Hey Tested answered my question on the podcast last week.
Little victories.
Hey Tested answered my question on the podcast last week.
Little victories.
How is this is only a test these days actually though? I haven't listened to that podcast in a very long time.
You listened to the latest "Untitled"? It's a bit of a trainwreck lol.
Oh, lord no. I stopped listening to them suck Adam's dick many months ago.
I actually still enjoy This Is Only A Test. It's the most unchanged part of the site, and Gary is on it very occasionally. They are miles ahead of other outlets when it comes to informative VR talk.
I don't want to be a downer (no really, I don't) but nobody should ever get married. Such an archaic institution.
waifus is where it's at these days get with the times
anyway, can we rename friday to beastday, please sign my change.org petition coming up shortly
Ooh I hope it's a week day!only if you sign my petition to have obama compel the rulemeister to create an eighth day of the week
I really hope that's a real reference and not something I made up.
Ooh I hope it's a week day!
Well that's big news, huh? Congrats, Jeff!
Remember, he stars in NCIS: LA, a CBS property. Synergy!
Remember, he stars in NCIS: LA, a CBS property. Synergy!
Jeff just casually mentioning his fiance when talking about the OG XBox and Morrowind is both so Jeff and so cool at once. What a great man.
Bet he's just been waiting for the perfect casual moment to drop that bombshell.
I bet he actually kinda doesn't care about announcing it cause it's none of our business. I feel that this was just said like that kind of matter of factly because whatever,
I bet he actually kinda doesn't care about announcing it cause it's none of our business. I feel that this was just said like that kind of matter of factly because whatever,
I don't know man, he use that fancy e. You don't just nonchalantly throw that out there.
Nothing fancy about éèùôêë son
lé lè lù lô lê lë
Nothing fancy about éèùôêë son
haven't watched the archive, yet. did jeff mention anything about streaming more t-mania at some point or was it a one-off
daily trackmania pls
Nah, it sounded like a one-off.
Yep. Being married is kinda like having a birthday, you have a big celebration but then after that it's kinda just the same as before.I'm married. It's alright.
4 days
That's right bomber-boys, 4 days until the scanlon premiere!
How long do you think the first episode will be? I've no idea how long the intro to that game is