I work in a field that does Localization and that seems weird to me. It's not as though Han, Leia, or Vader are particularly English names to begin with (at least not that I"m aware of). But then again it was done almost 40 years ago so maybe practices have changed.
Back then they did weird stuff.
In ANH, they translated Ben Kenobi saying "War of the clones" into "Guerra dei quoti" (War of the Quotes, whereas "Clones" is "Cloni" in italian too); i guess they wanted to add some flair, but with Ep2 coming out, it became all just very confusing.
When Ep3 came out, i remember there being a big debate on whether they should keep Fener or retcon back to the original (Vader) and in the and, nostalgia won over and they kept Fener.
Personally i've seen SW in English and played so much SW material in English, that for me they've always been associated to the original, English names.
So the nostalgia angle is completely lost in that sense, i find it just distracting.
I bought tickets for this Sunday and saw I had the choice between dubbed and subbed. I guess they do this for the kids as we don't usually get other films dubbed here (Romania).
I was really glad to see the subbed option was kept though, would definitely not want to watch any film dubbed.

Good luck on your media blackout!
There is a very limited release with subs here, but it's in 1 or 2 theaters (and one showing, as far as i can see) in the whole country, and i'd have to travel several hours to get there, assuming there's even a seat left.
that sucks. GT have become an official dont-give-a-fuck-about-spoilers zone. jones in particular. still sour that he talked about the plot of CoD sp in GT live and best characters of 2010. the games only been out a month. for SURE they are going to wreck any secrets about star wars especially on twitch.
Yeah honestly, i don't even mind to wait, i have a decent TV and audio system, i like to watch movies in the comfort of my home (with no talking and no phones always on), and waiting a bunch of months is not that bad ( i have other stuff to do and see in the meantime, and i'm not that fanatic about SW) the worst part will definitely be avoiding all the SW "talk" from here on out.