They should sit Dan down too so he can see how awesome MGR actually is!.

They should sit Dan down too so he can see how awesome MGR actually is!.
I finally have a respectable internet connection at home for the first time in a month or so. any particularly outstanding videos I missed? I saw the bridge builder thing.
I totally forgot about that kid that befriends Sunny at the end of MGS4,he's the same kid from MGR, Jorge or something?
You mean the kidthat gets sliced up by Raiden in the sewer lab? Nah, that's not him.
I totally forgot about that kid that befriends Sunny at the end of MGS4,he's the same kid from MGR, Jorge or something?
So what's the over/under that we'll encounter Raiden, Drebin, Solid, Liquid and Solidus as children in V?
the merchandising alone....
No, I don't think George is the same kid.
I don't remember him slicking him up, but I do remember him having a cyborg arm or leg or something, so maybe, I don't know, I should probably play MGR again.
Nut surprising. Same composer.
Didn't realize how polarizing Rising is on the GB site. Some commenters on the site really hate it to the point of it not even existing. I know about not reading GB website comments and all that, but I can actually understand why people dislike it since its such a different game and doesn't add anything to the story, which most people play Metal Gear for.
I finally have a respectable internet connection at home for the first time in a month or so. any particularly outstanding videos I missed? I saw the bridge builder thing.
Man, people were not overstating PW's importance to the stuff we've seen in Ground Zeroes and PP. It's too bad that it looks like it plays like shit, the story was pretty damn good.
It plays like shit on PSP. Luckily the HD console versions remedied that.Man, people were not overstating PW's importance to the stuff we've seen in Ground Zeroes and PP. It's too bad that it looks like it plays like shit, the story was pretty damn good.
I don't think it plays much different than most of the mainline metal gear games. The mission structure is definitely different though.
The HD version plays fine, the only real issues are the bosses and the way the game handles it's areas.Man, people were not overstating PW's importance to the stuff we've seen in Ground Zeroes and PP. It's too bad that it looks like it plays like shit, the story was pretty damn good.
I might be different, because I'm not a huge fan of the post 4 MGS content, but with Peace Walker I wish theyMan, people were not overstating PW's importance to the stuff we've seen in Ground Zeroes and PP. It's too bad that it looks like it plays like shit, the story was pretty damn good.
It plays like shit on PSP. Luckily the HD console versions remedied that.
Isn't she supposed to be 16? :/
There is a date with... Master Lord Sensei Our True Leader McDonell 'Kaz' Benedict Miller...
She isnot sixteen.
I know.But unless you see the very end she is presented as a sixteen year old. Also it is generally better to forget that whole PACIFICA OCEAN bullshit. Oh my god
At the risk of sounding like I'm rushing things along, what do you guys think is next? MGS was a huge video series that likely took up a significant amount of their time that they will probably want to fill with something else. Demo Derby will likely get some more frequent episodes, but I'd imagine Dan and Drew will want to do something else as well.
Edit: it might be interesting to do a video series of a game that Drew holds near and dear and have Dan play through it
Still think the Big Boss info dump post credits is the most unnecessary thing.
I guess it puts a end to Zero but even that feels a bit half assed. Mostly because his place as the Big Bad was never really built upon by then.
And did BB just walk into some old peoples home and walk out with Zero? As a paranoid power mad person you think Zero would have been safer.
But bringing Big Boss back to life? Whatever. People have been wanting that since MGS1. Its the least stupid thing in that ending.
I still remember Kotaku publishing a piece about "is Big Boss back in MGS4?" with an off-screen screenshot of his face like two weeks before release. The worst.
I still remember Kotaku publishing a piece about "is Big Boss back in MGS4?" with an off-screen screenshot of his face like two weeks before release. The worst.
I would love a series where Brad or Jeff or whoever sits in with Dan playing old PC games. Has he played Deus Ex? that could be fun
Anyone excited that Super Star Wars is coming to PS4 (and with trophies to boot)? I hope STESB and SROTJ come as well. The other games they announced as coming to PS4 are a weird mix (Star Wars: Racer Revenge, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, and Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter). What is interesting is that those are PS2 games (with trophy support also). So, while those games are all pretty much meh, could their arrival on PS4 mean PS2 (and in turn PS1) support is coming!? There was that patent a while back that showed trophies added for PS1 and PS2 classics. I hope so. Personally, I'd rather have that then have studios spend money on remasters. There was also that Eurogamer article a while back saying that there could be native support of PS1/PS2. I wonder if that meant in regard to downloads or if we'd be able to use our discs.
Bounty Hunter was the shit.
Bounty Hunter was the shit.
I guess it puts a end to Zero but even that feels a bit half assed. Mostly because his place as the Big Bad was never really built upon by then.
And did BB just walk into some old peoples home and walk out with Zero? As a paranoid power mad person you think Zero would have been safer.
It's amazing how well MGS4's visuals holds up. I'm still very impressed with the cutscenes.
It's amazing how well MGS4's visuals holds up. I'm still very impressed with the cutscenes.
At the risk of sounding like I'm rushing things along, what do you guys think is next? MGS was a huge video series that likely took up a significant amount of their time that they will probably want to fill with something else. Demo Derby will likely get some more frequent episodes, but I'd imagine Dan and Drew will want to do something else as well.
Edit: it might be interesting to do a video series of a game that Drew holds near and dear and have Dan play through it
Judging by the comments, it seems like the headline was changed from something more spoilery.
Also, it's hard to believe that Kotaku looks worse with each redesign.
Edit: it might be interesting to do a video series of a game that Drew holds near and dear and have Dan play through it