Fuck it. Pulled the trigger and bought it. I have several thousand hours across all the Monster Hunters, liked Soul Sacrifice, loved Toukiden, so why the fuck not?
Got to play for a bit and make my character, went as close as I could to my avatar of Makoto from Persona 3, with what I can currently use for customization:
Aigis is my Accessory for obvious reasons (robot girl?)
Here's my rap sheet:
Game is fun!
welp if i can find some fitting glasses im naming my MC Chie Satonaka
fighting to keep meat from going extinct
Seems like it, which sucks. Was looking forward to it.
Welp.. I'm hooked.. Are the items you get valuable? like can you craft weapons or are they just strictly for donating?
So how is the single player after that balancing patch? Any more wild difficulty spikes?
Siliconera being incorrect and factious? Color me surprised.Pretty sure source is Siliconera, which had an article about the Asia translation (without mentioning that it's Asia-only so far, and was posted days late) and didn't mention the Vita at all. But it is BS, since the actual announcement was obviously for both versions. They're full of crap, as usual.
Well, the producer also said that it would have been on PS4 so I guess Bamco-san made him change idea and he'll probably do it again about releasing a game only on PS3 in late 2015.The producer of the game said that Lost Song is on PS3 because of the west:
Bandai Namco has localized only the PS3 versions of PS3/Vita multiplats in the past, but they would have to be really shitty to do that this time. The Vita version will already be available in English thanks to the Asian release.
That's weird. A good choice anyway, the sooner they disappear the better.
single player never was difficult unless you are bad at action tps games.
but the endgame & tenbatsu type of missions are the ones you need heavy hitting gear for.
I seen some pre-patch Japanese vids of 2-hit kills etc. Kinda put me off. So it's only end game stuff ala Destiny that needs grinding/new gear etc?
Other than the fact that names like Victor would be pronounced Bictah.The footage for the Japanese version clearly shows that it can read latin characters just fine. It still sounds like a Japanese person phonetically speaking English, of course, but it totally works! There was NO REASON WHATSOEVER to cut that feature out!!!
Sony Australia said it should be up with the weekly update. That usually happens around 3PM UK time, so in just under 3 hours or so.AUSTRALIA DIGITAL RELEASE, WHERE ARE YOUUUU
So did either of the patches address the balance issues people complained about? I obviously don't know how to tell so early in the game.
That's early! Time to download!It's up on the aus store...
It's up on the aus store...
Still works fine for getting page not found??
Still works fine for me.
Bought it on the web store and downloaded from my download list on the Vita store.ohh wait i was still logged into my US account, awesome!
although i cant find the game on my Vita PSN Store, how are you guys downloading it?
Funny how there is 1.20 patch from day 1 and season pass is up on EU store for free.
So does it matter what Panopticon I chose? What does it exactly do?
Season pass? Do you mean the network pass?
Is this worth picking up?
Had it pre-ordered from Amazon for £22 but digital UK is only £20so I just bought it. Can't wait!