So much for the tolerant video game press

So much for the tolerant video game press
They did a dumb thing. People laugh at them. Somebody else is going to make the next dumb thing tomorrow. People will laugh at that somebody. That's how the Internet works.
Man, so Jeff starts Giantbomb, creates UPF as a premium feature, and after nearly a decade passes, briefly addresses the Switch build quality in an over two hour show, uploads it to vidme, all to get clicks for slandering Nintendo? Jeff is playing 7th dimensional chess here. He even gave Mario Maker GOTY to throw off suspicion of being an anti-Nintendo agent.
Can't wait for the Switch to come out, when everyone just accepts that the negatives are in fact correct, and they were just having some real rose tinted launch glasses on.
Can someone link me to the video of this masterpiece?
Thank you for sharing with me your wisdom. Truly, you have lifted me from the murky depths of ignorance.
But it's true!Jeff shits on Brazil saying that the Master System is probably still popular here
This is from 2015. said:The website notes a stunning fact—despite being a console that's nearly 30 years old, it still sells around 150,000 units per year in the country. That's a level that holds its own compared to more modern consoles like the Sony PlayStation 4.
Jeff shits on Brazil saying that the Master System is probably still popular here
Maybe "the," "of," or "and" might beat it.Is "War" the most used word in video game titles ever?
Call me crazy but I think Wonder Boy might be my most anticipated game right now.
It's just a rumor but i'll be all in if the Shenmue remaster actually happens.
In semi-related news, I haven't laughed as much while playing a game as I do with Yakuza 0, this game is fucking great.
Looking for a safe place to weather the storm of Nintendo fanatics for a month or so, until this whole thing has blown over.
I looked at the art in Woderboy and thought "man, that looks french". I feel like a genius now.
Ask my anything about french video game art
Looking for a safe place to weather the storm of Nintendo fanatics for a month or so, until this whole thing has blown over.
What's the deal with XIII?
You found the right place if you're looking for moderate expectations and light sarcasm.![]()
Looking for a safe place to weather the storm of Nintendo fanatics for a month or so, until this whole thing has blown over.
Hahaha. Oh you sweet summer child. There is no place to hide from fanboys. The hell hath no fury like a fanboy scorned.
shadow of wardor won't even be mentioned in this year's goty debates
Hah, this caller that barely knows anything about games. 😁