Unlike NMS and The Order, the perception of DriveClub changed as it made huge improvements from where it was at launch. The existence of the BIkes expansion was a direct result of the success of the season pass.
curufinwe do you like any games not published by sony
I'll indulge your childish trolling with an actual answer.
1. Deus Ex Mankind Divided ; Immensely satisfying exploration and gameplay, plus an engaging story and interesting characters.
2. Dishonored 2 ; Immensely satisfying exploration and gameplay.
3. Uncharted 4 ; Great mix of precise shooting and solid stealth action.
4. Final Fantasy XV ; A summer road trip in the middle of winter makes for a relaxing, good time.
5. Zero Time Dilemma ; Complex motives, easy platinum.
6. Dirt Rally ; Driving model is great, but the AI is unfairly hard.
7. Table Top Racing: World Tour ; My favorite PS+ game of 2016.
8. Ratchet and Clank ; Not a patch on A Crack in Time.