I was most worried about the story and the game getting boring and limited but seeing Jeff's review has me a lot more excited now.
And people though Jeff hater sony
When was the last time Jeff really liked the story and/or storytelling in a game? That's actually pretty rare.
And interesting to see that Danny had the game early. He still has the gaming journo access.
Bakalar?Jeff hating on first party Sony exclusives again I see. That guy with the hockey avatar must be pissed, I bet he had a snarky post all ready to go and everything.
It's kinda insane that I could buy a PS4 including 5 games for less than a Switch and one game and I'm still leaning more towards the Switch because of a Zelda game I'm super skeptical about and a Mario game that comes out in 6-12 months.
I'm glad I cancelled my pre-order for now, I really need to think this over. There is really no logical explanation why I feel the way I do.
I would call that crazy.
I like Zelda and Mario, but having a PS4 and Xbox One I see no reason to get a Switch right now. At least not at these prices. Maybe by the end of the year it could be worth it.
I was going to get a Switch for Zelda alone, but it's a huge bonus to have Binding of Isaac available at launch as well.
can't tell if serious
Unless one really, REALLY, wants Zelda I see no reason why to get a Switch right now. There are so many great games out there.
I really want Zelda tho so I'm gettin a Switch #YOLO #mybankaccountwhitemanblinkinggif
That thread is actually pretty tame for a big exclusive title. Wait for the Zelda thread for real fireworks.
See, here's the thing, I see the switch completely as my vita and 3ds replacement. It exists separate outside the main console.
See, here's the thing, I see the switch completely as my vita and 3ds replacement. It exists separate outside the main console.
Is the video buddy app basically dead for everyone else?
Where is the Horizon quick look dammit
Is the video buddy app basically dead for everyone else?
Worked for me last night. Only use it to stream to chromecast though, if that somehow fixes some issue.
Disregarding the score, Jeff seems very excited about Horizon and its made me very excited.
"Near perfect story" is quite the high praise, especially from Jeff.
Drew meme has reached Icelandic twitter.
What a fun time.
Drew meme has reached Icelandic twitter.
What a fun time.
Drew meme has reached Icelandic twitter.
What a fun time.
People keep stressing about how long it will take them to finish it, when it has only just stared. They are not playing it for review, there is no arbatory deadline they have to hit.
I was looking at other 5 star reviews and I honestly did forget that Brad reviewed MGSV.
Drew becoming a meme is up there with random Big Brother gifs becoming memes. How does it happen and why so far after when the gifs first surface? I will never understand the internet. Shit is just random.
That's where you're wrong. Drew's ascension to memehood is clearly part of the divine plan.Drew becoming a meme is up there with random Big Brother gifs becoming memes. How does it happen and why so far after when the gifs first surface? I will never understand the internet. Shit is just random.
fjoääärkkhhhglûögghhhläärgh white man wtf blink wärtkghhhllärdgh
Why I will never trust a Brad review again.
Combination of utility, the joke itself, and the shortness of the gif. It's a very simple, straightforward reaction that isn't over the top and yet is still humorous due to the close up shot. It's an expression that can be applied to a lot of things. The joke formula (y, x, y:drew) is simple and short, allowing it to take off on Twitter where most of this stuff is born. It also started with a somewhat controversial topic, which always creates traction.
Also Drew is handsome as fuck so that probably has something to do with it.
Combination of utility, the joke itself, and the shortness of the gif. It's a very simple, straightforward reaction that isn't over the top and yet is still humorous due to the close up shot. It's an expression that can be applied to a lot of things. The joke formula (y, x, y:drew) is simple and short, allowing it to take off on Twitter where most of this stuff is born. It also started with a somewhat controversial topic, which always creates traction.
Also Drew is handsome as fuck so that probably has something to do with it.
Bro were you get your bachelor's in Memeology from?
r/memeeconomy gone serious.
I would have given MGS V 6 stars
best stealth-action game ever made and MGS fanboys who hate it are bad
MGSV played great but the thing it's missing is what I think most long-time MGS fans want in an MGS game, mainly the bonkers ass story and characters.I am a big MGS fan and MGSV is a great game.
It's just not MGS2 levels good but most things aren't.
MGSV but the thing it's missing is what I think most long-time MGS fans want in an MGS game, mainly the bonkers ass story and characters.
MGSV played great but the thing it's missing is what I think most long-time MGS fans want in an MGS game, mainly the bonkers ass story and characters.
That's what I said.Woke up to high praise for a Guerrilla game. I'm actually shocked at how well it's been reviewed.
I mean, it barely had these two major things to begin with. The only two redeeming qualities it had was it ran well and it had absolutely top-notch gameplay. The story, characters, and well everything else was shit.