? Who did the Canadian Mafia fuck this time? Is SarBear still alive?
Canadian Mafia came packing gallons of maple syrup! No one was safe. I came in last almost every race.We ended up doing 4 road trips in 2 hours. I sent negative feedback to pretty much everyone in the room, so like I said it was a huge success. Probably won't be that long next week.
How long till Playground games becomes an official Microsoft studio?
Well I was trying wait for a Black Friday deal, but I'm tired of playing the demo over and over. So I've gone all out and purchased the game from the XBL store. Please add me!
GT: Reluctant Hero
How long till Playground games becomes an official Microsoft studio?
No, they're a completely independent studioAren't they already¿
Short notice I know, but I've got family obligations on Sunday. I'll be online later than 2pm, probably closer to 4. If you guys still want to race then I'm up for it.
New to the XB1 and Forza in general. Definitely going to pick this up.
Would I be missing anything if I skipped Forza 5? I know they're two completely different styles. Seems like the big open world would be way more fun than racing on a limited selection of circuits.
OK got back early. I'll set up the lobby now and start sending out invites.
Edit: Thanks for coming out fellas. Had a blast racing around with everyone. Team races are so much fun. I really like P3trans suggestion of doing a split game next weekend. Start in Forza 5 and finish in Horizon 2. What are your thoughts on that?
Finally got the game, do you guys have a club or a regular crowd I could play online during my nights¿
I'm new to the franchise and genre :> This is my first... car title I've ever got!
I usually don't buy racing games because I either get bored of them or bad at them, but this game is soo much fun. If it was going to be your first car title you made the right choice.
I'm currently trying to switch over from Auto to Manual steering and it's doing my head in haha
Sorry I missed the races on Sunday my addiction to CK2 did me in probably played 16 hours since Saturday by the time race time rolled around and then I had a migraine and I wanted to shoot myself.
Welcometasty primatesnew people!
Just remember that you don't always have to push the stick all the way left or right; it seems to catch most of the new people I have try the game at my house.
Tried searching gaf but its not showing any.
Am I supposed to gear down before entering a sharp corner or during it?
I've never used the right analog stick for shifting. Have you tried X (downshift), A (clutch), and B (upshift)?
I think that you should be done downshifting prior to entering the turn.
Something else that might help is to focus on doing one thing at a time. Downshift and then break, for instance. Don't try to do everything once.
I've never used the right analog stick for shifting. Have you tried X (downshift), A (clutch), and B (upshift)?
We definitely have one. Blame Canadians, Greeks, and especially Greek-Canadians.
As a general rule, always slow down (brake) before the corner, then turn in and accelerate out of the corner. Shift gears in support of this. If you are in the wrong gear you won't accelerate as well as you should (the revs will be low and it won't feel quick, try downshifting).
Downshift under braking (unless it's really subtle braking). If you need to downshift and don't, the engine will stall. If you downshift too far, the engine will over-rev and you will hear it. If you need to upshift, the engine will bounce off the rev limiter and you'll hear it.
I think worrying about when to shift is more important than adding a superfluous button (the clutch).But yes, putting clutch on A is the correct thing to do, along with heel-toeing when downshifting.
We definitely have one. Blame Canadians, Greeks, and especially Greek-Canadians.
I think worrying about when to shift is more important than adding a superfluous button (the clutch).
Use the of the clutch is seamless in that setup.
I agree (I've used it since Forza 3), but it's still something else to learn; the boost in performance is marginal compared to timing.
I feel like if you're going to climb that hill (from automatic to manual), then you might as well go all the way.
I'm not an expert clutch user, but that's what I did, and I don't regret it.
I don't regret it.
I will try to use that setup if both of you are using it
How active is the Forza Horizon 2 community on GAF and just the playerbase in general?