Artworks by local GAFers & other Artists / Threads & Websites
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Yes, it's a bit frustrating fact... there is no alternative that I know for that website but try to request the artwork you need, If anyone here has it, it will surely be shared. I'll start to post images from my tiny collection soonThat is perfectly fine, and the exact reason why I asked if there was an alternative to thevideogamegallery, as someone might know, and I like artwork that is easily accessible. Thankfully a lot of people here have been cool with their sharing and I have grabbed a few really nice images, but a lot of stuff seems to have disappeared with thevideogamegallery.
Hey there! Well of course you can ask for a pw. PM me 8)Also, If it's not to much to askAgent_4Seven
Agent_4Seven , would you mind if I ask for a password? Thanks for considering my request!
Does anyone happen to have this art or know the artist that did the original?
It seems that only some decent scans are available now. I looked for the original art but I hadn't luck...Does anyone happen to have this art or know the artist that did the original?
I think it's probably Masaaki Kishimoto.
Happy holidays guys! o/
It seems that only some decent scans are available now. I looked for the original art but I hadn't luck...
In the old Hires Artwork Thread, a username Cuth posted some hires Neo Geo Stuff, it was like Art of Fighting, Baseball Stars, League Bowling, Alpha Mission 2, etc. For each, he had logo + keyart. Did anyone happen to download these and can help me get them? Possible award for any help! thanks for any info (REALLY wanted the League Bowling stuff)
Came home from work and almost fell out of my computer chair when I saw this. Thank you so much, these are fantastic. You tha man ヘ( ^o^)ノ\(^_^ )Here we go. ;^)
Alpha Mission II:
-> 2067 x 2924
-> 2067 x 1437
Art of Fighting:
-> 2067 x 2914
-> 2067 x 1594
Baseball Stars Professional:
-> 2067 x 3029
-> 2067 x 601
Fatal Fury:
-> 2067 x 2436
-> 2067 x 1801
League Bowling:
-> 2067 x 1777
-> 2067 x 1280
Magician Lord:
-> 1963 x 2772
-> 1278 x 332
Samurai Shodown:
-> 2067 x 2981
-> 2067 x 1032
Super Sidekicks:
-> 2067 x 1274
The King of Fighters 94:
-> 2067 x 1312
-> 2067 x 1582
-> 2067 x 820
See ya! o/
Edit: Uh Oh, i tried to upload a hires version of this for you but didnt work for some reason. Maybe someone can tell me what i did wrong ;/Does anyone happen to have this art or know the artist that did the original?
TMNT NES Arcade Hires 4270x4881
Inject more Death Stranding in my veins please
Is there any high res artworks of the old RPGs, like Might and Magic 4-7, Ultima Underworld?