Wow, what a messNo it is not. Supposed to come back at the end of this month I think. About four months after the original release.
Wow, what a messNo it is not. Supposed to come back at the end of this month I think. About four months after the original release.
The only one I can think of is Hotline Miami 2, but even then I still think of it as a good game.
Eh, Long live the queen was just ok Austin. Wouldn't say that it's fantastic.
I know you're right, it just seems shitty for them to ask full price after they fucked up so badly.
The story was handled better than the first as well, thankfully it was still insane nonsense.Yeah it didn't build on the first one as much as I'd like, but I still found it weirdly addictive, especially the Hawaii levels. And the soundtrack was dope as hell again.
hotline miami 2 had a dope ass soundtrack and the richter/fans levels were great
if the level editor comes out by the year's end, it's totally in my top 10 despite being spread too thin and being too much "hotline miami 2: for super players"
Let's say GB had "Best In-Game Quote/Dialogue" for their end-of-year awards...
What are the nominees?
That's why I liked it. It starting back up from zero would have been boring considering the skills I habe built up from the first one.
A Bit of Star Wars Battlefront Beta live show in 10 minutes?
But I'm still at work![]()
Let's say GB had "Best In-Game Quote/Dialogue" for their end-of-year awards...
What are the nominees?
Oh fuck yeah. Caught a little bit on Twitch, looked pretty fun but I'm not really sure if it has the true longevity of a MP game in this age. Kind of like Siege in that everything looks pretty interesting and neat but might be super repetitive when you actually have the game and play it for a few dozen hours.
I'm expecting the game to be fairly lacking in content, which is the same issue that Titanfall had.12 Maps just doesn't seem like a lot. That's my main concern. Having played it I think it's super fun.
I'm expecting the game to be fairly lacking in content, which is the same issue that Titanfall had.
The Live Bomb extension just went off and freaked me out. I'm usually at work for livestream.
I'm expecting the game to be fairly lacking in content, which is the same issue that Titanfall had.
12 Maps just doesn't seem like a lot. That's my main concern. Having played it I think it's super fun.
I don't believe you.
Let's say GB had "Best In-Game Quote/Dialogue" for their end-of-year awards...
What are the nominees?
EDIT: Question inspired by Undertale (of course) :
I don't know what the scope of the game is but if they are similar to battlefield in size I think that's a good amount of maps. More than what Battlefield 3 had at launch.
"The enemy sniper!" - Revolver "shalashaska" Ocelot
12 maps is plenty for a Battlefield game given that the maps are designed with several modes in mind, like TDM, Rush, and Conquest. And they well done, too, where TDM doesn't feel totally half assed when they section off a portion of the map for it.
and guys, you really dont want DICE doing a battlefield-like campaign for this. BF4's campaign was a pretty bad COD clone and you don't want it from them, believe me.
Do it (defecate) has to be a top tier contender
I think they are split between the modes, so that might make things problematic if you only like playing one thing or the other. We will see.
"The Enemy Gunship!" - Revolver "shalashaska" Ocelot
Vinny calls them At-Ats while I call them Ay-Tee Ay-Tees.
Vinny calls them At-Ats while I call them Ay-Tee Ay-Tees.
"The Enemy Gunship!" - Revolver "shalashaska" Ocelot
I don't want a campaign, I want more content.12 maps is plenty for a Battlefield game given that the maps are designed with several modes in mind, like TDM, Rush, and Conquest. And they well done, too, where TDM doesn't feel totally half assed when they section off a portion of the map for it.
and guys, you really dont want DICE doing a battlefield-like campaign for this. BF4's campaign was a pretty bad COD clone and you don't want it from them, believe me.
Everyone knows MGS V has the best dialogue of 2015
"You want to extracting him?"
I want to see vinny survive for more than 10 seconds. This seems like battlefield.
I want to see vinny survive for more than 10 seconds. This seems like battlefield.
This game looks and sounds amazing. Not yet sure if playing it looks fun though.