This is disgusting.
I assume it's this one:
GOTY content is a bit later than I'd like this year, but I suppose I'll survive. Why not just always start it on Christmas?
Mabe they dont want to ruin peoples holidays
I assume it's this one:
you're invincible when you slam down with the cape while flying
Okay that will fuck Patrick up. Is he allowed to look up just how game mechanics work at all?
Huh. I'm sure that's not something Patrick is aware of, unless it was used on some other level he's played for his streams.
It came out after they did their stuff anyway, so I don't think it would even factor in.does Yakuza 5 count as a 2015 release? I'm not really sure it does? I mean especially for me, since I first played (part of) it in 2013...
does Yakuza 5 count as a 2015 release? I'm not really sure it does? I mean especially for me, since I first played (part of) it in 2013...
Video bombcasts give a lot of people what they have been asking for. Seems like it has been requested for years. Unless they fundamentally change how they do things, I doubt it will hurt the audio product. If they all sit around with full size mics, headphones and pop screens in front of them then it is unlikely to have any significant visual component. Even then, I am sure any highlights would end up on youtube.
I can see it being a case of giving people what they want - only to find out that people don't really want it. Large bandwidth considerations and file sizes - I can see the video podcast having very niche appeal once the novelty has worn off.
This is great (via Twitter)
I listen to the dudes at known as and I enjoy their content a whole bunch whether it's in audio or video form. I don't see how anyone can be disappointed with more options honestly, it's just more ways to enjoy said thing. I'm excited for it.
This is great (via Twitter)
This is great (via Twitter)
This is great (via Twitter)
I used to watch G4's video podcast back in the Patrick Klepek era.
does Yakuza 5 count as a 2015 release? I'm not really sure it does? I mean especially for me, since I first played (part of) it in 2013...
This is great (via Twitter)
man, i wish i could draw like that
Well to be clear, that's a Photoshop of an official KSP wallpaper. Still amazing work but not from scratch.
I assume it's this one:
That's great fanart.This is great (via Twitter)
Oh really? I thought I was joking about recoloring one to make Alex
Video bombcasts? Hmm. I hope this doesn't end up with everyone playing up their reaction like it's some lame Youtuber or something
My issue with a video Bombcast: who is going to edit it? Will it be the raw recording but Brad is still going to edit the audio podcast? Or does Drew edit the video and Brad the audio? Or does Brad edit the video and export the audio from it?
I'll totally watch the video podcasts when I can. I like seeing reactions and such from them plus... maybe they'll find a way to do video for GOTY discussions next year. Hell, I watch Tazz gripe and be just ridiculous for his "radio show" that's totally just a podcast.
What I don't like about video podcasts is that they are far more impractical to watch and I fear that I would always feel like I'm missing out on something when listening to the audio version.
lets be real the more likely outcome is this thread will whine about how theyve completely turned into youtubers the second jeff makes one face.Video bombcasts? Hmm. I hope this doesn't end up with everyone playing up their reaction like it's some lame Youtuber or something
Video bombcasts? Hmm. I hope this doesn't end up with everyone playing up their reaction like it's some lame Youtuber or something
This is great (via Twitter)