Huber layin' down those truth bombs about Fallout 4

Unfortunately, it only seemed like maybe 2 people completed both expansions.Finished GT Live discussion and as much as this hurts to say, Brandon kind of annoyed me a bit throughout. He just kept saying stuff about games that he didn't really know quite that much about and he completely killed some conversations by bringing up something irrelevant.
Also, that wasn't cool if Ben was the swing vote on the expansion if he hadn't even played Hearts of Stone. Should've only been between people who had completed both.
But overall, sounds like they made some good and tough decisions in the fairest manner that they could.
Huber talks shit, but only when Ben's not on. We need an official shouting match between the two.
Anyway, i'm fine with how their GOTY went (whether i agree with some picks or not) the only argument i have problem with, is the idea of gameplay = combat, that Brad seemed to bring up when talking about Bloodborne.
I think if you mention how well a gameplay mechanic works, in Witcher you have to consider various mechanics that aren't combat as well.
But this is the old debate of "walking simulators are not games" at its core.
There is way more about Bloodborne that I could have said then just its combat and game play (like i said, in goty meetings we argued for 3 hours on bb vs witcher) but we were pressed for time on GT Live. Witcher 3 is my 2nd game of the year and i totally acknowledge what it accomplishes in other areas besides game play. It all just depends what each person looks for in a game.
Yeah i understand the conditions and context of your statement.
However it is a sentiment that i argued with in various Bloodborne vs Witcher 3 threads (for whatever reason, a comparison that keeps coming up beyond GOTY discussion) and so wanted to point that out.
For the record, since it was brought up in the video, i think if anything Dragon's Dogma's combat system would adapt a little better than Souls' to the Witcher's encounter design.
Even though it still probably wouldn't fit in the lore like the actual W3 combat does.
Very excellent points. I agree with you.We just had another yelling match about whether StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void is an expansion or not (since Matt wasn't there last night to counter Huber). Bottom line - LotV does not need any previous game for you to run it, nor does it include the previous content. You don't get the multiplayer additions from LotV without buying it either. It's a complete game in and of itself.
I think the concept of seeing LotV as an expansion is just a matter of perception because all three parts say StarCraft II in the title. And I know some people will say it's a "standalone expansion", but really what even is that if it's not just a game? What makes LotV different from a yearly CoD release, Majora's Mask, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, etc.? All of these games use existing parts to make something new and separate from what came before, as does LotV.
So in the end, despite whatever perception may be, I'm going to define expansion more narrowly as a release that requires a base game to play it - that's literally incomplete on its own.
Finished GT Live discussion and as much as this hurts to say, Brandon kind of annoyed me a bit throughout. He just kept saying stuff about games that he didn't really know quite that much about and he completely killed some conversations by bringing up something irrelevant.
Also, that wasn't cool if Ben was the swing vote on the expansion if he hadn't even played Hearts of Stone. Should've only been between people who had completed both.
But overall, sounds like they made some good and tough decisions in the fairest manner that they could.
Edit: Also, I totally agree with Fallout 4 feels like it's nominated just for the sake of it.
We just had another yelling match about whether StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void is an expansion or not (since Matt wasn't there last night to counter Huber). Bottom line - LotV does not need any previous game for you to run it, nor does it include the previous content. You don't get the multiplayer additions from LotV without buying it either. It's a complete game in and of itself.
I think the concept of seeing LotV as an expansion is just a matter of perception because all three parts say StarCraft II in the title. And I know some people will say it's a "standalone expansion", but really what even is that if it's not just a game? What makes LotV different from a yearly CoD release, Majora's Mask, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, etc.? All of these games use existing parts to make something new and separate from what came before, as does LotV.
So in the end, despite whatever perception may be, I'm going to define expansion more narrowly as a release that requires a base game to play it - that's literally incomplete on its own.
I agree with you but out of curiosity, what would you consider something like Driveclub Bikes, where you can choose whether to buy the standalone version or expansion version and there's a price difference between the two?
The only argument i have problem with, is the idea of gameplay = combat, that Brad seemed to bring up when talking about Bloodborne.
I think if you mention how well a gameplay mechanic works, in Witcher you have to consider various mechanics that aren't combat as well.
Hey Blood, just curious if you think Infamous First Light is a game as that seemed more like a standalone expansion to me too. Sounds very similar to the LotV case.
To be honest, even though I got a code for Driveclub Bikes, I haven't even gotten to mess with it. Considering the standalone version, I'd lean toward classifying it as a game. If they made all new courses for the bikes, that would strengthen that for me. If they just put bikes on the existing tracks, I might lean more towards just calling it an expansion.
One thing that actually ended up being unintentionally different this year is how we handled the category. The past few years, we considered all of a game's expansions in a bundle, - we would have likely grouped Driveclub Bikes in with everything else that came out for Driveclub this year. Splatoon kind of has the same thing going on with all the extra maps and modes, and Witcher 3 gave out a bunch of freebies too. I wonder if there's just so much of that kind of thing now that it's harder for those little additions to stand out. With such strong individual expansions to pick from, we ended up forgetting about that way of doing things entirely.
Man Kyle is all over the road in this Ep. He thought last gen it was UE2? The hell?New GT Time is up, first episode of the year!
personally, bloodborne had me obsessed with it. there are things in the way this game is designed that i'd say are close to perfection in terms of gameplay “mechanics”.
I FUCKING LOVE how i started out shit and was getting wrecked and then by the end, the game had taught me how to be good at video games.
most importantly, there is an amazing risk / reward system to the gameplay. exploration versus spending/losing echoes. you are encouraged to explore the incredibly designed levels to get echoes to skill up and find new loot.. but there is a risk to it that if you die, you risk losing all your echoes.
and theres also the fact that the game is as hard as you want it to be based on summoning, npcs, and insight. its a gameplay mechanic that i cant think of being in any other games.
theres more to bloodbornes ‘gameplay’ than just “good feeling button mashing and rolling”. you actively learn to be good at video games through the way the gameplay teaches you to play. there is a risk/reward system to the gameplay that encourages exploration but makes you think about it because of your echoes/levelling up mechanic. and finally, the gameplay is as hard as you want it to be due to the way difficulty can actually be spent as a currency (insight).
also. it has p4p the best good feeling button mashing and rolling.
Case in point, i bought First Light first (i think my first ps4 game, aside from Last of Us remastered, which was bundled) and had a blast with it, i loved it a lot.That one's a pretty good example, as I think it's easy to argue for either side. The big, big difference I see between that and LotV is that First Light is taking the exact same chunk of city from Second Son and just putting new objectives into it, which is why my gut is to call it an expansion. Of course, you could totally just buy that and get your fill as many people have done. So I could totally be a stickler and say that it's a game.
Good show. Loved hearing that Ian brought his A game to the GOTY debate, taking notes and crushing their points one by one. He did us proud.
Aw, shit. Did we have to pick sides again? Because I totally missed that and don't want to be on the wrong team again. Boo, other guys! Booo!
Can't say I understand why Brandon and Huber were so upset over Kotaku leaking Assassin's Creed's every year though. If I had to pick between a leak or a boring (and buggy) as hell E3 demo, I'll go with the leak.
Pay attention to the 3 minutes conversation before Kyle reveals that the Assassin's Creed leak came from 4chan and then the 3 minutes after.
Complete 180 of opinion, it was bizarre.
Great GT Live & Time, super enjoyed them, although i would have loved to see Huber vs Ben on FO4.
How long till the clarinet show btw?
Time to lock in bets:
Huber gonna pull a Bosman and weasel his way out with a loophole
Be a man and stand tall with the clarinet?
Stand tall
I'm wondering if Huber and Bosman might need to get more specific in their bet on the NX release. IIRC the terms were just about when the NX releases, Bosman says 2016, Huber says 2017, but what if the NX has multiple hardware configurations? Say an NX handheld releases in Japan and NA in 2016, but Europe in 2017 and an NX console doesn't release anywhere until 2017, how would that be decided?
I'm wondering if Huber and Bosman might need to get more specific in their bet on the NX release. IIRC the terms were just about when the NX releases, Bosman says 2016, Huber says 2017, but what if the NX has multiple hardware configurations? Say an NX handheld releases in Japan and NA in 2016, but Europe in 2017 and an NX console doesn't release anywhere until 2017, how would that be decided?