the holder of the trombone
Will Brad like Destiny 2?
Will Brad like Destiny 2?
It certainly is the superior convenience store.
This video is up there with UPF 12/05/2014 as videos I'll always get back to when I'm having a terrible day and they never fail in making me feel great again.
I'm not sure if I watched anything other than Hitsmas beyond their intros.
Hitsmas and rock band were the only videos that I remembered from last year.
Pretty much all of the goty video content they put out this past year was A+, it really made the holidays much better for me.
Didn't watch the rocket league rubber match? Austin came back for that one.
The VR video was fun with Vinny freaking out over heights
Will Brad like Destiny 2?
Don't get me wrong, the skits were fun, but we get waaaaay more content out of this.
And without Ryan, I really don't think they'll ever recapture the magic of them.
Jeff's Christmas cooking, Papa Vinny's breakfast cooking, and ASMR with AXNR were my favorite videos from 2 years ago.
Jeff's Christmas cooking, Papa Vinny's breakfast cooking, and ASMR with AXNR were my favorite videos from 2 years ago.
That face when meme mondays.
Jeff's Christmas cooking, Papa Vinny's breakfast cooking, and ASMR with AXNR were my favorite videos from 2 years ago.
That face when meme mondays.
Just finished: Uncharted Lost Legacy...
I liked it more than Uncharted 4
Great game
Great OT!
Ok Detiny peeps, 15 more minutes!
The last 30 min... hoo boy.
That finale was my fav setpiece of the series.
Ryan, I always said, dropped perhaps the best thing GB has ever done.
I've been working my way thru the old podcasts (08) in fits and starts over the last year or so, and yeah, I miss him a fraction of what Alex is.
Brad does a Metal Face to avoid losing it!
Yeah, Destiny actually has more loot than guns though so it's more effective in that respect as well. Also the shooting doesn't feel like complete garbage so it's got that going for it too.So uh, is Destiny the Diablo of shooters? Basically what Borderlands tried to be although the depth in that series isn't all that great.
So uh, is Destiny the Diablo of shooters? Basically what Borderlands tried to be although the depth in that series isn't all that great.
Yeah, Destiny actually has more loot than guns though so it's more effective in that respect as well. Also the shooting doesn't feel like complete garbage so it's got that going for it too.
I was lumping grenades with guns, and shields never had a cosmetic effect attached to them so it was missing part of the loot appeal. What I mean is armour is an important aspect of loot, and Destiny did not overlook that.But borderlands also has more loot than just guns? Shield, grenades, car paint, etc. etc.
I was lumping grenades with guns, and shields never had a cosmetic effect attached to them so it was missing part of the loot appeal. What I mean is armour is an important aspect of loot, and Destiny did not overlook that.
Wasn't convinced by the first 2 episodes of the 3rd season of Black Mirror but man the third one delivered (Dance Fucker Dance).
You mean "Shut up and Dance"? Or do you watch it en francais and it's titled differently?
Either way, season 3 has some crazy highs and crazy lows. Enjoy!
Wasn't convinced by the first 2 episodes of the 3rd season of Black Mirror but man the third one delivered (Dance Fucker Dance).
Is Sarah Palmer here?
Is Sarah Palmer here?