stump sock
God damn that game has some weird ass fans. What in the fuck does that game have that is worth holding that big of a grudge about?
console exclusivity.
God damn that game has some weird ass fans. What in the fuck does that game have that is worth holding that big of a grudge about?
console exclusivity.
Console warz are serious business.
console exclusivity.
So, EmCee is Scottish? Biggest surprise of OT12.
...I am?
...I am?
...I am?
...I am?
I trust this thread to never give me false information.
On-topic: Where the hell is the new episode of Danswers? I was going to listen to that on my commute.
...I am?
oh cool a new thread
maybe i'll get back to posting more frequently in here
Danswers w/Samantha Kalman
Jeff Green is already in full-Jeff Green mode on twitter right now trying to figure out how to download Bloodborne
I unfollowed someone you guys love. Their tweets are too random for me to care about.
Probably depends on Danny's schedule since he's the one who uploads those. IIRC the last one was posted about this time on Monday two weeks ago.
I hope he'll be okay from his back injury soon. At least he has time to play Bloodborne now.
Not sure whether to be proud or disappointed that I just barely missed the Top 20.Top 20 wall of shame in case anybody was curious.
God damn that game has some weird ass fans. What in the fuck does that game have that is worth holding that big of a grudge about?
I unfollowed someone you guys love. Their tweets are too random for me to care about.
Hmmmm, let me guess. Justin McElroy?
Not sure whether to be proud or disappointed that I just barely missed the Top 20.
nope, I unfollowed him like 2 years ago, hah
Heh, can't blame you. Always loved that guy on podcast, on video etc., but he can be hard to like on Twitter at times. Greg Miller is another one of those for me, but that's mostly because of the sheer amount of promotional tweets it tweets out.
Oh fuck, first time I've ever been top ten.Top 20 wall of shame in case anybody was curious.
All a bit inbred, you mean?I like to think we're all a bit Scottish.
nope, I unfollowed him like 2 years ago, hah
never feel bad for being active in a community that you love.
i bet lik unfollowed cara-chan
the monster
Oh fuck, first time I've ever been top ten.
All a bit inbred, you mean?
I personally really enjoy it, but don't and won't condone the hate they give Jeff. Come on, it's not like he's the only reviewer to give it a negative review. On the flip side, I don't think it is as bad as some people claim it is (many of whom who've probably never touched it). After all, it does have a 71 on Metacritic, which is by all means, not a terrible rating. It's not great, but it's not terrible. For me personally, it does what I want it to do. I am by no means a car person and find games like GT and Forza daunting at times with all the typical car enthusiast stuff. In Driveclub, I don't have to worry about or tinker with car settings, AT/MT, etc. I also just usually do one or two races and then I've got my fill for a bit. I honestly do think it would've reviewed slightly better had they delayed it one final time, especially with all the stuff they've added since launch. Despite all that, it seems like the things that Jeff disliked about the games are something a patch simply can not fix. And I respect that view. I just wish the complainers would too.
Edit- Over at Kinda Funny, Colin Moriarty announced that tomorrow on Colin and Greg Live, filling in for Greg (who is out all week), is none other then Dan Ryckert!
I hope he'll be okay from his back injury soon. At least he has time to play Bloodborne now.
For those of you not keeping up on the "Grocery Haul" video craze, I've found a ten minute video of nothing but a madwoman opening up frozen dinners:
If you want a wrestling version of this madness, here's a dirtbag with over 175,000 Youtube subscribers saying the most derogatory, sexist, crude horseshit over silent phone footage of crappy wrestling figures:
Danswers w/Samantha Kalman
lik never followed me
the monster
For those of you not keeping up on the "Grocery Haul" video craze, I've found a ten minute video of nothing but a madwoman opening up frozen dinners:
For those of you not keeping up on the "Grocery Haul" video craze, I've found a ten minute video of nothing but a madwoman opening up frozen dinners:
If you want a wrestling version of this madness, here's a dirtbag with over 175,000 Youtube subscribers saying the most derogatory, sexist, crude horseshit over silent phone footage of crappy wrestling figures: