They try to do witty banter between Ryder and SAM, and it always feels like someone awkwardly talking to a microwave.Watching the Beast play date, this SAM shit seems like it was written to have some emotional impact but comes off as the most convoluted mental gymnastics to explain why you have a voice in your head
It's exactly that.Also seems like a bullshit, Jedi "Chosen one" conceit.
And the new Pepsi Ginger is great.
Peter Brown wasn't exaggerating how little it earns the self-ascribed grandiosity of the whole pathfinder thing. It's so odd.
Peter Brown wasn't exaggerating how little it earns the self-ascribed grandiosity of the whole pathfinder thing. It's so odd.
Is there only one Pathfinder?
Film & Forties
Paul & Dan Watch Wrestlemania
Its the worst parts of Bioware writing done extremely poorly.
I at least thought Dragon Age Inquisition kinda tried to have a little fun with the whole Bioware messiah complex idea by being so blatant with it and making your character being turned off by the whole thing part of the story.
But man if there is a thing Bioware needs to drop its the whole "YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE" thing they have done to death game after game after game.
Shit has gotten far past lazy. Their attempts at creating a power fantasy are about as well executed as their amazon kindle adult novel level romances.
Played the opening hours to Horizon. Sweet jesus, it looks insane. Also, they really gave the time to put in depth to Aloy that made me care about her quicker than any other new character from a new IP in a long ass while, she's awesome. That "Years Of Training" track though.
Played the opening hours to Horizon. Sweet jesus, it looks insane. Also, they really gave the time to put in depth to Aloy that made me care about her quicker than any other new character from a new IP in a long ass while, she's awesome. That "Years Of Training" track though.
Played the opening hours to Horizon. Sweet jesus, it looks insane. Also, they really gave the time to put in depth to Aloy that made me care about her quicker than any other new character from a new IP in a long ass while, she's awesome. That "Years Of Training" track though.
comparing the polish between horizon and andromeda is amazing
both games came out this year, both games took years to make, one was done by a studio with an extremely solid track record in the type of game they were making, whilst one was deviating from just the shooters they were making which were always seen as average.
it's amazing
I mean to be fair Bioware was never known for their amazing graphics and high polish. If anything they got a pass for a long time due to people liking their stories and characters.
High polish and amazing graphics was all guerilla studios had.
Played the opening hours to Horizon. Sweet jesus, it looks insane. Also, they really gave the time to put in depth to Aloy that made me care about her quicker than any other new character from a new IP in a long ass while, she's awesome. That "Years Of Training" track though.
Played the opening hours to Horizon. Sweet jesus, it looks insane. Also, they really gave the time to put in depth to Aloy that made me care about her quicker than any other new character from a new IP in a long ass while, she's awesome. That "Years Of Training" track though.
Played the opening hours to Horizon. Sweet jesus, it looks insane. Also, they really gave the time to put in depth to Aloy that made me care about her quicker than any other new character from a new IP in a long ass while, she's awesome. That "Years Of Training" track though.
Like really, seeing that space has been colonised by these species already in the milky way you'd think they'd have common programs, hardware and procedures on colonising new planets.
And the way you colonise these planets is due to ancient alien technology? What?
How can anyone treat this as good sci-fi and not below-star wars drivel?
I know this gets thrown around a lot with games, but I really kept thinking that a Horizon movie would be neat and actually work. Also, was it just me or did6 year old Aloy look very odd? Baby Aloy and late teen/adult Aloy looked normal.
Oh hey, just saw Dan's sign on Wrestlemania. I've only been half paying attention, so I'm sure it's been on screen a ton of times, but still.
What is even happening in that picture?
Cena proposed to the lady after defeating The Miz fella.
Yeah I don't know. I can't think of a single thing.Though really, the premise of of Horizon is already kinda done bythe original nier.
Just saying. >_> <_<
Lots of existential games aboutrecently. Wonder what got us all into that headspace.humanity being wiped out
I want to play Persona 5 with Jeff and Vinny......
I only made it to Part 14 of the Endurance Run but I'll keep going tomorrow after work. I should be finished by...
Have the episodes stopping being 15 - 30 minutes yet?
Though really, the premise of of Horizon is already kinda done bythe original nier.
Just saying. >_> <_<
Lots of existential games aboutrecently. Wonder what got us all into that headspace.humanity being wiped out
one episode was 8 minutes!