Guys, Six Crazy Frights is kind of boring. Long videos don't really work for this.
Guys, Six Crazy Frights is kind of boring. Long videos don't really work for this.
Your avatar is boring.Guys, Six Crazy Frights is kind of boring. Long videos don't really work for this.
Here we go...
Short version of a long issue - My grandmother (who made it to almost 93!) was told today by her doctor that she has about two weeks left to live, and that they'll make sure that she is as comfortable as she can be. (She's been going through chemo for almost a year now, and she's gotten sick too many times from it for them to want to keep doing it. That's why I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt with the timeline.)
Anyway, today I went with my mom to visit her in the hospital, and my mom gave me time with my grandmother to say goodbye to her.
While saying goodbye to her, I was an absolute wreck, but now that I'm home I don't know how I feel.
Like...I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with this at this point. I said goodbye to her, but she's not "gone" yet. Typing this is making me freak out again about it, and I'm sure if I really wanted to, I could go say bye again, but I don't know what that would do. I'm sure she'd LIKE to see me again, but I feel like her and I made our peace about "our" relationship.
I'm just rambling at this point, so has anyone else had to go through with this? Am I normal? Or am I fucked up because of how I feel at the moment? (I can accept either, it's fine).
Your avatar is boring.
Here we go...
Short version of a long issue - My grandmother (who made it to almost 93!) was told today by her doctor that she has about two weeks left to live, and that they'll make sure that she is as comfortable as she can be. (She's been going through chemo for almost a year now, and she's gotten sick too many times from it for them to want to keep doing it. That's why I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt with the timeline.)
Anyway, today I went with my mom to visit her in the hospital, and my mom gave me time with my grandmother to say goodbye to her.
While saying goodbye to her, I was an absolute wreck, but now that I'm home I don't know how I feel.
Like...I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with this at this point. I said goodbye to her, but she's not "gone" yet. Typing this is making me freak out again about it, and I'm sure if I really wanted to, I could go say bye again, but I don't know what that would do. I'm sure she'd LIKE to see me again, but I feel like her and I made our peace about "our" relationship.
I'm just rambling at this point, so has anyone else had to go through with this? Am I normal? Or am I fucked up because of how I feel at the moment? (I can accept either, it's fine).
Guys, Six Crazy Frights is kind of boring. Long videos don't really work for this.
Here we go...
Short version of a long issue - My grandmother (who made it to almost 93!) was told today by her doctor that she has about two weeks left to live, and that they'll make sure that she is as comfortable as she can be. (She's been going through chemo for almost a year now, and she's gotten sick too many times from it for them to want to keep doing it. That's why I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt with the timeline.)
Anyway, today I went with my mom to visit her in the hospital, and my mom gave me time with my grandmother to say goodbye to her.
While saying goodbye to her, I was an absolute wreck, but now that I'm home I don't know how I feel.
Like...I don't know how I'm supposed to deal with this at this point. I said goodbye to her, but she's not "gone" yet. Typing this is making me freak out again about it, and I'm sure if I really wanted to, I could go say bye again, but I don't know what that would do. I'm sure she'd LIKE to see me again, but I feel like her and I made our peace about "our" relationship.
I'm just rambling at this point, so has anyone else had to go through with this? Am I normal? Or am I fucked up because of how I feel at the moment? (I can accept either, it's fine).
Sitting here looking at the GT Sport menu screen and yo, these are some nice looking cars.
Also I think this is the first HDR-enabled game I've played on my new TV and I'm not sure how to feel about it. I can kinda see the difference in some scenes but if it hadn't told me it was enabled I'm not sure I would have noticed anything special. It's more just like "Yep, that sun glare sure is bright!"
is the demo up?
You can preload and watch the attract mode on the main menu. That's it until the 9th.
Destiny 2 raid talk ends at 1:25:46 for anyone else that may be as sick of that shit as I am
Sitting here looking at the GT Sport menu screen and yo, these are some nice looking cars.
Also I think this is the first HDR-enabled game I've played on my new TV and I'm not sure how to feel about it. I can kinda see the difference in some scenes but if it hadn't told me it was enabled I'm not sure I would have noticed anything special. It's more just like "Yep, that sun glare sure is bright!"
Better be quick about it though because it's going to get patched.
im on the final boss of cuphead and fuck
It's a bug if you try to escape it by going all the way left, you will always take damage. Your only bet is to jump near the edge of the screen when going left and dash to the right. Or hope that he goes you take damage for no reason on the serpent form too
just ran into that and I have no idea what's going on
that Divinity QL was... a little rough
do you take damage for no reason on the serpent form too
just ran into that and I have no idea what's going on
I tried Divinity 1.
Man, those games are NOT for me, god damn.
I am essentially at the first city, and now I have to solve a murder, and I literally could not give 0 fucks at this point, and it's the beginning of the game.
I love Dragon Age though. Not sure if those are the same games or not. But DA seems more action focused I suppose.
Divinity 1 or Original Sin 1? Divinity 1 is a really different thing
Divinity Original Sin 1 on PS4.
Plus everything feels really cumbersome on the controller, specifically UI. It's one of those things I'm sure I can learn. I think I just prefer games a little more casual I guess, like Dragon Age.
Just started the DOS2 QL, annnd I think Rorie's got the totally wrong idea on what DOS2 is offering. It's not that you can't do everything, it's that you can do anything. It's not an either-or like Mass Effect or the Witcher, where you're locking off other paths, but moreso that all paths are open to you at all times, should you have the ability to walk them.
Like, you know how, in Skyrim, one of its selling points was that you can kill any NPC and thanks to the Radiant AI system it won't change anything? Well, Divinity: Original Sin 1 (and, to a much greater extent, 2) solved that and will let you kill practically anyone and pay the price (or reap the rewards) of such an action, without breaking the game. It can be pretty janky but it works.
Maybe they clear that up later but it's been bugging me more than the "DOS2 is on consoles" info (which is wrong; it's PC only currently).
Yeah, fair call. I don't have as much experience with the genre as some so it's hard for me to gauge. (I'm enjoying what I've played of DOS2 though.)Such a difficult kind of game to quick look. I think Rorie did a good job, his play-style reflected how I wound up playing Divinity OS 1. I dont know what else they could do with such a text heavy game.
Is it actually? The presentation is very interesting but when the trailer just became vaguely third-person action shooter I kinda tuned out. Good story at least?ECHO is a really fucking good game you guys, just wrapped it up
Anxiety sure is irrational. Austin on his Twitter is talking about how he has too bad of a social anxiety to see movies by himself, meanwhile I love that shit but could never imagine doing a panel in front of a packed convention center room like he does.
Is it actually? The presentation is very interesting but when the trailer just became vaguely third-person action shooter I kinda tuned out. Good story at least?
Its not really an action shooter at all, I fired maybe two dozen shots my entire playthrough? Its definitely a "vision cones" MGS style stealth game, which isn't what I normally go for, but I had enough fun here. The "enemies copying you" thing ends up being less ultra gameplay relevant than you might like, but its still fucking unnerving every time you hear a door open behind you and realize you taught them that last time around, it really works as a mood setter even if the gameplay remains a tiiiiny bit simplistic
And its a pretty good story yeah, its the closest any game I've played has gotten to evoking Alastair Reynolds/Ian Banks-esque "hypertech space weirdness".
I can't really call any one bit of it incredible, but somehow the overall package comes together so tightly that I enjoyed it way more than the sum of its parts. Its one of the most cohesive games I've ever played
Im beautiful
Naughty Dog hasn't made a good game since Crash Team Racing.
I keep seeing people talk about all the great games coming out this year, but all I end up playing is more PUBG.
240 hours in and I still want more.
I at least installed D:OS2
I love you.