Very late/slow response, but
The game is really interesting in the way that in makes you adapt to the stuff it throws at you. For example, if I got that augment, I would probably make more of an effort to save to get a cloaking system. Admittedly, that's the single most expensive item in the game, but with that augment you can really wreak havoc.
Yeah, that's easily one of my favourite things about the game. I'm not a big roguelike guy (honestly before FTL and Isaac I'd have been hard-pressed to even tell you what a roguelike
was) so it's all pretty much new to me, the idea that you can play something and get a radically different experience, not only in terms of the scenarios that occur as a matter of course or as a product of the player's own
ability to adapt.
With FTL I'm definitely - but steadily - trying to realise that pretty much everything has a use if you know what to do with it. As a result, I'm beginning to think "oh, hey, I could do this if I do XYZ, and later on it could pay off.". Maybe it hasn't
exactly gone to plan on most occasions - which is again probably a good thing - but I'll get there. Perhaps.
It's really easy to forget about that in the heat of battle, yeah.

As you become more experienced, you'll notice that you approach battles differently; I usually make an assessment of whether I should try to destroy the ship or flee (according to the ship's equipment), and power my systems accordingly. Then if I get unexpectedly beaten up, I reassess again. Early on, I approached all battles as "win or die" situations... but that tends to lead to the second.
Honestly half the time I forget there's even a pause button. Space master
and commander I am certainly not. :lol
So far with the latest few playthroughs and thanks to the advice of you guys I've changed tactics pretty much every time which has opened my eyes a bit. I should definitely think each battle through a bit more, since I do find myself constantly itching for a fight when an enemy crops up. I hardly ever accept surrenders unless I'm in a dire position and just need everything to calm down. So you can probably write off a career in space politics, too.
On my latest playthrough just now I got further than I've ever done, reaching S8 and having my first encounter with the boss. Really didn't expect to very much to it but somehow armed with just the Artemis and standard laser beam, got rid of the shields and had it down to 2 points of hull.. strength? I guess that's what you call it? I was, for a second at least, dreaming that I had finally conquered FTL
, but that was when I realised my hull had almost collapsed too. Alas he got the first shot in and down we went.
Had a bunch of interesting stuff though, couple of new crew members, a few drones (that I didn't end up using at all), the Breach weapon and two stasis pod thingies. How do I get those repaired, for future reference?
Oh and I picked up a couple of the achievements, reaching S8 obviously, Technophobia and one other one which I forgot.