I don't tend to revive others accesories unless I just want to create cannon fodder for distraction. The NPCs kind do the same fuction to an extent, but at least they can get on their own for a time and respawn.
I don't tend to revive others accesories unless I just want to create cannon fodder for distraction. The NPCs kind do the same fuction to an extent, but at least they can get on their own for a time and respawn.
The problem is if they all die in the same place you cant really pick and choose what you want to revive hence the image.
Its actually better to keep everyone alive when possible. Makes your life a lot easier, esp on the high rank missions.
The problem is if they all die in the same place you cant really pick and choose what you want to revive hence the image.
Its actually better to keep everyone alive when possible. Makes your life a lot easier, esp on the high rank missions.
The problem is if they all die in the same place you cant really pick and choose what you want to revive hence the image.
Its actually better to keep everyone alive when possible. Makes your life a lot easier, esp on the high rank missions.
Tried playing online for the first time and finding that a lot more enjoyable
That picture really isn't relevant anymore if you leveled up... and unless you play post endgame with ai's.
At least I have been keep them from piling up this time.
I've really been enjoying the first 5 or so hours of this. It definitely seems like one of the action RPG/hunting games tuned more towards me.
I think it's the thorns that make it enjoyable to me. The increased level of mobility they give you is what was frustrating me about other games in the genre. The fact that gunplay if a viable strategy for most bosses is great too, because I'm not a fan of melee.
The setting is also fantastic, at least from the bit I've played.
That said, I enjoyed God Eater Burst for the first 15 or so hours, too, and then my enjoyment of it plummeted (not even sure why, to be honest), so I hope that doesn't happen here.
Considering all we could do is play with AI with the JP version Id say the pic was a pretty good representation of what would happen on the tenbatsu missions.
Even now if the AI gets corner fucked basically a pile of bodies isnt all that hard to see. The spider in particular with that spin.
That isn't exactly what I was asking, and I'm sorry for asking questions in an OT when being new to a game. I have never played before, and I assumed asking some veterans "What is the best way going about doing "x"..." would be appropriate. My newness to the game and genre doesn't mean I can't point out some obvious flaws that have been stated several times by lots of people.
Anybody?Uugghh been trying for like 20 times to get a will o engine type 1 destroying the spider pod... Is there an easier way
Delta has a meaning for Soul Sacrifice....what are the odds of a Freedom wars Delta?
what are the odds of a Freedom wars Delta?
we need the sequel localized ;_;
did the game sell well?Unless they totally rework the whole game I doubt many will pick it up again over here. And I mean complete overhaul with a huge increase in equipment available / enemy types.
If they dont do that then good luck to them. If you beat the game you should have a general hint at what they had in mind. Now if they will actually go through with it or not with the response from the consumers out after the game was released is another story.
Delta has a meaning for Soul Sacrifice....
Expansion version -
51% yes - 49% no
Gravity Daze has troubled developments, there is no vita games next year, no ss2... no fw's? Seems possible.
after i feed the dogs i think ill start doing missions just online
story ai seems to be retarded even when fully upgraded
did the game sell well?
i see it's a toss up ;/ cause SSD from what i've read seems to have fix certain issues from the original
at code 7 (pretty sure i'm nearing the end)
i have to go through some annoying early missions to get items to upgrade my stuff
can't even play for the next day and a bit b/c i had surgery on my left hand.
is it weird that i'm using melee weapons more and more? they are very useful when fighting sinners and sawing off parts and stuff.
and i've been using the white thorn wall more and more since it has a field round it that acts like an abductor shield (it stops projectiles). very useful against sinners and artillery/ weapon attached abductor. (especially if you just wanna use the MG-M7 them w/o worry)
i'm also strongly against using the barbara.
basically i'm doing the opposite of what gaf has taught me, and having a blast doing it :3
also, i tried making p3MC and elizabeth. i think i did a good job![]()
Pretty good, but isn't there a hat more fitting for Elizabeth? I forget what its called or when you get it, but it looked a bit like a fast food worker's hat to me.also, i tried making p3MC and elizabeth. i think i did a good job![]()
did the game sell well?
i see it's a toss up ;/ cause SSD from what i've read seems to have fix certain issues from the original
The game sold well, and Delta fixes many issue(over 100s, global server with japanese) - has new story and tons of new lore to read. It feels very complete. All DLC is packed in, new dlc also in (free), patches add tons of content and mode.
is the online and Gaf community still playing? i was wondering if i should buy it or toukiden depending on which games you guys play =] but i'm having a blast with FW despite being at code 3.
if it's dead there's always P4G ;P
is the online and Gaf community still playing? i was wondering if i should buy it or toukiden depending on which games you guys play =] but i'm having a blast with FW despite being at code 3.
if it's dead there's always P4G ;P
My guess is the Toukiden community would pick up when Kiwami comes out in the US.
Pretty good, but isn't there a hat more fitting for Elizabeth? I forget what its called or when you get it, but it looked a bit like a fast food worker's hat to me.
The toukiden community is dead, the asian community on Delta is still live and I always play it here and there still.
GAF community is on FW atm, online is pretty alive here!
yeah, but toukiden community dried out pretty fast though!
Finally! I got an R8 late-bloomer! Too bad it's got two negative modifiers on it (elemental damage and stagger damage down). Guess I better farm up some more EP to spend on removing those.
The toukiden community is dead, the asian community on Delta is still live and I always play it here and there still.
GAF community is on FW atm, online is pretty alive here!
of the hats i own, thats the best one. i think i know the one you are thinking about, but i don't think it fits (unless i don't have it yet...)
Looks a hell of a lot more like her actual hat than a baseball cap.
then i probably don't have the hat you were talking about...
Don't use lock on - the thorns aim is there so just imagine its point and shoot at it. Use guns to break down parts, use melee after when they are stunned or if you have upgraded barbara... blast way through it if you want to.
Seil shared some amazing stuff so look at his posts
I think this mission has 3 waves >.>
Nah, I'm doing the same to be honest. I've tried every gun available so far and can't seem to find anything that suits, but the Aftershadow sword is great. Knock the enemy down and hammer away on heavy attack, the wide sweeps hit multiple body parts and does a nice amount of damage. With certain abductors I can also latch onto specific body parts and keep attacking without being thrown off by their it weird that i'm using melee weapons more and more? they are very useful when fighting sinners and sawing off parts and stuff.
Just bought this, downloading now. Never really been huge into MH games before, but something about this looks appealing to me.
Tips for a newbie?
Game isnt that hard. So can see the community getting bored of it once everyone clears the title.
The AI just too good. While SSD AI is above it, the Archdemons still provide with challenge especially on those pacts with restriction like 4 offerings limitation. KT really need to ramp up the difficulty.
By good I mean that they hardly dying. They can went through Cninderella's channeling attack unscathed with all of those near randomness. But beside staying alive and giving DPS, they ain't good. Try to break all part on some archfiends with hidden part like Incubus, or Pied Piper tells you that.
Okay, lets not derail the thread further.
By good I mean that they hardly dying. They can went through Cninderella's channeling attack unscathed with all of those near randomness. But beside staying alive and giving DPS, they ain't good. Try to break all part on some archfiends with hidden part like Incubus, or Pied Piper tells you that.I thought the AI was kinda meh. The reason the game is easy is that most bosses don't do much (save for C/D-types maybe) and there are no repercussions for dying, as long as someone is around to revive you. Missions are DPS races more than anything.
I've never noticed any drops in the battles against abductors or PVP. Solo fights against AI humans can drop though, because there are more than 16 fully animated AIs running around fighting eachother.
The AI in this game is decent although they sometimes make some weird decisions. They seem to have a lot of trouble dodging the spider Abductor for example. They will just stay in range while it's barreling towards them.
God Eater Burst has the most useful AI imo. They do decent damage, can dodge worth a damn and will save your butt many times over the course of the game.