1. DOOM ; This game is a miracle. This one of the most glorious, triumphant comebacks in the history of this industry. I can't say enough good things about every facet of this title, id knocked it out of the park in every aspect. When
THE METAL kicks up, and
YOUR PLAYTHINGS appear out of thin air, everything is designed to make you feel ready to
RIP AND TEAR until nothing remains standing but
THE DOOMSLAYER. Doom is a hellscape machinery firing on all cilinders. This is first-person shooting distilled to its barest, purest, most essential of essentials, and then kicked up 200 notches. This is game design at its best, and it has done nothing less than shame every other FPS developer of the last two generations. When I
DOOM, this is how I feel, every time, every place, against every one:
2. The Witness ; It'd be hard for anyone to live up to the legacy left by Braid, but Jonathan Blow managed to do that and how. This game tricks you into believing it's a relatively simple line-based puzzle game, but soon enough you'll appreciate how deep the variations go. At its best, The Witness is nothing less than literal genius-level game design. That's no hyperbole, I truly mean that. Never have I been so impressed by the cleverness on display in a game than here. It's just astonishing at times.
3. Thumper ; This is definitely the surprise hit of the year for me. Described as a violent-rhythm simulator, this is THE most intense gaming experience you can get today. When you start going for high scores and trying to link everything together, there are times where everything melds togehter and it feels like you're looking through the proverbial Matrix. Much like Doom and The Witness, it does exactly what it sets out to do and does it in the most excellent manner.
4. Street Fighter V ; This game has its issues, and I air them frequently, and yet it's my most played of the year. I'm not very good at it, but I sure try.

The combat design is top notch and I'd say it's the best fighter I've ever played. The mechanics are fantastic and make for very varied matches. Where it matters, gameplay, it's one of the best games released this year.
5. Dark Souls 3 ; I have to be honest, I've kind of forgotten about this one. It's a Souls game. The experience is frankly not very different from what has come before, but it's still a moderately unique one in gaming, and this one is very well made. I liked it well enough to play over 100 hours of it, so I might as well put it here.
Instead of filling up a top 10 with a bunch of stuff I kinda liked, just gonna do a top five of games I really did. A lot of people are saying how great this year has been for games, but I feel like it's a decidedly downstep from 2015. Maybe I haven't played enough games? Eh.
Best non-2016 game I played:
FMV games got a bum rap during the 90s, with the advent of CD media, but they have kind of made a resurgence lately, with games like Her Story, the Tex Murphy revival, and now Contradiction.
In Contradiction, you play the part of a police detective investigating the mysterious circumstances behind the death of a young girl in a nondescript English village. Contradiction plays more or less like a point and click adventure game of old, you move about a location, talking to people, solving puzzles, figuring things out, and advancing the storyline. However, in this case, the puzzles are about finding 'contradictions' in the stories of the characters you question. The main game loop is questioning suspects and finding cracks in what they're feeding to you.
Inspector Jenks (you) brings about the perfect amount of slightly over the top acting, with at times a tinge of modest self-awareness, such as when you ask something entirely ridiculous that your subject would obviously know nothing about. The tone is just right for the game, it doesn't take itself 100% seriously and yet doesn't feel like outright cheese either.
Anyway, to any fans of old PC adventure games, I can't recommend this game enough. It's also available on mobile platforms. For the genre it lasts a decent amount, took me about 8 hours to finish, and is just $9.99 on Steam.