cuevas. PhD.
I really hope Sansa kills Joffrey, that'd be pretty sweet.
- most of the new casting is great, Mel, Stannis, Craster, Cressen all very well done. I don't know how people thought Craster would be more thin/weak/old. Living north of the wall has to take huge stones and make you a tough serious bastard, Pugh did awesome
Just curious, but in what way? It's been a couple years since I've read aCoK, but it was pretty much how I remembered it. What was so bad about it? I actually thought it was done very well.
Another vote here for distaste for Ros. That dialogue was absolutely awful.
Dead on.I got this weird vibe, like they're trying to shoehorn her into some brothel-version of Joan Holloway.
I thought he'd be a skinny wretch too but I like that he's livin' butter francis in the frozen wilderness. Show's what a gross jerk he is.
I got this weird vibe, like they're trying to shoehorn her into some brothel-version of Joan Holloway.
Of the 11 episodes I have watched so far, last night was the weakest. I can already tell its not going to be the same without Eddard. I agree with many that it jumped all over the place, and seemed rushed.
If she was anything like Joan, I'd be interested. She doesn't have anything to add and just wastes time.
I need more speculation in this thread.I really hope Sansa kills Joffrey, that'd be pretty sweet.
A 2-minute scene in the first episode of the season and already Ros is a bigger character. Oh, gaf.
A 2-minute scene in the first episode of the season and already Ros is a bigger character. Oh, gaf.
Do we have any ratings numbers yet or official confirmation of S3?
If she was anything like Joan, I'd be interested. She doesn't have anything to add and just wastes time.
Obviously we should have gotten a smash cut to guards killing babies without setting the scene up at all.
A 2-minute scene in the first episode of the season and already Ros is a bigger character. Oh, gaf.
Of the 11 episodes I have watched so far, last night was the weakest. I can already tell its not going to be the same without Eddard. I agree with many that it jumped all over the place, and seemed rushed.
Another vote here for distaste for Ros. That dialogue was absolutely awful.
Unrelatedly: I loved the books, and the show, but it seems like trying to discuss it is simply too much work what with constantly worrying about spoilers, so I think I'll mostly be lurking this thread.
You didnt take the whole "Im the true claim to the throne, how many bastardbabies did daddy have?!" scene as an indicator that something might go down?
I mean it wasnt black and white or anything but it connects.
This episode was cut really weird.
It's almost like a teaser for the real episode or something.
The ending kinda proves my point.
She's not a good or experienced actress, which makes it even worse. I get that she's being used to fill a roll from the book, I'm fine with that. We pretty much know she's in the next episode (one of the trailer's shows her crying with Littlefinger). If she continues to have a large role I could see it being a problem, if not I'm fine with her showing up every now and then.
A 2-minute scene in the first episode of the season and already Ros is a bigger character. Oh, gaf.
My feelings exactly.No, she was a bigger character last season when they gave her a name and ties to Theon, and moved her to King's Landing and then gave her ties to Littlefinger. Now she has been given exclusive screen time, I don't care how minute, it's still pointless and stupid.
If she was anything like Joan, I'd be interested. She doesn't have anything to add and just wastes time.
She did have more screentime than Arya.
Hell, she has more screentime than *random-beloved-character-that-was-cut* will ever have![]()
If Meera is really cut out it will be almost as bad/worse than how they handled the battle with Tyrion in season 1.
Useless scenes in my opinion: Mormont pushing Snow, Littlefinger and Cersei, Ros and bastard killing (I think they should have only showed the killing of the child), and maybe one or two more which I can't remember at this time. I'm not saying that those scenes were bad per se, just that we didn't need them.
That is... controversial.I think the Littlefinger/Cersei thing was definitely needed. She's not an idiot like the last king who let these jerks run around doing whatever. Plus it was so great to see Littlefinger get it.
Baby killing scene confused my family who haven't read the books, so maybe it was too reliant on memory of season 1.
So, uh, is ep2 released on dutch HBO in english?
No, no, yes, no. Mormont putting Snow in his place was a nice little scene that reminds of how Mormont is trying to turn Jon from a stupid cocky ass into a good leader, the little show of power by Cersei was quite well done (& acted) and showing off Joffrey's ultimate cruelty was a perfect & shocking ending to the first episode that will surely leave people wanting more.Useless scenes in my opinion: Mormont pushing Snow, Littlefinger and Cersei, Ros and bastard killing (I think they should have only showed the killing of the child), and maybe one or two more which I can't remember at this time. I'm not saying that those scenes were bad per se, just that we didn't need them.
You didnt take the whole "Im the true claim to the throne, how many bastardbabies did daddy have?!" scene as an indicator that something might go down?
I mean it wasnt black and white or anything but it connects.