Alright, thanks. I'm playing on normal, I'm somewhat of a wuss about loosing people or making huge mistakes that I like to take back if possible. I just found it funner to play it that way.
I would not read the latest comments on the MGS4 loading video if you have not played MGS4 yet/experienced it. It has a spoiler image (as obvious as the game's themes are).
I seem to remember that shot being in trailers for the game, though it's been awhile.
I'm just messing with you. Ironman mode is real fun if you play a lot of strategy games though.
Gerstmann made me buy trackmania
Oh I don't doubt that, it's a great game. I just doubt I'll have time to go back and replay it at harder levels.
This video is a gold mine for dumb stuff.
Check out Odallus if Vinnyvania has gotten you in the mood for some old school Castlevania.
inspired by the return of mgscanlon i am finally going through the snake eater series. i'm on episode 4, this game is way boring compared to 1 or 2!
I wonder how many takes 'Loading' took. I couldn't have kept it up for that long, especially after the thing midway through.
I personally enjoyed 2 more, despite strut F.MGScanlon3 is the best in the series so far.
what's up with the watermarks, fob
can't say i've seen a gifmaker use'em before
keep up the good work, though
I've been throwin em on here and there whenever I put in a little more work than just straight giffing something. Most times when it's just a silly moment, whatevs but if I'm putting in the time to open up photoshop and do some actual editing and whatnot I'll put a "fobwashed" in there cuz I'm already in PS and so when I see it put up elsewhere ppl in the know will know ;-]
cool, cool
we should talk sometime, i'd love to have you participate in realising a bombcast thread design, if you're into the idea
You don't want reddit claiming Fob's stuff is theirs.
ah, my bad! go through my thread history and click on some of the bombcast threads, fellow gb-gaffer renpatsu and i like to have fun with the opening posts
we're closing in on 40 designs at this point, kinda crazy
I'm old and don't know what that even is -_-;;
Is reddit still a thing?
wow this robot segment on UPT is incredible
wow this robot segment on UPT is incredible
The search ids are unique so you can't link to a search btw.
Man, that generic licensed music service Giant Bomb uses is on point because the Scanlon 4 video sounds exactly like Harry Gregson Williams music.
I'm pretty sure the loading tips in that video are Dan and Jason and I'm just trying to figure out who wrote what. Some of them are easy because they just sound like pure Dan, but I'm on the fence on some others. That's a cool game to play.
The one about not trusting anyone even the president, especially the president, sounds like Drew and a obvious Jason one is where it mentions Dan's dumb face.
So i just started playing mgs4 and snake's slowest prone shuffle is pretty great.
Did they do something with it? I don't think they played it.UPT was hilarious and it gets even better.
Also made me realize that bulletstorm looks like a pretty cool game.
Did they do something with it? I don't think they played it.
Nerves of steel.I'm shocked Drew managed to keep a straight face for 17 straight minutes with Dan doing that thing and while eating an entire pack of candy. That's impressive.
it is and so good tooThis video is a gold mine for dumb stuff.