How many turns before Brad starts acting passive aggressive. Maybe for extra fun every other turn they can take a community question.
Are you trying to get somebody killed? What kind of sociopath are you?
How many turns before Brad starts acting passive aggressive. Maybe for extra fun every other turn they can take a community question.
How many turns before Brad starts acting passive aggressive. Maybe for extra fun every other turn they can take a community question.
Are you trying to get somebody killed? What kind of sociopath are you?
"Can we get a question from the audience"
How many turns before Brad starts acting passive aggressive. Maybe for extra fun every other turn they can take a community question.
Drew should play Revengeance. It's not that hard and being able to slice through Geckos and even RAYs is cathartic as FUCK after MGS2 and 4.
The player/team that loses a minigame has to answer a community question. This is good incentive for them to try.
That is why Big Boss is just as evil-He saw himself above governments and loyalties to them. He saw himself above ideologies and beliefs. In doing so creating his own. It's ironic in the purest sense of the word. In doing so he created his own ideology and beliefs and spread them to his followers, even if they were created unknowingly.
Zero wanted total control. Big Boss wanted to be above everything and a force to be reckoned that they could control war as they sought fit, to choose who they want to be the victor or to be brought out to do so. Both two sides of a coin, different ways of achieving, but despite that just as evil since they're both from the same branch, so to speak.
Big Boss did not believe in world domination, or sacrificing lives for the "greater good"
Guy had no problem employing child soldiers for no good at all though.
I played some Reveangance last night. It was kind of boring. Not a whole lot there combat system wise.
Guy had no problem employing child soldiers for no good at all though.
how far did you get? the beginning is just tutorial stuff. you need to start unlocking moves. also, play on Hard if you wanna be truly challenged.
About 40 minutes into the Peace Walker video and i'm pretty uninterested. Does it pick up at all?
About 40 minutes into the Peace Walker video and i'm pretty uninterested. Does it pick up at all?
Please don't do 100 turns....
Guys, sorry: 100 turns is not possible in Mario Party 5. Fobwashed fooled us with his wizardry again!
Guys, sorry: 100 turns is not possible in Mario Party 5. Fobwashed fooled us with his wizardry again!
well, i guess they could just play 50 turns back to back. there are multiple boards lol
Wow 2 hours for GZ.
>Xbox One version of Ground Zeroes
Dan why D:
>Xbox One version of Ground Zeroes
Dan why D:
>Xbox One version of Ground Zeroes
Dan why D:
>Xbox One version of Ground Zeroes
Dan why D:
>Xbox One version of Ground Zeroes
Dan why D:
Drew has no PS4.
Because drew doesn't own a PS4 and will probably pay GZ on the Xbone.
They should do a 2nd GZ video where Drew does the side op to rescues Kojima.
Their recording equipment can only do 720p
Are they playing at Drew's house? Is there some kind of importing of saves from Ground Zeroes to Phantom Pain?
jeremy parish is putting up daily mario maker videos for usgamer starting today so i doubt there's a video embargo. maybe for the pack-in levels but they've shown so much of the editor already that i can't imagine it being embargoed (i mean, it's definitely not embargoed but i don't think they're limiting video time, either)
Some people have been streaming the game. Odd NDA's are already in place too. Apparently, you cannot show select custom Mario characters (the skins you can unlock in Super Mario Maker).
When you proceed to play 10/100 Mario challenge it selects random online user generated levels. However, because you do not know what the level is, its layout and what may come out of the question block, it becomes very easy to break the NDA and accidentally hit a costume block..
Dan and Jeff should do a multiplayer series.
This is weird so far. GZ is too horrifying to be yucking it up over.
War is horrifying. I legitimately think that as far as portraying something horrible goes, Kojima is going to hit his master piece with TPP.