Can't wait!to see Emilia Clarke naked again, that is
she didn't know where her womanhood stopped and his fat pink mast began
Watching the DVD's with commentary and holy crap the kids are adorable in episode 3. Sassing Jaime's actor for swearing in a scene, lol.
I've been hearing the commentaries are hilarious - particularly Emilia and Lena's.
Somehow I never picked up on the fact that Jeor Mormont was missing his raven.
That's right. Are you sure there isn't a scene with at least one raven in Mormont's office?
no. I'm going to be pissed off if that bird has any more impact in the story than it already does.
So are they removing Mormont's raven entirely, or did they just not include it in Season 1?
Series spoilers:Not only did it influence the Lord Commander elections, but it was just a really badass sidekick for Jon to have in addition to Ghost.
Yeah, Lena is surprisingly hilarious.
GRRM's commentary was interesting. Somehow I never picked up on the fact that Jeor Mormont was missing his raven. Or how odd it was that Tyrion and the mountain clans walked into the Lannister camp instead of on horseback.
Also, I discovered that I was pronouncing "Eyrie" correctly, while the show was not.
After spending all day (Thursday) watching Season 1 on Blu-Ray, I ordered the first 5 books to read (specially the 1st to compare how things were in book vs. screen). Will have plenty of time to read them as I won't be watching them again till Season 2 is out on Blu-Ray. And yes, I'm a part of the "Imp for King" fan club.
This is the main reason for me.Series spoilers:but it was just a really badass sidekick for Jon to have in addition to Ghost.
The correct pronunciation is "Eye-Wree" right? No "E-Ree" like some of them say in the show? It's not eerie now is it... well, i suppose it is, that with it's sky cells and the only Arryn left is a sick little mumma's boy.
I love the color composition of this shot.
I don't have a problem with different people pronouncing things differently because that happens in real life. Just look at the regional differences people have within a small area like the Eastern US and Canada with some words/phrases. I do have a problem with the same character pronouncing things differently though.In his audio commentary, GRRM pronounces it "eye-ree," and obviously, he trumps all.
There's actually quite a bit of inconsistent pronunciation within the series. One example is "maester." It's mostly pronounced "my-ster," but it's also pronounced "may-ster" upon occasion, including in one of the Complete Guide to Westeros featurettes. (I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be may-ster.)
You'd think they would have double-checked all of this with GRRM before shooting, but it's not like it's a huge deal or anything.
You realize the colors have all been messed with by some tumblr user, right![]()
In his audio commentary, GRRM pronounces it "eye-ree," and obviously, he trumps all.
There's actually quite a bit of inconsistent pronunciation within the series. One example is "maester." It's mostly pronounced "my-ster," but it's also pronounced "may-ster" upon occasion, including in one of the Complete Guide to Westeros featurettes. (I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be may-ster.)
You'd think they would have double-checked all of this with GRRM before shooting, but it's not like it's a huge deal or anything.
This week we're breaking down the new GAME OF THRONES Season 2 "Seven Devils" trailer, "The More You Love" Trailer and the new character featurettes. with a few comments here.Get in the Game! Enter the world of Westeros with this vivid and illuminating special about the epic HBO drama series Game of Thrones. Highlighted by behind-the-scenes footage, clips and interviews, this feature revisits the events of season 1, introduces new viewers to the many colorful characters and presents an exclusive preview of things to come in season 2.
new trailer "Price for Our sins"
Trailer's not loading for me
and man they're really pumping out one trailer after another