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episode 2 spoiler
Theon's sister is weirdly attractive.
Just watched Episode 1 again. Was able to enjoy it much more this time after forgetting the books. The Master Cresson thing still bothers me though. Why would he think she would drink after seeing him stumble and bleed. He is after all a master and knows how quickly the poison would work and the effects it might have (ie bleeding).
It also reaffirms that Davos is awesome. Reminds me of Jean Reno.
Expanding on this: It really bugs me that the whole Stannis portion of the first episode just felt really rushed. I will say though that the actor playing Davos is doing a really good job with him.Saw the first episode, not sure how to feel about it. Something about the pacing feels jarring. I'm not sure how I feel about Ros getting air time and being a character, she'll only be useful if they have her around to expand on Baelish. Also don't recall if [aCoK prologue]Cressen's death went down the exact way they played it out and personally it made me care less since it just came off as her just letting an old guy of no import kill himself.
I'm hoping the season doesn't fuck up the more important scenes and the pacing doesn't continue to feel weird.
Expanding on this: It really bugs me that the whole Stannis portion of the first episode just felt really rushed. I will say though that the actor playing Davos is doing a really good job with him.
Also, did anyone else think American flag here?:
Agreed, it would make far more sense to have her drink first...
They had her drink after Cressen to show how much faith and trust she has in R'hllor (her god).
No the effects took like 5 seconds. Still a bad plan, though, but she had a few seconds to drink it and it would've been successful if she wasn't immune.
That poison scene felt really awkward. I mean, he drank first? In the books Melisandre drank first but nothing happened to her then Cressen took a sip and died immediately.
That poison scene felt really awkward. I mean, he drank first? In the books Melisandre drank first but nothing happened to her then Cressen took a sip and died immediately.
Season 2 ep 2 isn't showing up on HBO go...
Torrents, babe. Torrents. Watch now buy later.
Torrents, babe. Torrents. Watch now buy later.
Torrents, babe. Torrents. Watch now buy later.
Salador, is that you?
I agree, and as already mentioned, it was done differently (and better) in the books where Mel drank first. I think they just really wanted to stress her faith in her god (by showing that she knows it's poison and drinking it anyways) and perhaps they didn't think they could show that by having her drink first.I get it that BUT how the heck did the Master think it was going to work. If you are going to poison yourself and someone else you'd make sure they had some first or the poison was not so immediate. He was dead as soon as it touched his lips.
He sacrificed himself to ensure that she would drink from the same cup he did.
I think the blood coming out of his nose and mouth didnt happen because of the poison but Melisandre's hocuspocus. So she already knew he meant to poison her. And she even drank the wine to show she isnt easily harmed.
But again ithink it would have made more sense if Melisandre took the first sip.
Torrents, babe. Torrents. Watch now buy later.
What if he returns?Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all nights to come.
What if he returns?
Kind of dissapointed with the Stannis/Melissandre casting. They're not bad but they could have been a lot better. Davos is fine though.
You see him dip the poison in first. Then he gets up and makes a toast to her, drinking first to in his head ensure that she would drink from it as well. He pierced a sword through himself to get to her, but the fire within saved her.
I like the casting a lot. Mel is a pretty accurate depiction of a female religious leader imo. She has the presence which comes from her way with words and her confidence in saying them, and not really purely from looking "hot" or whatever. She's not unattractive, but I think downplaying her physical appearance is a good move because it also makes viewers pay attention to the fact that it is not physical attraction which leads people to listen to her and follow her ways.
As for Stannis, I think he's promising. He didn't have a lot to do so far other than the great letter writing scene, but it's a good start honestly. Looking forward to the later scenes.
We are at book 2 called Clash of Kings. There are currently 5 books and there will be 7 books total.
Dunno if this has been posted already, but this is pretty awesome:
Thrones season two premiere blows up on social media
really need to see these ratings after hearing about this
Holy Jesus if this is even close to Walking Dead's numbers... Mother of god.
Carice van Houten was a great call, exactly how I pictured her character while reading book two. Stannis and Davos aren't bad either, but I thought Stannis had a fuller head of hair and a bit of facial hair.
I don't think that is even possible on premium cable.
Hmm not sure starting the new season with total unknown characters would be the right step. Worked in the book, don't think it would in the show. Always felt it was one of the weaker prologues in any case.Finished watching the premiere. Liked it, but didn't like some of the editing choices - I felt the prologue chapter from AcoK would have been a much better opening sequence for the premiere; instead of it being 20-30 minutes into the episode, oh well. Plus I didn't like the "Hans shot first" esque change for the actual scene itself, stannis / davos / melisandre seem well-cast at least though, can't wait to see more of them in the future.
On the bright-side - the episode felt like a step-up direction-wise from most of s1 - some scenes had a really nice cinematic feel to them.
Holy Jesus if this is even close to Walking Dead's numbers... Mother of god.