Welcome to the nineteenth NeoGAF thread for GIANT BOMB, a thread that has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH GIANT BOMB'S GAME OF THE YEAR. If you desperately want to talk GOTY, try daydream and Renpatsu's GB GOTY Thread.
Real talk: Giant Bomb's casual coverage and strong personalities makes it the video game website to end all video game websites. It's like a really good TV show you can just fall into, and then go back to get all the weird inside jokes.
As 2015 nears its close, Giant Bomb ends one of its best years. They hired a really great new writer named Austin Walker, they exhaustively covered E3 2015 with a deft and relentless enthusiasm for Sheumue that has since become legendary, and they've finally finished a new office in New York with a great new podcast and a fascinating deep dive on New York Subway drivers. Also they played so Much. Metal. Gear. With Game of The Year Awards approaching, things are only going to get hotter! Or everything will just break, and things will still be okay, as is the Giant Bomb way.
So sit back, relax, and argue about anime, wrestling, fast food, and occasionally video games on the Giant Bomb Official Thread on NeoGAF.
- Homepage - The magic starts here
- Live Show Page - The official page for all live content, chat, polls, and the amazing hype meter
- Managed Livestream Page - If you missed the show live, here's the link to watch the latest livestream before the archive goes up on the site
- Premium Membership - Become a Premium member today!
Jeff Gerstmann

Stalk Jeff on NeoGAF: MonsterDunk
Stalk Jeff on Twitter: @jeffgerstmann
Stalk Jeff on Tumblr: http://jeff.zone/
Stalk Jeff on Mixlr: http://mixlr.com/jeff-gerstmann/
Stalk Jeff on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/gleex
Brad Shoemaker

Stalk Brad on NeoGAF: rudds
Stalk Brad on Twitter: @bradshoemaker
Stalk Brad on Tumblr: http://bwadshoemaker.tumblr.com/
Drew Scanlon

Stalk Drew on Twitter: @drewscanlon
Stalk Drew on Tumblr: http://drewscanlon.tumblr.com/
Dan Ryckert

Stalk Dan on NeoGAF: DanRyckert
Stalk Dan on Twitter: @DanRyckert
Stalk Dan on Tumblr: http://ryckert.tumblr.com/
Stalk Dan on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ExileOnMassSt
Jason Oestreicher

Stalk Jason on Twitter: @unastrike
Matt Rorie

Stalk Matt on Twitter: @frailgesture
Stalk Matt on Tumblr: http://matthewrorie.tumblr.com/
Austin Walker

Stalk Austin on NeoGAF: WreckTheLaw
Stalk Austin on Twitter: @austin_walker
Stalk Austin on Tumblr: http://clockworkworlds.com/
Vinny Caravella

Stalk Vinny on NeoGAF: bionicpuppy
Stalk Vinny on Twitter: @VinnyCaravella
Stalk Vinny on Tumblr: http://vincentcaravella.tumblr.com/
Alex Navarro

Stalk Alex on Twitter: @alex_navarro
Danny O'Dwyer
Stalk Danny on Twitter: @dannyodwyer
Stalk Danny on Tumblr: http://dannyodwyer.tumblr.com/
Stalk Danny on YouTube: http://youtube.com/dannyodwyer
Mary Kish
Stalk Mary on Twitter: @MerryKish
Stalk Mary on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUsMZqrlCWwHqI9O1UT5pg
Jeff Bakalar
Stalk Jeff on Twitter: @jeffbakalar
Free Video Series:
- Quick Look - The guys jump into a new release and give it a whirl for about 40 minutes or so. Unedited, no bullshit - your Giant Bomb meat 'n' potatoes.
- Unfinished - Basically Quick Looks of unreleased games. It can be games in Early Access, or other forms of pre-release builds of games.
- Ranking of Fighters - Jeff and Jason play different fighting games and rank them in a VERY SCIENTIFIC WAY. Right now Samurai Shodown 2 is the best fighting game of all time. This show is part of the rotating schedule of live shows every Wednesday.
- The Old Games Show - Jeff, Brad and other staff members play old games and talk about them. This show is part of the rotating schedule of live shows every Wednesday.
- Us vs. Them - GBWest takes on GBEast in this feature where a team from the east coast play against a team from the west coast in competitive multiplayer games. This show is part of the rotating schedule of live shows every Wednesday.
- Encyclopedia Bombastica - Quick Looks for older games, basically. Generally comes with more of an "in the know" feel.
- Giant Bomb Mailbag - The crew opens mailbags from the community. Don't just send them your trash, put some effort into it!
Premium Video Series:
- Unprofessional Friday - Premium member exclusive show. Just 2 hours of whatever nonsense the crew feel like showing off. Giant Bomb at its most chaotic.
- Demo Derby - Dan, Drew and Jeff look at old Demo Discs across multiple platforms in this feature. Some times we get to see demos of good old classic games and other times we get to see demos of the worst games ever made.
- Metal Gear Scanlon - Drew is on a mission to play through all numbered MGS games as he has never played them before. Local MGS nut Dan Ryckert tries to help/troll Drew throughout the playthrough.
- VinnyVania - Vinny is playing through every console 2D Castlevania game, and maybe some more?
- Breaking Brad - Brad plays particularly difficult games and challenges in games. Will he conquer it, or will it break him?
- GBE Playdate - Vinny, Alex and Austin play 2-ish hours of a game, either as a one-off thing or as a series for one particular game.
- Mario Party Party - The Gang play 50 fucking turns of every single numbered Mario Party game. NOBODY WINS.
- Jar Time - Jeff answers questions from the community into a microphone.
- Unplugged - The gang plays various DnD games, and Avalon.
Free Podcasts:
- The Giant Bombcast - Up every Tuesday, with an accompanying thread popping up here on GAF near enough on the dot.
- The Giant Beastcast - Giant Bomb's second flagship podcast, with Vinny, Alex and Austin as regulars and JEFF SPEKTAKULAR in the rotating fourth chair. Like with the Bombcast, every episode gets its own thread here on GAF.
- Giant Bomb Presents - Previously Interview Dumptruck. It's the podcast feed where they can post whatever doesn't fit in the other podcasts. It's probably still gonna be mainly the GB crew interviewing a wide range of people from the industry and gaming community, and posting the mostly raw audio straight to the site.
- Giant Bomb Gaming Minute - One minute news, reviews, and commentary produced for radio, Jeff puts these on the site in podcast format because why not?
Premium Podcasts:
- Danswers - Danny & Dan with a wide array of guests discuss and danswer the listeners' personal questions.
- Alt+F1 - Drew and Danny discuss F1 and a lot of random shit.
- The Powerbombcast - Alex, Jeff, Dan, Giancarlo Varanini and guests discuss the latest happenings in the world of professional wrestling.
- Also available are ad-free versions of The Giant Bombcast and The Giant Beastcast for subscribers only.
Officially Unofficial Websites:
- QLCrew: Giant Bomb Video Playlist - The best way to search for GB videos, with lots of options
- Myggen's Premium Content List - Myggen's frequently updated list of (some of) the best premium content to watch or listen to
- The Giant Bomb Unarchived Youtube channel - If any content involving Giant Bomb members or "friends of the site" isn't archived on the site, you'll find it here - big thanks to fellow GAF members alr1ght and Zaph for keeping this channel updated!
- TurboMan/xpantherx's Best of Giant Bomb YouTube playlist - fantastic "Best Of" Giant Bomb videos
- The Year Collection - A site with 4+ hours of highlights of every year of The Giant Bombcast, going back to 2008
- GB-GAF Synchtube Channel - This is simply a chatroom where people can cue up YouTube clips (including live content, which I can imagine could become pretty handy in the future) that play in sync with everybody else. I'll try to plug it whenever there's a live YouTube stream going on, but for now I'm loading it up with old GB clips. Established by Piston Hyundai
- Anjin M's Endurance Runs and other full playthroughs List - My occasionally updated list of (some of) the games the Giant Bomb has played from start to finish
Thread Title History:
- 12/21/2015 - 1/3/2016 - Giant Bomb #19 | I've got a 5.9 inch pale chub
- 1/3/2015 - current - Giant Bomb #19 | Patrick Wins 2-1
Most Likely Titles for Thread 20:
- Giant Bomb XX | Shy Guys Are a Culture, Not a Costume!
- Giant Bomb XX | The Moonshine Side of Videogame Mountain
- Giant Bomb XX | Donut Create Push
Official GB GAF Game Communities:
- Steam: PM TheMrPliskin for Steam Group Info
- PSN: GAF GB PSN Community: search for AnjinM
To everyone who posted an official thread from which this one is blatantly stolen from:
- Myggen
- Jimmyfenix
- SteveWinwood
- Patryn
- Hot Coldman
- randomlyrossy
Also, thanks to pedro_tex for the GIFs of the GBeast crew, and Lava from the Giant Bomb forums for the banner logo.
Gone, but never forgotten.![]()