Considering the fanbase, it's almost alarming how little Persona 3 and 4 force the "dating sim" aspect on you. It's entirely optional.
Hell, the cutscenes all act like everyone is just friends anyway

"just friends"
Considering the fanbase, it's almost alarming how little Persona 3 and 4 force the "dating sim" aspect on you. It's entirely optional.
Hell, the cutscenes all act like everyone is just friends anyway
Considering the fanbase, it's almost alarming how little Persona 3 and 4 force the "dating sim" aspect on you. It's entirely optional.
Hell, the cutscenes all act like everyone is just friends anyway
Well Persona didn't really blow up till 4, and all the waifu stuff didn't really start until after 4 came out and they started doing all the spinoffs
Bakalar is the secret weapon.
My Anime comment was just a poor attempt at being funny.
Yeah it sounds cool, and I think I need more Japanese games in my life, the last one I played was Bloodborne haha.
When I get over my open world/time consuming game fatigue I'll buy Yakuza 0 and start from there.
4 was piggybacking off 3's rise.
4 was piggybacking off 3's rise.
But Rise wasn't in 3.
Hey duders, hoping one of you with a better memory than me can help.
At my buddies for the next few days and looking for some games to play. I'm trying to remember a game that Dan and Danny played a lot of a year or two ago. It was like a versus tower defense thing, 2d side on where you had capture resource points then build defense and offense structures.
I finally started watching Rick and Morty and it's pretty great.
That gamer clothes thread didn't help my wallet...ended up grabbing a few things:
Three shirts for the price of two and that hoodie is totally worth it. Hope they get some Persona 5 stuff in at some point.
Yeah, it's awesome. It actually lives up to the internet hype.
That gamer clothes thread didn't help my wallet...ended up grabbing a few things:
Three shirts for the price of two and that hoodie is totally worth it. Hope they get some Persona 5 stuff in at some point.
Oh god I super want that hoodie.
omfg that hoodie
whats so good about gamer clothes if no one can tell its from a video game
I did not see any Beast From the East beyond episode 2 or 3 I think. Did they finally go watch some porn?
It's better when it's an reference only people familiar with the source get, like inside joke on Discord.
Yes. Everyone enjoyed themselves.
man the back design kinda puts me off a bit
Someone better have uploaded that scene with hearts on fire underneath.
Edit because I needed to see if someone actually did that.
6 year old Aloy look very odd? Baby Aloy and late teen/adult Aloy looked normal.
I got tired really fast of Yakuza 0s combat.
Probably also why I don't like the last chapter as much as most people.
Given that 3D World is a better game than Galaxy, I am confident that they can pull it off.
I have completly fallen off of the Beast in the East am I the only one, I didn't watch last weeks episode and prob won't this week? I am not sure why
back designs are the worst no joke
I was on board from day one and after finishing the game I'm even more on board now. Can't wait till they get to the later stuff.
I can deal with the back logo. It's not really that garish. I've seen far worse.
Not my picture, but I bought this shirt at PAX earlier this year.
whats so good about gamer clothes if no one can tell its from a video game
yeah pulled the trigger on it anyway, thanks for the link
Not my picture, but I bought this shirt at PAX earlier this year.
That gamer clothes thread didn't help my wallet...ended up grabbing a few things.
I'm still enjoying Zelda but I think I'm psyching myself out a bit with comparing the universal praise to my own experience and wondering why I don't feel more strongly for what is essentially my favourite series. I like it quite a bit, but there are a few key spots where it doesn't quite 'hit' for me or resonate as much as I would like. Some of the sentiments in that thread about people sharing why they still prefer other Zelda games to BoTW hits a lot of it on the head.
For me it's namely the dungeon thing, enemy variety in the open world, story progression issues, and lack of memorable characters and definition to the world outside a select few cases. It was kind of puzzling to think how despite the tech limitations, Majoras Mask and Ocarina of Time felt like a more defined and cohesive world than the Hyrule in BoTW. Maybe that contrast is the point since it's somewhat of a post-apocolypse, but I was hoping the open world meant more pockets of civilization than what was ultimately there (it feels like the entirety of Hyrule has <200 citizens all told). Kind of takes the wind out of exploration sails.
Should be noted that I'm 35ish hours in with a few regions left to explore so maybe that changes, but yeah. I don't regret the purchase by any means and I appreciate the risk they're taking but I'll be interested to see where the series goes after this. Somewhere between old and new approaches will ultimately be the sweet spot, I think.
I'm still enjoying Zelda but I think I'm psyching myself out a bit with comparing the universal praise to my own experience and wondering why I don't feel more strongly for what is essentially my favourite series. I like it quite a bit, but there are a few key spots where it doesn't quite 'hit' for me or resonate as much as I would like. Some of the sentiments in that thread about people sharing why they still prefer other Zelda games to BoTW hits a lot of it on the head.
For me it's namely the dungeon thing, enemy variety in the open world, story progression issues, and lack of memorable characters and definition to the world outside a select few cases. It was kind of puzzling to think how despite the tech limitations, Majoras Mask and Ocarina of Time felt like a more defined and cohesive world than the Hyrule in BoTW. Maybe that contrast is the point since it's somewhat of a post-apocolypse, but I was hoping the open world meant more pockets of civilization than what was ultimately there (it feels like the entirety of Hyrule has <200 citizens all told). Kind of takes the wind out of exploration sails.
Should be noted that I'm 35ish hours in with a few regions left to explore so maybe that changes, but yeah. I don't regret the purchase by any means and I appreciate the risk they're taking but I'll be interested to see where the series goes after this. Somewhere between old and new approaches will ultimately be the sweet spot, I think.
So I just got endingin Neir: A and while that last bit while theEwas absolutely awesome and probably my favorite gaming moment this year, but overall I have to say that the game is a big disappointment for me.credits were rolling
The story was very interesting, but the video game part is sub-par for me.
Just going to spoiler tag my thoughts to be safe...
-Very boring open world that looks like PS3 era.
-Dodge mechanic was very "mushy" didn't feel tight like Bayonetta for example
-Having 80% of the 2nd playthrough be a copy/paste of the first is incredibly tedious and boring
-The side quests that I did were very uninspiring and seemed like they were straight out of an MMO
-Takes way to long to switch your chips out. (when you find your previous dead body why is the default option "No" when it asks if you want to re-equip your chips??? That caught me a few times)
-You have to fight the same enemies WAAAYYYY to many times towards the end of the 3rd playthrough, going up the white tower was so incredibly boring by the end.
I just wanted it to be over with.
If this game was closer to 20 hours instead of 40 I would have liked it a lot more, but there's just too much filler and padding for my tastes.
I say it's my most disappointing game so far this year because of how excited I was heading into it vs. how I feel about it now that I'm done. I know I'm in the minority on this... But hearing all the praise on GAF and hearing people like Patrick Kelepek say it's a top 10 game OF ALL TIME just isn't what I experienced.
I totally understand where you're coming from on this. I think there's a thread already saying this, but I hope they do pull a Majora's Mask and use this exact same tech and do something crazy or different but still use the same engine. Like a more traditional Zelda game, but with the tech of BotW would sure be interesting to see.
I'm still enjoying Zelda but I think I'm psyching myself out a bit with comparing the universal praise to my own experience and wondering why I don't feel more strongly for what is essentially my favourite series. I like it quite a bit, but there are a few key spots where it doesn't quite 'hit' for me or resonate as much as I would like. Some of the sentiments in that thread about people sharing why they still prefer other Zelda games to BoTW hits a lot of it on the head.
For me it's namely the dungeon thing, enemy variety in the open world, story progression issues, and lack of memorable characters and definition to the world outside a select few cases. It was kind of puzzling to think how despite the tech limitations, Majoras Mask and Ocarina of Time felt like a more defined and cohesive world than the Hyrule in BoTW. Maybe that contrast is the point since it's somewhat of a post-apocolypse, but I was hoping the open world meant more pockets of civilization than what was ultimately there (it feels like the entirety of Hyrule has <200 citizens all told). Kind of takes the wind out of exploration sails.
Should be noted that I'm 35ish hours in with a few regions left to explore so maybe that changes, but yeah. I don't regret the purchase by any means and I appreciate the risk they're taking but I'll be interested to see where the series goes after this. Somewhere between old and new approaches will ultimately be the sweet spot, I think.
I tried to buy some shirts from The Yetee the other day but they cancelled my order because I gave a package forwarding service as my shipping address... which is what I use to order stuff from the US so that it gets delivered to my country easily. Sucks that they do that, but I've encountered similar sites over the years and I guess it's some fraud protection method![]()