brett gerstmann
greg jerkmom
Vinny's moist sponge pillow.
This thread has gone some weird places.
This thread has gone some weird places.
This thread has gone some weird places.
shit, we went full anime. someone, post a cool wrestling gif to shift the tide back to sanity
more anime girls sucking on a lollipop please
half of gb-gaf is fluent in japanese, who knew
brett gerstmann
shit, we went full anime. someone, post a cool wrestling gif to shift the tide back to sanity
shit, we went full anime. someone, post a cool wrestling gif to shift the tide back to sanity
thread already went off the deep end
abort abort abort
what happened to my beautiful thread
thread already went off the deep end
abort abort abort
so guys, video games?
so guys, video games?
Why is Jeff called Brett in the Giant Bombcast?
It was hilarious...but why did it happen?
A Boundless Navarro ‏@alex_navarro 2m2 minutes ago
Recording the Powerbombcast tonight with very special guest @MrBrandonStroud! If you've got questions, send 'em to [email protected].
Jeff Gerstmann ‏@jeffgerstmann 58s58 seconds ago
@alex_navarro Q: why does 2K pay for u to hate TNA?
A Boundless Navarro ‏@alex_navarro 18s18 seconds ago
@jeffgerstmann I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of all these cash register noises used to denote all the sweet money I'm raking in
Well it's saturday so I won't blame lack of news.