Freedom Wars comes out.
No theme on PSN. WHAT.
Sony what are you doing.
I too am still waiting
Freedom Wars comes out.
No theme on PSN. WHAT.
Sony what are you doing.
I guess negligible damage, with that boss prior to Code 3 I couldn't even tell if I was actually doing anything as the health bar didn't seem to drop any quicker if I was unloading ammo into it or not. I was using a slightly more powerful version of the starter gun that I had found.
Whatever the starter sword is. I also have a large sword but it's even slower and can't sever so I don't really use it.
Yeah I have a sword that can sever (using sprinter controls so I have to switch to it to target body parts anyway), I just don't seem to get the sever prompt most of the time and need to keep on latching back on to the same part until it decides to pop up. Then when I can finally sever the gauge fills slower than the drag one and I get smacked off after 2 seconds.
If you outright destroy the abductor, will the civilian be freed? One of the missions I didn't get a civilian from an abductor and I thought it was because I might have destroyed it before breaking the pod.
I too am still waiting![]()
Oops, I'm an idiot and just realised there's an online pass for this game. Problem is, I can't find it in the packaging anywhere. Where do I find the online pass code?
Have you downloaded the update? The online pass requirement is removed when it's installed. The online pass can be downloaded from PSN if you really want it![]()
I ordered a cheap Asian Vita TV last week and need something to play on it once it arrives. I am *this close* to buying a PAL copy of FW but just want to confirm that it will actually work - does any once know?
Brilliant, thanks for the answerYes it does, I have a JP Vita TV and UK retail copy of Freedom Wars.
The only problem to note is that you still cannot access the UK PSN store with a Vita TV, so if you happen to download the pre-order DLC for Freedom Wars on a regular Vita you won't be able to continue playing on the Vita TV as it'll say you are missing DLC required to load your save file. I found that out the hard way and can't play Freedom Wars on my Vita TV until Sony remove the store restriction.
Hopefully Sony will remove this restriction and let us use our Euro PSN accounts once the PS TV officially launches over here.
You can do it already. You just need an Asia or JP account to be able to update it to the latest firmware (which allows you to use an account from any region).
So: set it up with AS/JP acc, update, restore and sign up with your EU account.
Japanese players are not included as far as I know.Is there an easy way to force an abductor to capture your accessory for the trophy? It happened to me last night but I didn't realize I had to let the time run out so I saved the accessory.
Code 5, woo! Toronto also went up a few spots this weekend
Do all Japanese players get lumped into Tokyo? When they play the panopticons are prefectures, right?
Ugh, I am a dumb ass and my accessory was captured. No time to keep playing too. I'll have to deal with this later.
They eventually come back to you I believe.
Not unless you save them. Go to contribution and select special mission.
They do but it just takes a while. Always do the mission to get them back sooner and cause they're fun.
If that was the case, they would way on top.Do all Japanese players get lumped into Tokyo? When they play the panopticons are prefectures, right?
CODE 4 I think, maybe 3.Got to CODE 2 last night, any idea when the option to change my accessory opens up? I had picked the male accessory but I don't like the voice and want to switch to the female accessory option.
I hope when all of us catch up, they release an update to include Japan. Don't know how that will work though, but hey, more players.If that was the case, they would way on top.
Pretty much, not sure if ad hoc would work but i doubt it.Is it impossible to co-op with a friend who has a jp copy?
Is it impossible to co-op with a friend who has a jp copy?
Its not going to work. There has almost never been an occasion where a US / JP version of this sort of gamea would work with each other.
Got to CODE 2 last night, any idea when the option to change my accessory opens up? I had picked the male accessory but I don't like the voice and want to switch to the female accessory option.
CODE 4 is when you can customize your accessory. I think CODE 3 lets you change it's name only. Someone correct me if I'm wrong!
Its not going to work. There has almost never been an occasion where a US / JP version of this sort of gamea would work with each other.
Toukiden has cross region play I believe.
Odd, EZ Katze is a decent weapon, too. Are we talking about the Ramosa/Tiger? If so, its outer wings are easily severed, inner wings are decent. Wings are also vulnerable to gunfire.
Also take note of the splashes when firing your gun. Headshots deal more damage and cause red splashes. Some other areas on abductors can have the red splashes, too.
You find it slow? I think the Murasame has the same attack pattern as my Damascus. The quick attack can stun a sinner lol, but low damage. Charge attack is decent. Heavy > Heavy should do a level 1 charge which is a spin. Works decently on downed abductors. Make sure it's upgraded to the appropriate level, though.
Edit: Don't get me wrong. Melee combat isn't great, but yeah x.x Also if it has the same attack pattern as my damascus, the sprint attack should be a dashing slash which works fairly well on sinners.
Did a bunch of messing around in a mission to try and get a hang of some stuff, you're definitely right about the spin attack being good on downed abductors. I was having quite a bit of success dragging them down and then using my heavy melee sword. Well, until I had to fight 2 abductors at once and just got totally nuked from orbit.
Still not happy with the damage output from my Katze though, it seems alright for taking off shoulder cannons, but general damage dealing or other breakables like arms and such? A whole clip barely tickles them. I found a Barbara's Easy Blaster in a mission but the damage value is only like 50% higher than the Katze but with a fraction of the clip size or total ammo count, is it really that much of an improvement?
Okay what the heck. Apparently my growth rate type changed when I tried to up my growth rate rank? Can somebody explain this? No modules should affect 'Power' in this case, right?
The cutoff for the second growth type should be 342 but I somehow upped my weapon to 352. I thought you couldn't change growth types, only growth ranks.
Yeah, hopefully so. I've been eyeing up the sniper rifle in my manufacture list but I don't have the materials for it. In games with similar gunplay I'm always partial to single shot, high damage rifles that can quickly break off parts but typically have low ammo.It also comes down to playstyle and preference, though. Perhaps there's another gun you'd like more. Just gotta try 'em out and experiment.
Hope you'll keep doing multi-player later this week/next week; I will need some time after my game arrives on Wednesday.Waifu Wars room is open for business, gaffers. Please join!
Yeah, hopefully so. I've been eyeing up the sniper rifle in my manufacture list but I don't have the materials for it. In games with similar gunplay I'm always partial to single shot, high damage rifles that can quickly break off parts but typically have low ammo.
Soul Sacrifice Delta.
Is there no chance there was a power down before you modified?
Of course, there could be something we don't know much about in the random and normal growth types. Like there could actually be some overlap and it not be as clean cut as the other two. I'm 99% sure you can't change from a late bloomer to a random, though. If possible, it would've happened to me when I was throwing tons of weapons at my Damascus, Barbara and Ez Katze to get their power up before I understood growth rate =p
Edit: Dammit double post. I meant to cut that and edit it into the other but forgot lol.
first time ive heard that, interesting if so since usually patches and content dont match up which is one large reason why it is usually not done asides from other technical issues.
Do weapons with high Impact do more damage to body parts?
I've been trying to break biped legs for the Synthetic Damper Mk3 drop and I had zero luck empting my entire MG-M7 ammo clip into a leg, but saw better results using a Dragonfang.
Also wow the droprate on Synthetic Damper sucks. 0/8 so far, what a drag... Keep getting the Ferrous Fibers or whatever they're called.
Maybe you could modify it with a weapon that that has the Leg Component Damage up module on it.