Come on, we're not allowed to comment about Jar Time videos now?
I must have missed the memo.
Wait a minute...did you write that email to the Beastcast, Curufinwe?
Nope, I've never sent an email to them about anything.
Come on, we're not allowed to comment about Jar Time videos now?
Wait a minute...did you write that email to the Beastcast, Curufinwe?
The slab shirt idea would have been so dumb.
Just got up to the Pewdiepie segment of the Beastcast and just wanted to say;
Thank you Vinny. earliest known post to use the GIF of Scanlon was a comment by Tokubetsu responding to a comic about Kanye West and Future posted to a NeoGAF thread on July 27th, 2015.
My mom just liked a Drew meme post on Facebook. My mom "likes" like 5 things a year on facebook, if that.
Drew's all about the moms
Alex has already said they have no plans to play it multiple times a week, unfortunately.Beast in the East needs to either get way longer or switch to a twice-weekly thing. Otherwise this will take foreeeeever unless they just mainline it and not dick around at all, and I'd much rather them dick around in Yakuza games.
Only weekend Drew
Do review embargoes generally stipulate that you can't mention the game's existence in your life until the embargo is up? I've always been confused when people (mainly Jeff) talk around the embargoed games they're playing, instead of just their impressions. He'll always say like "been playing a lot of games I can't talk about yet" instead of just saying something like "Been playing Horizon, but I can't talk about that yet", which is way less annoying (I have no idea of he was referring to Horizon, that was just an example).
Giant Bomb secret gem is Jeff and Brad watching the Adema Mortal Kombat music video
It's funny to watch Jeff make fun of that kind of music because Mortal Kombat is actually the nu-metal of video games.
Do you think we'll see a Big Live Live Show Live this year?
actually it's twisted metal
rob zombie is literally a character in 4
Do you think we'll see a Big Live Live Show Live this year?
When was the last time we got one, 2 years ago?
NoDo you think we'll see a Big Live Live Show Live this year?
we aren't even past the apex yet folks. im waiting for someone to use this on Good Morning America.
That's not a fine CBS program.I'm telling you. He's gonna show up on the Ellen show.
That's not a fine CBS program.
That's not a fine CBS program.
you know, i thought at first that this was being blown out of proportion because its drew
its not
GB duders, we need to accept that drew is a meme, please stop telling everyone that uses it that HEY ITS DREW SCANLOLN FROM GB DOT COM!!! It's kinda embarrrising
He is the producer on the Giant Bomb show thank you very much.