If you guys do a dungeon thingy, definitely make a new thread for it. This thread is too off-topic as it is. Don't want it to get SBFed.
Don't want it to get SBFed.
If you guys do a dungeon thingy, definitely make a new thread for it. This thread is too off-topic as it is. Don't want it to get SBFed.
Wow he's a fucking monster. I can't see Patrick beating this without "help".I assume it's this one:
Beautiful.This is great (via Twitter)
Hahaha yes!
From the thread.
Catching up on the thread, and damn I had no idea Yakuza 2 had gotten so rare.
Gotten nothing. It was on launch. I was working at a gamestop and was the only pre-order of the game. They sent us 2 copies and never sent anymore.
I assume it's this one:
The Jack the Ripper DLC for AC Syndicate is pretty neat. But I think it still costs too much for what it is. maybe $8-10 would be better imo.
I assume it's this one:
The Jack the Ripper DLC was shorter then what I expected. I thought it would be at least more then what was in it.
Yeah it reminds me of the Freedom Cry DLC of AC4 just without the new areas. And that was $10. I wonder what caused them to go to $15. I don't regret paying for it, but I can't really recommend it to others because of the price.
she only got you that because she couldn't get you the APW Tag Team belts
she only got you that because she couldn't get you the APW Tag Team belts
TFA was very good, but not FotR good. I think episode VIII will be better than VII.
TFA was very good, but not FotR good. I think episode VIII will be better than VII.
Jesus fuck. Not that the price is all that matters, but she literally must've spent close to $500 for him. No way that blanket was more than a Benjamin. Like, personally I'd feel like shit in his shoes.
Jesus fuck. Not that the price is all that matters, but she literally must've spent close to $500 for him. No way that blanket was more than a Benjamin. Like, personally I'd feel like shit in his shoes.
Feedback? I loved that podcast.I used to watch G4's video podcast back in the Patrick Klepek era.
To be fair if you tried to make me write 60,000 words right now I couldn't do it.
Also apparently I need to get the Valis X games.
Catching up on the stream. Christ this Ghost in the Shell has depressed me since day one. Ghost in the Shell is too interesting of a universe to be delegated to an arena FPS. I couldn't give less of a shit about Deus Ex, but if Eidos made a Ghost in the Shell game I'd be all over that.
Edit: Austin convince Jeff to watch Ghost in the Shell!
After at least a week of me saying to myself 'Tonight's the night I'm gonna beat Trails in the Sky SC', tonight I actually did it. Clocked in just under 80 hours.
Boy people weren't kidding that Chapter 9 is huge. It took me like 4-5 play sessions to get through it. At least half of that was kind of filler that really didn't need to be there, but the last half more than makes up for it. One of the boss fights near the end was one of the most difficult and fun things I think I've ever played in a JRPG. The toughness of the fight really added to the gravitas of the story moment. I don't think I've felt this accomplished after beating something outside of a Souls title.
Most people here have seen me post my thoughts on SC and they still stand. It's easily my favorite JRPG since Persona 4. The writing and world are incredible and the battle system is a good mix of tactical and challenging. Every JRPG fan should play FC and SC no question. I'm even more excited for Cold Steel now and I sure hope we can keep getting these games localized. They deserve as large an audience as SMT or any of the other modern JRPGs get here.
Making my Game of the Year list is going to be agonizing for me this year.
What he got her...
Trails SC major spoilers
Someone in the OT mentioned that the Loewe fight was originally easier than that, but was changed due to massive feedback from fans who complained how easy it was
Does the current video schedule mean that we won't be getting any GB content between 21st and 29th?
Does the current video schedule mean that we won't be getting any GB content between 21st and 29th?
But Deus Ex is pretty cool, you should give a shit.
Earlier someone mentioned GitS as a tactical game (like XCOM) and that could be a good fit too.
Regarding the Spoiler
Huh, that's interesting. I wonder what exactly did they add? A lot of mechanics that make him a bastard, like the body split, zero storm, and his S-Breaks, feel intrinsic to the fight. Just lowering their damage wouldn't make the fight easy.
There were times in that fight that I felt they had gone too far, but nothing he does feels unbalanced or unfair to me. The game gives you more than enough tools to deal with him, it just doesn't give you much wiggle room to use them. By the end, I was having a ton of fun figuring out what I needed to do and how exactly to execute it. Also, like I mentioned, the sense of accomplishment was huge.
I guess it makes sense now why they give you the opportunity to skip the fight and why you get a special reward for finishing it.
What he got her...