It was a long cloak, but I was working under the assumption that, like everything else, it stops charging while I am cloaked. It also only occurred in that manner once, which I find odd if it does indeed occur every 20 seconds, no questions asked.
It was more or less obvious to me that the power surges ignore the "no charge while cloaking" rule (like they ignore most other rules), since, well, it can finish charging them and fire them without a problem WHILE you are in the middle of a cloak. But still, I looked it up and
the wiki itself confirms:
Although most enemy weapons cannot charge up during cloak, one notable exception is the Rebel Flagship's Power Surge in its second and third forms, which fires on a timer independent of targetting.
I also found it cool that they recommend the exact same strategy I posted a few days back, above, i.e. keeping it at the lowest charge and firing immediately after to deplete the cloak timer.
As such, when fighting the Rebel Flagship, one should either keep the Cloak system on a lower power level so that it is available during each volley, or fire a weapon immediately after Power Surge ends to decloak and begin the cloak cooldown.
Playing with the Bio Beam yesterday I killed a bunch of service drones, and yes, the AI replaces drones readily. So I guess this theory is bunk.
Wait, the Bio Beam can kill drones? I guess it makes sense from a "videogame" standpoint, but them being, well, not biological, I assumed they'd be invulnerable. Although by that token, the Engi should too...
I'm a terrible teleport user. I almost never want to send my guys over, I feel like they'll get killed all the time or I'll destroy the ship while they are on it.
That is a well justified fear and it will happen to you a few times, but I realized early that the only way to learn how to board effectively is, well, to board. The experience you'll gain is more valuable in the long run that any crew member you lose. Some tips, though:
1) Do not board a severely damaged ship that's on fire: each system being destroyed by fire (turning red) deducts a hull point, and this can and will eventually destroy a ship, potentially with your crew inside.
2) This should be obvious, but shut down your weapons when boarding it unless absolutely neccesary. Not only do you risk destroying the ship, you risk hitting your crew themselves with them.
3) More so than destroying the ship, a very big risk with boarding is the ship FTLing away. It comes out of nowhere the first few times; since you stop attacking they have more time to charge their FTL, and also you usually can't disable the cockpit or engines without damaging the ship. I THINK ships that don't start FTLing away at the very beginning, will not start doing so from crew loss, so as long as you don't attack them too much you should be fine.
Any tips for the stealth challenged, like me? I tend to go for every ship I can in the first two sectors, usually upgrade stealth one level, and scream in rage when pit against beam drones. I tend to try to wait for the last second before cloaking, and time my dual laser shots so that they're right before cloaking and my mini beam right after. I always hit for 3 or 4 with the mini beam as well.
Anything I'm missing, should be doing, or are doing wrong?
After maxing cloak, pump engines to compensate for the shields. The good news is that no shield will leave you with lots of scrap and power bars to put towards them.
I actually don't agree with holding on the use of the cloak until they fire a salvo: for one, cloaking is awesome combined with slow weapons; using that strategy lets them charge their weapons, then miss with one-two of them, then you're left with a long cloak that will have all your weapons ready halfway through, but also the rest of them a few seconds after you decloak. I'd rather use the first cloak to charge my weapons, then get the first strike with devastating firepower, usually giving me enough time to cloak again. Using the cloak as soon as possible and synching it with my weapons gives me the largest percentage of cloak time too.
There's more tips in my huge-ass post a few pages back, but evangd007's tips are very good too.
Why is this game so good? It's so simple, yet I love it. Together with Hotline Miami these are great games.
Why "yet"? "Simple" is a GOOD quality. It's "deep" that you want, not "complex". Go is simple. Chess is simple.