What I hate about hacking is that the first thing the flagship hacks is your hacking room.
Hackception? Hey at least it's not your guns, shields, oxygen, or piloting...
What I hate about hacking is that the first thing the flagship hacks is your hacking room.
Speaking of Hacking against the boss, I tried out the tactic of hacking the shields to lock the doors leading to and from the cockpit. Worked like a charm; my boarding party was able to kill the pilot before help arrived, then kill the two guys they sent to fight. (After they break through the hacked door and try to fight, the door locks again behind them, preventing them from escaping to the Medbay.) In all, this tactic allows you to simultaneously destroy the Piloting to prevent all evasion, hack the Shields to prevent recharging, and kill three crew members. Teleport back to heal, then rinse and repeat.
I've been getting it in the DRM free version. Then again I have both installed. I'll try cleaning that up. I've been able to reproduce it very frequently in asteroid fields.I also managed to fix my FTL installation and get Mind Control working properly. It seems I'm the only person who suffered from it, but just in case someone else runs into it: I solved it by deleting settings.ini in the Steam FTL installation directory. Using the "Delete Local Game Content" from within Steam didn't work, and neither did deleting my saved game.
I've been getting it in the DRM free version. Then again I have both installed. I'll try cleaning that up. I've been able to reproduce it very frequently in asteroid fields.
Reconstructive Teleportation is one of the most broke augmentations in the game.
Reconstructive Teleportation is one of the most broke augmentations in the game.
You embrace death and live every moment like it's your last.How can I get over the enormous fear that each new battle might be my last? >_<
How can I get over the enormous fear that each new battle might be my last? >_<
It still amuses me when I teleport my ship side crew to the enemy ship just to heal them.Nope. It's perfectly fine! Especially on a four-person teleport pad ships![]()
How can I get over the enormous fear that each new battle might be my last? >_<
So does anyone else restart if they get a bad hand in the first half of the first sector?
Like if the first 4 jumps are duds, you get rocked, or my biggest pet peeve you get a store in like the first 3 jumps and it's all like oh isn't that a nice augmentation, if I had the SCRAP!
Absolutely, I've done that quite a bit.So does anyone else restart if they get a bad hand in the first half of the first sector?
Like if the first 4 jumps are duds, you get rocked, or my biggest pet peeve you get a store in like the first 3 jumps and it's all like oh isn't that a nice augmentation, if I had the SCRAP!
I might be the odd guy that doesn't usually restart a run even if it's not stellar. It still feels a bit like cheating to me. Also, FTL and roguelikes in general are all about being able to keep calm and manage crisis efficiently, so a hard start is good experience (I take every single run in a roguelike as accumulating experience, perhaps that's why they're not frustrating to me). If you get used to restarting when things go south, you don't have the know-how to to deal with bad situations in the latter sectors.
I also feel like each run is unique. There's something fundamentally wrong about nipping bad runs in the bud; it's as if you were skewing the population of a poll or something. Of course, this is my two cents; everyone can and should play the way they get the most enjoyment out of the game.![]()
Good luck! I hope you haven't spoiled anything for yourself ;]
I believe I finally found the source of my small problem. It was the missing 3rd install of FTL I had. Uninstalled the mods and then erased that install. Now perhaps I can take over ships using Mind Control in asteroid belts without the last guy destroying everything.
So does anyone else restart if they get a bad hand in the first half of the first sector?
Like if the first 4 jumps are duds, you get rocked, or my biggest pet peeve you get a store in like the first 3 jumps and it's all like oh isn't that a nice augmentation, if I had the SCRAP!
Second jump and lost a crew member to giant alien spiders. Time to restart. Gettin giant alien spiders that early is just a bad omen for the entire run.![]()
lol if FTL teaches all its players one thing, NEVER go against giant spiders without a blue option
Holy crap! There are blue options for that event?! Haha, I've never seen those before. I don't use ship board drones and I've only twice had an anti-bio beam.
From FTL Wiki said:(Anti-Personnel Drone) Send your battle drone in to help. [ Drone parts: -1 ]
(Boarding Drone) Launch a boarding drone into the station. [ Drone parts: -1 ]
(Bio-Beam) Use the beam to pick off the spiders.
It's a Shield Drone. ItLooks like there is some kind of augment that keepit make some fights annoying.recharging Zoltan shields to the minimum
It's a Shield Drone. Itevery so often.adds one bar of Zoltan Shield
I finally unlocked the crystal ship! I had to jump to almost every beacon in the rock homeworld to find the entrance to the crystal sector, but I made it. Celebrated by making a mad dash for the boss afterwards and absolutely wrecking face with a Vulcan + Glaive + Reconstructive Teleport.
Getting the crystal ship is the most frustrating thing but also the most rewarding
Oh man... I just blew up an Engi ship with both my raiding parties on board...I feel so stupid.... My whole.... I mean.... Two Mantis and two Rockmen dead... Because.... :'(
And I had both a Weapon Pre-Ignite and a Scrap Arm! It was going to be such a beautiful run!
Oh man... I just blew up an Engi ship with both my raiding parties on board...I feel so stupid.... My whole.... I mean.... Two Mantis and two Rockmen dead... Because.... :'(
And I had both a Weapon Pre-Ignite and a Scrap Arm! It was going to be such a beautiful run!
This is why I always invest in the Clone Bay whenever I'm doing a boarder-centric run. It's annoying not being able to heal after every fight, but not having to worry about replacing crew members is awesome.
Oh man... I just blew up an Engi ship with both my raiding parties on board...I feel so stupid.... My whole.... I mean.... Two Mantis and two Rockmen dead... Because.... :'(
And I had both a Weapon Pre-Ignite and a Scrap Arm! It was going to be such a beautiful run!
We all did it at least one time.
I spent half a day yesterday playing Kestrel on normal and couldnt get to a boss sector.
Its definitely harder with expansion than it used to be. Probably because AI is smarter now and there is more random, like once i got to end of sector 4 and only got one item drop in the whole game.
Any good normal Kestrel playthrough from expansion on youtube/twitch? Or should i just farm other ships on Easy, because kestrel sucks?
I would love to have custom difficulty, because Normal is quite hard and can be very random with RNG, where Easy is just too easy ;\
Kestrel is a pretty good ship. I have my second highest score with it (North of 6000.) I agree that normal can be very hard. Depending on playstyles some ships are easier than others. I really like Crystal B.Any good normal Kestrel playthrough from expansion on youtube/twitch? Or should i just farm other ships on Easy, because kestrel sucks?
I would love to have custom difficulty, because Normal is quite hard and can be very random with RNG, where Easy is just too easy ;\
With a weapons Pre-Igniter @_@
My latest normal run with the Lanius B was really weird. Made it to Sector 6 or 7 with basically the starting weapons, cloak and stealth weapons. Had to choose between Zoltan Homeworld and Engie sectors. I normally avoid the Zoltan at all times, but advanced flak and my boarding crew took me there. Then this happened.
With a weapons Pre-Igniter @_@
I've never had a ship jump up in power so quickly. That much flak has a profound effect on enemy ships.
*Weird things you notice while playing. Buying the battery backup to power clone bays when needed is one of those obvious thing that took me too long to put into practice.
I need a second opinion regarding weapons loadout on my latest run. I've got an Anti-Bio Beam, Chain Ion, Burst Laser Mk.II and Flak Mk.II. What would be the optimum combo (since I can only reliably power three of them at any given time)? I also have Lvl.2 Cloak.