Because you haven't listened to Buck Bumble yet today
Oh god, I found myself singing the Buck Bumble song like every 15 minutes this weekend.
Because you haven't listened to Buck Bumble yet today
As long as the actual office space is ready, I'm confident in that quote. If it isn't all best are off.
But if the move is a few month away we should probably save the worrying for at least a week.
The office space is not the problem here... They only need a desk to put their laptop on and they are good to go.
The problem is the set, quicklook room and control room.Those things take forever to setup and they obviously can't buy everything twice just so that they can setup the new rooms while still using the old ones. They will need to go dark for a while to takedown the old place and setup the new one.
To clarify, I have no doubt that Igarashi's kickstarter will make it. I just doubt whether or not it will actually come out.
Yea, that's good to see. I am wondering if they are plan on doing more travelling in the future. Although I would understand if they won't. From the content perspective there is really no good reason to go to Gamescom or TGS. 70%-80% of the games that will be there will also be at E3.
I would like to see one last Tokyo trip. Not because of TGS, but because of the all other craziness that would happen.
I'm not sure if Dan would be unable to handle Japan, or revel in it.
New set in a few months!
Both Spot and Bomb are moving downstairs!
I'm not sure if Dan would be unable to handle Japan, or revel in it.
I'm not sure if Dan would be unable to handle Japan, or revel in it.
Because you haven't listened to Buck Bumble yet today
Well I'm just dumb then.
Was this pre-GB? My knowledge of his time on GS isn't great.
What is the current timeline for offices at this point?
2008-2010 - The Basement
2010-2012 - The Whiskey Offices
2012-2015 - First CBSi office
Is that correct?
I'm sure that I'm just dense, but where did we get the news of the office move? I'm not finding it yet.
If they move down to a basement office again I want to see a weekly feature of the crew setting off bug bombs.
Perfect. I love internet ephemera.
I'm guessing from Danny's Periscope stream.
Danielle posted she's staying at Idle Thumbs and Polygon even with her move to NYC in the fall. So the people freaking out about her being the hire can calm down.
People were freaking our abuot Danielle possibly being a new hire? She's fun on idle thumbs!
Danielle posted she's staying at Idle Thumbs and Polygon even with her move to NYC in the fall. So the people freaking out about her being the hire can calm down.
Danielle posted she's staying at Idle Thumbs and Polygon even with her move to NYC in the fall. So the people freaking out about her being the hire can calm down.
I wonder how much giant bomb could raise in a kickstarter/patreon if it ever came down to that. Let's hope it continues to be profitable for CBS and never does. I suppose they would get sold before anything else...
Danielle posted she's staying at Idle Thumbs and Polygon even with her move to NYC in the fall. So the people freaking out about her being the hire can calm down.
Virtually no one in this thread was against the notion.
Danielle posted she's staying at Idle Thumbs and Polygon even with her move to NYC in the fall. So the people freaking out about her being the hire can calm down.
So it's Patricia then. Glad that's settled.Danielle posted she's staying at Idle Thumbs and Polygon even with her move to NYC in the fall. So the people freaking out about her being the hire can calm down.
Living in SF sounds like a fucking nightmare. Holy shit.
And now we have literally no idea who the hire might be D:
I really don't cara who the new hire is at this point
Well it could be Danielle's girlfriend Patricia, who currently works at Kotaku and was the one to initially mention New York on Twitter. For some reason everyone didn't consider her and option and immediately jumped to Danielle?
I really don't cara who the new hire is at this point
Oh, she was considered. People just wanted Danielle more in the Giant Bomb Hire Fantasy League.
But it seems likely they're moving mostly because of cost of living in SF, going by Danielle's tweets. Patricia going to NYC where the Kotaku HQ is is probably also not a bad deal for her.
For added bliss, try enabling captions for this on Youtube:
Patricia would be a bad hire. I really don't see GB hosting 'Bloodborne is really menstrual blood' articles.
Well it could be Danielle's girlfriend Patricia, who currently works at Kotaku and was the one to initially mention New York on Twitter. For some reason everyone didn't consider her and option and immediately jumped to Danielle?
I really don't cara who the new hire is at this point