its just mostly ugly stickers
so there's not even one with costumes or weapon? ( ost aside)
its just mostly ugly stickers
so there's not even one with costumes or weapon? ( ost aside)
I hope they will give us gauntlets and handguns in one of the future (free) updates.
Id say with an expansion with new enemy types that are more made for melee combat. Otherwise wouldnt really be able to enjoy beating things to death with your fists as much currently lol.
All I remember most of the time is when the two ever tried to melee something they mostly wound up with me having to save their asses due to them getting roflstomped.
Though yeah it is weird the handgun type was not included in the game as its not like it needed any sort of special animations like the fist weapons do.
I dont recall any game that has actually added a whole new weapon type just from a patch alone in the genre. PSO2 doesnt really count as thats more of an MMO anyways. Same goes for MHF.
I feel for melee the best they can do at this point is to add a guard point to every melee attack/combo/action. This guard point will provide one-time protection against interruption from any incoming attacks. So the players will still take damages as they normally would. Just that they can keep on attacking as long as they don't get hit more than twice during each melee attack/combo/action.
Well, both gauntlets and handguns already have animation in place... I guess Sony really is saving them for the G version... sigh. I still hope they will come with a patch though. I'll be happy even if they came as DLC as long as the price is reasonable.
Seeing how they left the story most def would expect a "G" version to come out.
Seriously think it was a huge waste that they did not have any actual defensive type of moves which make sense. That wall is pretty much worthless for the most part lol. Am sure folks will find an interesting use for it in PVP, but asides from that in the sense of being a "solo" (stuck with AI) player the wall is fairly useless.
Am sure a lot of people would love it in a patch, but we all know it will most likely be an expansion lol gotta chase dem dollas.
I hope they'll diversify defensive abilities in the next version. There's no use for the wall apart from blocking paths of the abductors in pve. It would be nice to have like a...ballistic shield or something.
Is Freedom Wars compatibile with the PSTV/Vita TV or does ot have important touch controls?
Seeing how they left the story most def would expect a "G" version to come out.
Seriously think it was a huge waste that they did not have any actual defensive type of moves which make sense. That wall is pretty much worthless for the most part lol. Am sure folks will find an interesting use for it in PVP, but asides from that in the sense of being a "solo" (stuck with AI) player the wall is fairly useless.
Am sure a lot of people would love it in a patch, but we all know it will most likely be an expansion lol gotta chase dem dollas.
Oohhhh boy. Might have to get a PSTV when it releases in NA and get Freedom Wars digitally.
Did a bad thing recently and traded in my Vita.![]()
Lol, I totally forgot about the story. Yeah, G version it is... arg
Def ibara is terrible. I like the idea of temporary shield, way better than the wall. I originally thought the wall is a one-way shield, which my bullets can go through, but not the enemy's. Turns out it was just a road block.
good lord they are selling civilian DLC packs for 108 yen each...
What purpose do they have?
the civilians are used to speed up progress in the factories or give extra bonuses. for the most part the ones that you will use the most are the ones that speed up progress or increase the output.
I see.
I didnt use mine for pretty much 75% of my playthrough with the game truthfully lol so just goes to show how non-important they really are.
if you are in a rush sure, but if not you really dont need to mess with them that much.
Ok, that is good.
By asking you in the Lost dimension thread I remembered that I don't know this regarding FW ether. Are the different type of abductors weak against different weapons or are weapons just speed vs damage and a question of visual preferences (pick the animation that you like the most)?
Encountered a bug twice in a row in プ303号作戦:目標排除編集する.
Was supposed to fight against two of the オルタトゥルム but when it spawned, it didn't move an inch. All other enemies moved normally, including the spider. It was pretty high up in the sky so we had to scale the walls to reach it. Its HP didn't move at all when we attacked it, but we could destroy its parts. I was about to give up since we couldn't finish the mission without eliminating them, but it just suddenly died. Apparently we just couldn't see the HP bar being updated.
We tried 特300号作戦:目標排除 after that but didn't encounter the bug.
Yeah thats what it looked like originally with it being shown off. That and for the amount of time used to deploy it, not exactly the best use of ones time in a mission. Unless there is something you literally need a wall now for, but usually if a situation has gotten that bad the wall isnt going to help much really...
Not to mention considering how abductors can steal your accessory via teleportation... i wonder if the large update changed that, since seriously HATED that design D:
Why does it not work? It works fine for me from Asia on wifi, though I have a pretty fast fibre connection. Check your connection to the host. I can play 3 bar rooms without much lag and people seemed fine with me hosting too.I am a free man! Yay! Zero years! Double yay!
Downloaded the patch. Tried to play online. Nope, does not work for me. T_T
オルタトゥルム slaughter the AI bots. And I can't take them out alone. Those damn chain-snakes, attacking from all directions. Whoever invented that enemy must hate players -_-
Is there a non-tenbatsu (since those are not available right now) mission that drops 廃ケーブル(超精度)?
Why does it not work? It works fine for me from Asia on wifi, though I have a pretty fast fibre connection. Check your connection to the host. I can play 3 bar rooms without much lag and people seemed fine with me hosting too.
For the オルタトゥルム, you must take out the chains. If possible, take them down ASAP before you break off another part. Eventually it releases a few together so always keep their numbers in check.
As for 廃ケーブル:超精度, you can only get it from tenbatsu 100 and 101. Sucks but that's how it is.
I've also platinum trophied this game. Yay!
Yeah there is Fire, Ice, Lightning and Will-O.
Fire = burning damage over time.
Ice = defense down.
Lightning = stun effect.
Will-O = Explosion effect damage.
Some of the normal abductors are different colors which gives away what element they are. Red, Blue, Purple. Though the other ones that you cant tell what element they are are a bit of a different story.
Truthfully it doesnt seem to matter as much as other games.
Played that mission today, no bug at all. The two オルタトゥルム pwned everyone loll. However, I did have some connection issues though. Like weird errors telling me I cannot connect to PSN, even though the PS store worked fine.
I see no point of the wall at all. I killed myself once because I accidentally used the wall. It trapped me briefly and I got hit by a big attack loll. Too bad the wall is a wall...
Abductors still steal our wives/husbando through teleportation. Nothing is changed with the patch.
It's annoying that the AI sucks in this game. A lot of solo issues are really non-issue when you play with people. Even ill-equipped / under-leveled players are way better than the max lv AIs, no joke.
To be honest I feel you are missing out by not going online. There are way more freedom when playing with people. You can pretty much play any style you want.
i generally dont gave time to play with others these days and im a soloist for the most part anyways. id imagine that as you stated human players are better since they dont act off of a bunch of flags and triggers like ai does. even then since they broke apart the ai into too nany pieces its why their actions feel a bit haphazard.
thing is too this game isnt as skill based as others since once you reach a certain point with your firearms its just latch onto the weakpoint and rip it open. thats another reason why personally am not as interested in playing as there is really no higher level to try to achieve for yourself.
currently the next game in the genre that am interested in would be toukiden kiwami as the rifle is actually pretty interesting.
I see. It is hard to play online when there isn't much time. I feel if the AI could revive with ibara then things should be a lot better for solo play. And other issues with the AI wouldn't matter as much.
Yeah, the game is not as skill based as most of the stuff is pretty straight forward. Melee could use more/harder combos and range weapons need more interesting properties. However, I feel at same time a part of the issue is with Barbara which overshadows all other weapons as it can do so many things. Without Barbara you can't just latch on and deliver lolwftbbq damage. If they can fix it, other weapons will have better purpose again. And everyone would have to work harder for their wins lol.
I am kinda intersted in Toukiden Kiwami... didn't play the original and haven't tried the new demo yet. Will get around to the demo once I clean out my memory stick.
I'd like to have better dodging and recovery. The character is painfully slow at getting up and, since Abductors often beat at your corpse, the moment you get up you often go down again. I rarely fail missions, since Acc is pretty good with recovery. But sometimes I feel like I spend half the mission lying down.
As for bots I'd like them to stop trying to walk right through me and through Abductors. They think they have ghost mode on.
After they fix the game, they can maybe do something about Barbara. Because right now playing alone without it... how would you even do special missions? I don't have an Uber Barbara and it takes ages to clear them.
the new demo is pretty good and out of the three weapons found the rifle to be the most interesting
I see. It is hard to play online when there isn't much time. I feel if the AI could revive with ibara then things should be a lot better for solo play. And other issues with the AI wouldn't matter as much.
Yeah, the game is not as skill based as most of the stuff is pretty straight forward. Melee could use more/harder combos and range weapons need more interesting properties. However, I feel at same time a part of the issue is with Barbara which overshadows all other weapons as it can do so many things. Without Barbara you can't just latch on and deliver lolwftbbq damage. If they can fix it, other weapons will have better purpose again. And everyone would have to work harder for their wins lol.
I am kinda intersted in Toukiden Kiwami... didn't play the original and haven't tried the new demo yet. Will get around to the demo once I clean out my memory stick.
Without my good old trusty barbara I can't do anything. They definitely need to fix the weapons.
What kind of weapon is the barbara?
Without my good old trusty barbara I can't do anything. They definitely need to fix the weapons.
That's why Sony needs to fix the AI. If the AI can deal with the ballistic shields and revive dead comrades with ibara from a distance then soloing wouldn't be too much of a problem without Barbara IMO. I say this because online is filled with people with pea shooters and butter knives (aka shitty weapons). Yet playing Tenbatsu missions with them is still easier than with the AIs because they revive and deal with the shields a lot better. Not to mention they always save waifus loll.
Dodging is serviceable, but dodging with booster needs to be better IMO. Getting up totally needs to be faster though.
I got to play online a little today (found a working wi-fi spot in local Big Camera). The game is so easy with other people. They use whips, yes! And they focus fire. Also you get 15 lives for some reason. You are more or less immortal. Met quite a lot of experienced players. We breezed through every mission. Although on some missions with few ammo boxes ammo becomes somewhat a problem.
I haven't tried using the boosters for that. Without boosters the dodge button is a joke. In most situations simply running away from the abductor is a much better choice than dodging. I played some Soul Sacrifice for comparison and the difference is so huge.
For ammo, remember that you can use your accessory to hold an extra item. You will have to set the command to make them use it though. I think it works with ammo too.
No ammo? Well that sucks. I bring both the small and large ammo packs with me though.Yeah playing with people is really easy. If you are in room with good players you can clear any Tenbatsu missions in under ten minutes.
Accessories cannot carry any ammo. I wish they could though.
By the way, the defensive ibara's wall actually has an one-way ballistic shield around it now. Did that come with patch 1.10? I could have sworn it wasn't there before.
No ammo? Well that sucks. I bring both the small and large ammo packs with me though.
I don't recall seeing anything regarding the shield in the patch notes. I haven't tried either.
Watching people play taught me that you don't need to long press to cast shield or heal on others. That was awesome to learn. I must have looked silly running after everyone trying to cast shield around me.
Any idea if you can get 合成グラファイト超純度 anywhere outside of 103? Because the current Tenbatsu event does not have 103 in Hokkaido.
This is all that stands between me and the platinum...
Any idea if you can get 合成グラファイト超純度 anywhere outside of 103? Because the current Tenbatsu event does not have 103 in Hokkaido.
This is all that stands between me and the platinum...
I definitely didn't know about the web breaking. It's weird that the ibara changes are not mentioned in the patch notes. Perhaps they are in the new tutorials on ibara usage?I didn't see any patch note regarding the ballistic shield around the wall neither. That's why I was asking because there was no shield before the patch.
Yeah, you can heal or cast shield/armour with the whips which is pretty neat. Though I think casting shield by hitting your teammate with the whip is new because I couldn't do it before the patch either. That, or I just didn't notice it.
Talking about whip... I don't think many people knew the healing ibara was the only thing that could break a spiderweb-strangled ally with its lv1 charge before patch 1.10. Now it's more convenient with the addition of melee attacks.
I definitely didn't know about the web breaking. It's weird that the ibara changes are not mentioned in the patch notes. Perhaps they are in the new tutorials on ibara usage?
Damn, I wonder what were they thinking. Making a critical material available only on one mission. And not even letting us play it...