All 4 top slots on the website are reviews right now... Haven't seen that in a while lol.
You could probably see the same 4 game series reviews when the site first started.
All 4 top slots on the website are reviews right now... Haven't seen that in a while lol.
People getting upset about reviews again? Color me surprised!
I still don't get it. Sure, personally I don't dig Bethesda RPGs anymore. I love the charm that the Fallout world has, but the thought of playing it makes me sleepy in and of itself. I might feel a bit vindicated if others came around to this view. Am I upset that people are digging the game and rating it highly? Absolutely not. If the reviewer likes the game, they should absolutely give it a good score. As long as they justify in in the text, it's all cool.
Reading FO4 impressions, I know that it's basically just more Fallout 3. That's something I'm personally not looking for right now, but those that are should be able to get as excited as they want.
Some people are fucking monsters.
Yeah, just ask Jeff, people have always and will always get angry about review scores. His stories about getting death threats from Sega fans back in the day show that the more things change the more they stay the same. Hell, his whole pancake bit on Twitter is a play on that. I don't get it either.
Who the fuck is that cunt?
You have people getting hyped up for years for specific games and then finding out it's not good, well it can do things to people, especially if system x has a dearth of games.
Bethesda games are particularly suspectible to backlash because they keep repeating the same key flaws over and over.
Like, I get people being highly disappointed over something. The misdirection of anger always weirds me out, but I guess I'm just a well adjusted human. Also, the idea of buying a system for 1-2 games if you don't have a ton of disposable income to throw at gaming always seems like a bad idea, but I'm an idiot that owns everything so what do I know?
Giant Bomb #18 I Everything is always a surprise on some level
It's got to be.
Definitely in for "Everything is always a surprise on some level"
yeah, will have to change my vote to 'Everything is always a surprise on some level'
I wasn't really playing many games during the PS1/PS2 era so maybe someone here can inform me. People now seem to talk like marquee games never had framerate issues or major bugs, is that true or are people just looking at the past with rose-tinted glasses?
GTA has always gotten shit for bad framerates. N64 games generally ran like garbage. The early days of 3D games were a strange time. Today's Bethesda jank is on another level.
I wasn't really playing many games during the PS1/PS2 era so maybe someone here can inform me. People now seem to talk like marquee games never had framerate issues or major bugs, is that true or are people just looking at the past with rose-tinted glasses?
To put it this way, I'm happy the internet on a large scale wasn't really a thing when I was 10 or so years old.
GTA has always gotten shit for bad framerates. N64 games generally ran like garbage. The early days of 3D games were a strange time. Today's Bethesda jank is on another level.
Um, did anyone notice that both "Les" and "Moonves" are on the list of recognized names in Fallout 4?
Five stars confirmed.
as long as it doesn't crash all the time (fucking New Vegas) and I don't get stuck in broken missions (Skyrim), I think the terrible collision and bugs and bullshit are hilarious.
listen, the game is going to break a million times in my hands regardless, might as well go all-out with it.
performance issues and game-breaking bugs and stuff are unacceptable. but if you aren't okay with objects floating above the ground and everything clipping through everything, then you really shouldn't keep buying Bethesda games.
Like, I get people being highly disappointed over something. The misdirection of anger always weirds me out, but I guess I'm just a well adjusted human. Also, the idea of buying a system for 1-2 games if you don't have a ton of disposable income to throw at gaming always seems like a bad idea, but I'm an idiot that owns everything so what do I know?
Game breaking bugs and performance issues are to Bethesda as save corrupting and importation bugs are to Telltale. In a game as complex as Bethesda's, you're going to miss some weird game breaking bugs. The problem is they seem to have a disturbing number of very common ones. I always tend to find them as well.
Thanks for putting this up. Not surprised by his complaints in the slightest, but I agree with his frustration about this generation not ironing out what has been ongoing issues in the past and everyone accepting it.
That explains the storm clouds.Lang is in SF
Lang is in SF
Some people are fucking monsters.
What a genuinely weird thing to tweet at someone though.
you'd think so but it's pretty much par for the course re: twitter?
you'd think so but it's pretty much par for the course re: twitter?
Dang that's unnecessarily mean.
Also, I hear Dave Lang had to tap out. Dude did some work, though!
I actually think it's pretty weird. Not the usual trolling I'm used'd think so but it's pretty much par for the course re: twitter?
Yeah the technical stuff while disappointing is a consequence of the type of game they're making.
My hope is that the writing and story is better though. These are technically RPGs after all.
Brad seems to really love the new Tomb Raider, which is good to see. My opinion on the first one more or less mirrored Brad's (great fundamentals, but would like to see some more Tomb Raiding and not just shooting shooting shooting cutscene shooting shooting shooting), which they seem to mostly have addressed. What he writes about the world near the end is especially exciting.
Where's mah Bombcast?! I'm fiending for Fallout 4 chatter.
Where's mah Bombcast?! I'm fiending for Fallout 4 chatter.