I got this free as a PS Plus game when I finally remembered to check my December games, and wow I have been all-in on it since then. It came just as I was getting sick and unable to go to work, but also consumed a good portion of my weekend and the last two days.
Definitely feeling a lot of the same pulls as I did in MH4U earlier in the year (my first real foray into a game like this). Dunno if I want to stick with it, yet, but it's diverting for sure.
I'm (maybe?) most of the way through CODE 6 right now, got a pretty good feel for it at last. Just looking back while describing it to a friend, I'm kind of amazed at the stuff I've put up with in the name of sweet customisation and fun battles:
- Buying the right to run for more than 5 seconds (!!!)
- The first tier or two of 'Rights' in general. All of them are just designed to make you hate the game. I would say it's a brave move by the devs, but I guess this isn't F2P, they already have your money by the time you see that stuff, retention is less of an issue.
- The 'stealth' sections where you wait until a dude is looking the other way and sprint past a foot behind him, then do that ten more times
- The story stuff that always ends up with 'I'll go over and wait for you, meet me there' and then you have to go hunt the same person down again instead of maybe going with them?
- The complete lack of choice (the choice in the
was not made in conversation) in decision-making or story stuff, but they make you select 'options' anyway and it just feels pointless
- Accessory capture (better get that revive done in like ten seconds or-) especially by the T-Type Abductors which are really hard to break open in time
- Buddy AI in general is patchy around follow/revive it seems, often I get killed because my Accessory is so incredibly far behind and doesn't make it to me
- Gahhh this game has made me mad
But I can't stop. Help.
I didn't just come to complain, I'm really enjoying the game still. Just had basically nobody to complain to before I found this thread.

I won't be touching any online stuff for a while, but if you want to add me, feel free; same name as here.
Reading back through some recent posts, I note that people are saying melee weapons aren't viable in the long run. That's sad to hear 'cos they look and feel sweet, but it makes sense given how dangerous the severing mechanic is for you, and how frustrating it can be to actually do (similar to mounting in MH, but less explicit about when you're in danger). Just blasting away with a gun is more reliable. I've found the heavy machine gun archetypes in the 'Autocannons' class pretty good in terms of feeling effective vs. dying less. EZ Wolf and MG-M7 are the early ones I think. The trigger delay isn't too long and you can keep spraying bullets for a good long time. Very deadly to sinners, and nice damage output against abductors for my money.
Also top tip for anyone new like me: if someone goes down you don't have to go over there to revive them! Just hit them with your Thorn and they're back up instantly. I've no idea how I missed this, maybe it was in the tutorial, but it's great for when your Accessory goes down in a dodgy area. Just make sure you don't accidentally leap into a deathtrap I s'pose.