Top 10
1. Overwatch ; If you would have told me that a team-based, multiplayer-only online FPS was going to be my GOTY at the beginning of this year, I would have laughed at you. Mostly because for one, I play multiplayer very rarely if it isn't co-op, and for two I haven't set foot in the multiplayer FPS genre since Killzone 2. And yet Overwatch has pretty much dominated the time I've spent playing video games this year. I have over 200 hours invested in the game, which is probably more than the other nine games on this list combined. It's just that addicting. I love the gameplay, I love all the different, unique characters, and I love that it's not focused on K

ratios. It's also been the first game where I actually felt like I was a part of the game's GAF community - I've met and played with a lot of cool GAF people through Overwatch, something I haven't really done with any other game. Also as an unintentional side effect, it's made me stop spending as much money on other games because I know I'll just keep playing this. Win-win! The point is, there's no other game that comes close to the amount of time I've put into enjoying Overwatch, and anything else as my GOTY would just not make any sense to me.
2. XCOM 2 ; I absolutely loved Firaxis' reboot take on XCOM, and it probably has my favorite turn-based strategy system of all time. That being said, the sequel changes it up a bit but in nothing but good ways. It offers a decent challenge while keeping the gameplay fresh by switching up the classes a little bit. The idea that you're the ragtag rebellion instead of fighting off an invasion was a neat twist to the story and allowed for some interesting new game mechanics. I upgraded my PC just so I could play this in February, and recently double-dipped so I could play it again on PS4. Love this game.
3. Enter the Gungeon ; Probably the most surprising hit for me on my list, this was an indie game that came out of nowhere for how addicting it was. I've probably put about twenty hours into it and I still haven't technically "beaten" it, but I'm having fun all the time. I'm not really big on bullet hell but I love rogue-lites, and this perfectly balances both genres (although the RNG gets a little frustrating at times). Plus, my friends enjoy playing couch co-op with me which is always a plus. Highly recommend for anyone who likes the rogue-lite genre.
4. Uncharted 4 ; While it's not the best in the series, U4 is a satisfying conclusion to Drake's story. I enjoyed the more open world aspect of it, the combat was satisfying as always, and it's an amazing graphical showcase on the PS4. The U4 screenshot contest thread was a great example of how pretty the game could look. It pulled all the right nostalgia strings while still having (what I considered) a decent story to end the series. While I'm still kind of interested in seeing what Amy Hennig's original version of the game would have been like, what we got was still a very, very good game.
5. Doom ; I still haven't finished this because I'm slowly making my way through it on stream every week. However everything about this game's single-player makes me scream MORE. The frantic battles where aggression is key and hiding in a corner does nothing for you, well, I wish more FPSes were like this. My only gripe is just how much damn space the game takes up on my hard drive. But holy crap, there isn't an FPS on the market that feels better mechanically.
6. Final Fantasy XV ; Another game I still haven't finished, but still worth putting on my list. It's been a long time since I could properly dive into a JRPG that wasn't an SMT game, but this scratches that itch very well and it's a return to form for FF, in my opinion. I'm all the way to chapter 8 and still have no idea what's really going on in the story, but I don't care. The combat is fun, the world is beautiful and a pleasure to explore, and the four bros are a great cast of characters to spend time with on your road trip. I'm glad this finally came out, and I'm looking forward to what the FF brand has in store for us in the future.
7. Dark Souls 3 ; If you would have told me a Dark Souls game wouldn't make top 3, hell top 5 in my best of the year list, I would have also laughed in your face. Sadly, this was the first Souls game I didn't finish. Demon's, Dark Souls & DS2, Bloodborne...all of them I played through to completion no matter how many times I threw my controller. But this one...while it was fun to play, eventually I just got bored. I definitely had my fun moments, and some of the PVP areas were the best of the series, but none of the bosses were particularly memorable after the fact. All it really did was make me want to play more Bloodborne. Still a good game, just...nothing new enough to wow me.
8. Ratchet & Clank ; I've been a fan of Insomniac's platformer-shooter bros since the original game on PS2, so playing this kept a stupid smile on my face for hours. I wish more developers did what was done with this game - a reboot/remake of the original game with enough similarities to make you smile, but enough new story beats, weapons, and worlds to make it feel like a new game. I'll always be there for Ratchet & Clank, from now until Insomniac stops making them.
9. Firewatch ; I know some people had problems with this game - whether it be its short completion time or how it ended or the simplicity in the game "mechanics." But I enjoyed my time with it. It was a nice, story-driven diversion from all the other frenetic, action-packed games on the market and I had fun spending time with the two main characters. Decent little game.
10. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse ; Speaking of SMT! While this is a sequel to SMTIV in all senses of the word - mechanics are recycled, maps are recycled, demons are recycled. Thankfully artwork wasn't recycled as the new art fits well with the established demon art. Regardless of it being a simple extension to SMTIV, it's still a good game with minor mechanical tweaks that improve the quality of life. Another worthy entry in the SMT franchise.
Honorable Mentions
x. The Witness ; A challenging puzzle game that I can only play in spurts, otherwise I'd get bored and/or too frustrated to continue. Not great enough to get into the top 10, but definitely a game I'm glad exists.
x. Dishonored 2 ; Fun, and builds on the structure of Dishonored. But the save system and the fact that it doesn't clearly tell you when people die/see you soured me on the game when I was trying to do a no see/no kill runthrough and both things happened and the autosaves wouldn't let me go back to before said things happened. Mechanically good, just...I'm still bitter at it.