the fuck
that's Ken.
Street Fighter art is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
4 is the only one I'd say arguably looks bad. 3rd Strike and V so far have been looking fantastic.
4 is the only one I'd say arguably looks bad. 3rd Strike and V so far have been looking fantastic.
I thought SF4 looked great outside of Ryu's face.
Under 2 hours to the Cher marathon.
Alpha was a looker, too, along with the games that pulled sprites from that game. So lthe Marvel games and whatnot.
I think 5 looks ugly as sin too from everything I've seen so far. That Ken is not helping things at all. Before 4 was great, sure. But that's talking about 15 year old games.
Well that's big news, huh? Congrats, Jeff!
Well that's big news, huh? Congrats, Jeff!
Jeff's gonna finally clean out that garage now right?
Fiancee = engagedMorrowind is a bad game, and you should all feel bad for thinking it's good for jeff.
Why are we congratulating jeff
Jeff's getting real serious, cool!
Awesome! Someone he likes so much that he watches her play games he had no interest in on his own. (Judging from the only data point I know about)
Congrats on having an original Xbox hooked up, Jeff. Must be nice.
he should check out Otogi
Ooooh yeah, Morrowind was on the original Xbox. Is that version, like, really weird? Or was it generally full-featured?
Does that dude still live with Jeff or did Jeff kick him out? I feel like I haven't heard about him in ages
it was fully featured but performance was garbage. i never finished it.
Glitches I'm at work what do I do
Glitches I'm at work what do I do