Proper Journalism or whatever sucks, give me opinionated people any day.
Thing is, GT is very professional when it comes to their reviews, interviews, and general work etc. Their actual content is well articulated and not just fan boys freaking out w/ hyperbole. I think there is a time and a place for analyzing E3, and I honestly love that during E3 itself, GT enjoys the show just as much as fans do. That they let themselves loose, and react like most of us would. I don't really agree with some, saying that journalists should be all proper and quiet during the conferences.
I myself, don't like to be blinded by pure hype. So I'll step back, and think about Sony's conference, and the criticisms and concerns with their platform. But during E3's show itself, I just want to enjoy it. I wanted to enjoy it with my friends. And watching all the conferences with a bunch of people on GAF (we had a massive chat on Twitch going)...that to me is what E3 is all about. And when Huber lost his shit, everyone on GAF in the twitch Chat also went insane and were enjoying the moment together.
I love that GT are doing this for their E3 coverage.
It's not always sunshine and rainbows either. That debate over No Man's Sky was intense, and both sides passionately disagreed. I've never seen anything like that at E3. People saying that their joyous reactions were cringe and bad journalism, are just judging them on one thing.
Only Ben bothered to follow me back out of the GT crew

but Elyse did fave and reply to one of my tweets a while back which was nice xD
Heh, well maybe I am lucky! Huber is the only one to ever follow me back. I have talked to Kyle a couple times though. I gave him positive comments on in his interviews yesterday and he just tweeted to me. But outside of that, yeah Huber is the only that followed back. It's silly to be giddy over that. But I really love these guys.