P Piston Hyundai Member Jan 29, 2015 #52 The Dear Leader said: That thread title makes me sick, what are we a bunch of animals around here? Click to expand... we're apparently a bunch of gay australians
The Dear Leader said: That thread title makes me sick, what are we a bunch of animals around here? Click to expand... we're apparently a bunch of gay australians
F Fantastapotamus Wrong about commas, wrong about everything Jan 29, 2015 #53 Brad reached the nirvana Edit: God damit Dan, stop stealing my jokes HOLY SHIT
C chaobreaker Member Jan 29, 2015 #54 Renpatsu said: Does this thread have heart? Click to expand... No but it does has styyyyyyyyyyyleee
T TharpDaddy Member Jan 29, 2015 #55 Renpatsu said: Does this thread have heart? Click to expand... It's got styyyyyyyle Damnit Chaobreaker. DAMNIT
Renpatsu said: Does this thread have heart? Click to expand... It's got styyyyyyyle Damnit Chaobreaker. DAMNIT
R ratcliffja Member Jan 29, 2015 #59 Fantastapotamus said: Brad reached the nirvana Edit: God damit Dan, stop stealing my jokes Click to expand... Oh so THAT's what smelled like teen spirit.
Fantastapotamus said: Brad reached the nirvana Edit: God damit Dan, stop stealing my jokes Click to expand... Oh so THAT's what smelled like teen spirit.
N Nethaniah Member Jan 29, 2015 #67 I love how Brad isn't all excited and stuff like he would be in the last two games, he truly does not care.
I love how Brad isn't all excited and stuff like he would be in the last two games, he truly does not care.
F Fantastapotamus Wrong about commas, wrong about everything Jan 29, 2015 #68 I can't believe what is happening right now
B Brashnir Member Jan 29, 2015 #73 I was hoping Brad would say, "You know what the best part is? Fuck you."
T TharpDaddy Member Jan 29, 2015 #77 This is like a reverse Breaking Brad. Everyone else has broken and Brad is finally complete.
L Lonestar I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion Jan 29, 2015 #81 Brad's found the level past "0 Fucks given"
R razgriz417 Member Jan 29, 2015 #83 omg drew's face, i dont think we've ever seen him this mad lol, has totally made this worth the sub price
omg drew's face, i dont think we've ever seen him this mad lol, has totally made this worth the sub price
S Servbot #42 Unconfirmed Member Jan 29, 2015 #84 The amount of salt by everyone already makes this the best mario party party, i can't even tell if they are joking around anymore.
The amount of salt by everyone already makes this the best mario party party, i can't even tell if they are joking around anymore.
B BreezyLimbo Banned Jan 29, 2015 #85 Now brads the one humming, Drew has taken Jeffs position in being annoyed, and Dan is like Brad in calling everything stupid Edit-Oh wow Drew broke
Now brads the one humming, Drew has taken Jeffs position in being annoyed, and Dan is like Brad in calling everything stupid Edit-Oh wow Drew broke
F Fantastapotamus Wrong about commas, wrong about everything Jan 29, 2015 #91 Dan can't believe what's happening
F f0rk Member Jan 29, 2015 #92 getting jason to sub in for you is clearly cheating and drew has to do a solo mario party stream now
C Captain Fish Member Jan 29, 2015 #97 Wow, Jeff didn't give enough of a shit to even win that mini-game. lol
Z Zodzilla Member Jan 29, 2015 #98 Drew, a man who literally could survive a trip to North Korea, but couldn't survive a trip to Mario Party 3.
Drew, a man who literally could survive a trip to North Korea, but couldn't survive a trip to Mario Party 3.
P Piston Hyundai Member Jan 29, 2015 #99 maybe drew wouldn't have left if he actually used his fucking lamp when he had it