god the end of Furious 7 still hits as hard as it did 4 years ago
Literally just finished watching it a minute ago and boy was that rough.Jesus the ending of F7. That is something.
I watched F7 right after Fury Road so I was a bit disappointed with some of the car chase scenes but goddamn it's the only franchise that seems to be truckin' along and improving after each film. (Fast Five is still my favorite though).
That and maybe Mission: Impossible. After 1 and 2, it seemed like a meh franchise. I remember rolled eyes when MI3 was announced. 3, 4, and 5 have revitalized that franchise. As for Mission: Impossible, it can't be a coincidence that the leap in quality coincided with J.J. Abram's involvement (directed 3, produced 4, 5, and next year's 6). Even Jeff spoke very, very highly of 5 (Rogue Nation).
Idris Elba would be a good F&F bad guy.
The first Mission: Impossible is still the best film of the franchise but it's a very different movie from the later ones.
In the end the second oen is the only bad one.
I'd probably rank them 1 > 4 > 3 > 5 > 2
I just can't get into any of the MI films. I have no idea why. They just don't work for me.
They should do a F&F of Edge of Tomorrow if a couple of them haven't seen it.
Saw "Your Name." tonight. It was great.
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one on the planet that liked MI2.
Waiting on that blu. Looks real good.
Battleground game seems tense af. They should do stream of it.
The way they handled the ending of 7 is kind of mindboggling in how sensitively done it was.
Considering the series.
I haven't seen it many times, but I did enjoy it enough. Probably my least favorite, though. Of the whole franchise, I think Philip Seymour Hoffman's villain in MI3 is easily my favorite of the antagonists.
That would be great.Maybe a cross-coast stream?
the only mission impossible movie i saw was 4 because i'm a really big ratatouille fan
It's the weakest one but I enjoy it because of how over the top and dumb it is, It also has a good score as well by Hans Zimmer. Yup, Hoffman was definitely the best antagonist. That damn MI3 opening is great because of him.
the only mission impossible movie i saw was 4 because i'm a really big ratatouille fan
---Rorie squads up, Brad builds a house boat, and Jeff is flat out playing golf.
I think 5 has the best score, personally.
1 had Danny Elfman, 2 had Hans Zimmer, 3 and 4 had Michael Giacchino, 5 had Joe Kraemer (the only one I had never heard of beforehand). At first, I was disappointed that Michael Giacchino was not returning for 5 (if not for John Williams, he might be my favorite composer), but the soundtrack ended up being so, so good. Also, the integration of the music from the opera scene was awesome (even though, that particular opera is starting to become overused (it was awesomely used in Daredevil Season 1, though)).
so if Vinny fighting that Yosuke boss on episode 9 is already driving me nuts, I'm in for a rough time in later episodes arent I?![]()
Unprofessional Fridays: 04/07/2017
Hmm can't rank the scores, have to listen to them. Generally though, they all had good/great scores.
Speaking of Mission: Impossible, how cool is it that the opening sequence of 5 was inspired by Uncharted (the cargo plane sequence from UC3).
Yup, it's pretty insane. What's more insane is that he did the stunt 8 times IIRC(it has been a while since I've seen the behind the scenes stuff for that film).
e: He did.
what is wrong with him oh my god
Still can't believe Tommy did that
It's because of him, I feel, that the Mission Impossible franchise overshadow James Bond now. Skyfall was like the last bond film worth a fuck and it wasn't even Casino Royale tier.
e: Speaking of MI5, he also held his breath for 6 minutes underwater because the entire sequence was done in a single take.
Mission Impossible definitely has a pretty similar history as F&F. The first movie was a pretty tight stand-alone movie that didn't necessarily have to spawn a franchise. The second movie was a disappointing heap of trash that really should've killed the future viability of the franchise. Then the later installments find their groove and just go all-in on the stupidity and become awesome.
There is a divergence in that Mission Impossible never had a Tokyo Drift style side story or a complex timeline, but still its probably the closest comparison to F&F.
Battleground game seems tense af. They should do stream of it.